A review by debr
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker


Listen up America, and large parts of the rest of the world (and I hope it’s been widely translated): Read This Book!!!! Not only is it full of absolutely mind-blowing evidence of the importance of sleep and how it affects every facet of our lives- and the lives of most species with whom we share the planet- it is also astonishingly well written. I have learned so much reading this book (just ask my friends and family who are ready to disown me if I don’t stop sending them screenshots and quoting from it)!

Ok there are two things in here I have to kvetch about. Dr.Walker, please do not spread the misconception that children sleep less and do less well in school if they have to ride the bus instead of having their parents drive them. I absolutely guarantee that equation is not so simple and highly context dependent as to whether there is actually sleep lost to a bus schedule. And the sustainability mind in me is horrified that you are suggesting putting more people in individual cars is a viable solution. All you have to do is look at the school traffic congestion in my one suburb to know that’s a bad idea.

Also, I was pissed at his statement that bus driver unions are an impediment to shifting school day timing. Nope I don’t buy that for an instant unles you can show me evidence. All that sounds like is a baseless right-wing theory that unions stand in the way of progress. Come on- districts can make these shifts and work with all their staff to make these changes work.

Ok I had to get that off my chest. Back to the glowing review that really, this book is so eye-opening and insightful and important when it comes to understanding the purpose and importance of sleep.
After reading this book I think I honestly may turn into a sleep fascist for myself and everyone I know.