A review by lillowo
Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book by Dan Harris

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
By fidgety skeptics what they mean is people who do not like the perception of Buddhist that is in the mainstream media. Constantly throughout the first third of this book, the stereotypes of Buddhists are made fun of. Despite this dislike of Buddhist stereotypes, this book instead of trying to redefine what Buddhism is in terms of the practice of meditation, it goes to McMindfulness. It removes all of these spirituality around meditation. I'm wanting something that's more spiritually grounded and doesn't wash and westernize a practice with such a deep cultural history.

Additionally I was incredibly put off by the amount of jokes made at the expense of mental illness. Constantly there are jokes made and some of them don't even make sense. One example of this is the author makes note that calming/taining the voice in your head isn't a schizophrenic thing. We all know what a voice inside her head is. We know what an inner monologue is you don't need to relate it to mental health. I don't mind when it's talking about one's personal experiences and feeling crazy or insane because of that but the jokes were just made constantly and felt like in poor taste.

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