A review by rickwren
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher


I try. I try and I try. I really do try to like business books. I love history books and fictional worlds and memoirs. I love books, but I struggle with business books. They are usually pretty dry. That said, this one wasn't too bad.

Be nice. That's basically the rule to negotiation. Here's the thing I've found, if a deal is going to make both parties lives better, or easier than you can work something out. You have something they want and they have something you want. Just come to terms, but you have to be trustworthy. Don't try to scam anyone. Just be honest. You don't have to give all the information, but with what you're saying and doing, don't lie.

I don't know if every meeting is a negotiation. I don't know if every interaction is a deal. That's the mindset I can't get into. Sometimes I like doing nice things. Sometimes I don't need to force things to maximum advantage. Sometimes it works out in my favor down the road, and sometimes it doesn't. I mean, I don't help old ladies across the road because someone will notice and contract me for work. I don't hold the door open or let people go ahead of me in the grocery line if they only have a couple items just so I can make a deal.

That's the mindset I'm talking about. I'm not so good at mercenary.