Read Around the World

119 participants, 2,203 books


To complete each challenge you must read a book that:
(1) takes place in said country
(2) is by an author who was born in that country 
(3) is not merely "inspired by" a certain culture/country

I recognize that not everyone will follow these rules and it's your challenge too so you can do what you want, but those are the three rules I will be following to ensure that the books I read represent the countries as best as possible.

Note: For countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia that were colonized by Europeans, I recommend prioritizing books by indigenous voices rather than picking up any book that takes place in the US/Canada/Australia and counting it. This way, underrepresented and true native voices are highlighted. 

These books can be of any genre, but these rules apply in order to make it more comprehensive of the experiences and cultures of the countries in question. 

Some of these countries are very small and therefore may have little literature to choose from. There are also a LOT of countries. Hence, this is an ongoing challenge and not one meant to be completed in a single year. 

If you discuss this on social media, please tag me as the creator! I am @forevermorepages on Instagram (and used to be @bookhuggerreviews in case you recognize that username instead) and Goodreads! 

Challenge Prompts
