A review by thekohanacritique
How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price


"how to break up with your phone" not only explains the long-term detrimental effects of how your brain and your lifestyle deteriorates with uncontrolled, mindless, sans self-control and unintentional phone usage habits and behaviours, but also gives you a 30-day elaborate guide and exercises that you can take upon yourself should you want to rid yourself with your 24-7-365 days of constantly using your phone and get (back to) some real life in you.

Having listened to a bunch of personal experiences on why social media or unintentional usage of your smartphone is detrimental for one's health, the professional/objective research-backed book helped a lot in understanding the rippling effect that is/has taken place in society ever since the introduction of the 1st iPhone. I found it interesting as well as horribly frightening. But it is all very much understandable given that we face the shortcomings in our day to day life - shorter attention spans, is one example ever since the evolution of short-form videos on TikTok and IG Reels.

I liked the book because it doesn't give you superficial band-aids to your phone addiction like "just set an app timer" or "delete your socials/apps and ditch your phone forever" but actual advice, reasoning and layered exercises that you can practice and come to a "breakthrough" with your phone, tackling the depths of habit changes that your smartphone has done to you for all these years, if not decades.