A review by extraextrareadallaboutit
Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life by Suhas Kshirsagar, Michelle D. Seaton


Drawing from Ayurvedic concepts, I felt that Kshirsagar did a great job breaking down how we might approach our lives differently. Most of the suggestions feel subtle and intuitive but affirming enough to give you the push to make the change.

Oddly enough, at about the same time as reading this, a lot of the practices suggested felt instinctively in line with changes I had already been contemplating making.

It's refreshing to have a book that doesn't encourage extreme measures to upgrade the ways you're living.

There were a few sections that ask you to complete surveys to categorise you in to one of the three doshas. This kind of thing annoys me because it feels too broad.

Overall though the book was extremely useful and the more I've reflected on it in the weeks since reading it and having implemented many of the recommendations, I think this book is an extremely worthwhile read. Good for any one looking to optimise their health by leveraging their natural circadian rhythms.