A review by rmtbray
The Fast Diet: The Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer by Mimi Spencer, Michael Mosley


Is this the Aitkins of our time?! Having watched the Horizon programme a year ago, I thought I'd check out the book (hint - it's pretty much a repeat!) It all sounds a bit too good to be true, but that doesn't stop it from also being rather tempting... you can lose 10lbs in 10 weeks of 2 day a week fasting, apparently, but I'm pretty sure that depends on how much you have to lose in the first place, and as I'm not massive I think 10lbs in 10 weeks isn't going to happen (my mother would also freak out!) - but I still might give it a go next term and report back!

One thing I did find rather annoying is the not insignificant section given over to testimonials, including ones people have posted on mums net etc - reaked massively of being a filler to me!