A review by canadiancascadian
Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and into a Life of Connection and Joy by Aundi Kolber


I would absolutely recommend this book to any Christian who has suffered from trauma, particularly trauma from their childhood.

Aundi Kolber’s message is exactly what the title says: Try Softer. So many of us who have experienced deep hurt or trauma, particularly from our caregivers, have a tendency to push the hard feelings down and -as Aundi likes to say- white-knuckle our way through life. Try harder. Make everything okay. Survive.

But we don’t have to do that.

By learning how to identify and sit with our feelings, we can find healing. We can learn to be more resilient people. We don’t have to push ourselves to be okay when we’re not. But we do need to learn how to connect with our bodies and our emotions.

Aundi walks her readers through all of this and offers helpful exercises for those who either disconnect from their emotions or those who over-identify with their emotions to be able to find a healthy balance between the two. She helps the reader to find their “window of tolerance”, and how to identify when we are no longer within that window.

This is such a helpful book and I cannot recommend it strongly enough.