A review by micklz24
The Mindfulness Survival Kit: Five Essential Practices by Thích Nhất Hạnh


I read this book because I wanted a deeper look into the Five Mindfulness Trainings so I can better practice them in my own life - and this was super helpful in expounding on them more. For that reason I’ll likely return to this book again and again. I prefer Pema Chodron’s writing style to Thich Nhat Hanh - his feels a little less accesible - but overall this was a good read. I also enjoyed his discussion of ethics and think he does a good job of presenting Buddhist concepts in a way that is relatable and helpful to people of all faiths, belief systems, etc. My only “complaint” so to speak is just that reading this requires more focus than some other books i’ve read on these topics because of the way it’s written.