A review by tabone
Art of Enchantment: How to Woo, Influence and Persuade by Guy Kawasaki


The good
A few nuggets of insight around enchantment are scattered throughout the book. (I'm defining 'insight' as something the author brings to the table that you could not or would not have deduced on your own through common sense.) I took away about a dozen actionable bullet points (re: a startup). There were a few anecdotal stories that really helped characterize a point about enchantment.

The bad
It's really just another business book: written lightly, strangely organized, painfully shallow, very derivative. I read the majority of the first half, and skimmed most of the second half. There's just so much filler; like every single business book I've ever read, it ought to just be a rich 2-page bulleted outline.

The absolute worst aspect of this book is Guy's repeated, flimsy use of "the Macintosh computer" & Steve Jobs as his illustrative example of enchantment. It worked for the first 1 or 2 chapters, and then begins to undermine his ability to persuade any further.

Recommendation: borrow it from the library, and skim it over in an hour or two.