a_blue_box_full_of_books's reviews
185 reviews

The Artist, by Ed Vere

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This beautiful picture book is an inspiring story celebrating creativity and imagination. A little artist goes on a quest to explore the world. Stopping in a town, she shares her art with the people around her, painting large buildings with beautiful colors. But as she creates a new drawing, she colors outside the lines. Ashamed of herself, the artist thinks that her creative journey is over, but the people of the town encourage her and remind her that it is ok to make a mistake, as it is how we learn.

I love the strong message shared in the Artist, that will surely talk to all little creators. It is a joyful and inspiring story ! I really love the art as well, all these splashes of colors are truly wonderful !
Bloom, by Julia Seal

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Bloom is a colorful, beautiful and poetic picture book with a strong ecological message : once the ocean was full of sea creatures, but little jellyfish noticed things were changing. He goes on a quest to discover the truth and learns that everyone has a part to play in protecting the careful balance of the ocean. 

“Bloom” refers to a substantial increase in the jellyfish population that can be caused by climate change and pollution. It is a truly amazing children’s book, showing young readers how it is important to care for the Earth.
How to Draw a Happy Cat, by Jimbo Matison, Ethan T Berlin, Ethan T Berlin

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How fun is this picture book ! Text and illustrations are full of humor and invite young readers to follow Cat going on adventure , as the artist does his best to make his character happy : new friends, airplane, pizzas. Nothing seems to work ! I love this picture book so much ! And there is a chicken in it !!! It is so original, and the story really made me smile. It is a really great and amazing quest ! I love how the drawings are explained and quite simple to reproduce, allowing children to imagine more stories for Cat, and even maybe other ways to make him smile.
The New Town Librarian, by Kathy Anderson

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This novel was so fun ! As a former librarian, I could totally relate to the heroine’s experiences with the patrons. Grumpy Nan Nethercott is an adorable character : queer middle-aged woman, she still has no idea what to do with her life. So her new job in a small town in southern New Jersey sounds like a new start. She is finally head librarian, yeah ! But her dream coming true isn’t exactly what she imagined. 

I love the secondary characters and how they really help in the development of the story and the heroine’s growth. Nan’s landlady, Immaculata and her husband are the best ! It is a story about a Found family, but it is also above all about the love of books,  about the joy of coming together to talk about books and how books can change lives. It is definitely an adorable cozy romcom, and I really enjoyed it.

Strega, by Johanne Lykke Holm

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Stuck in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, a group of nine young women work for the season. Once majestic, the Olympic Hotel is now an empty shell, perched in the mountains above the small village of Strega. Everyday is the same routine, the same gestures. Everyday the girls wait for guests who never come. One evening, guests arrive to celebrate the solstice and one of the girls disappears. 

The atmosphere of Strega is very unique, almost claustrophobic. The reader shares the daily life of the young women, witnessing the work they do everyday, seemingly without any purpose as no guest ever comes . The days are calm, and peaceful, and the girls just enjoy each other’s company. Until something very dark happens. The reader never knows exactly what happened to the missing girl, but clues are left along the way. 

Strega is a very slow novel. Johanne Lykke Holm takes her time to establish her background story, weaving a tale with gothic elements. I loved the slow pace of the story. It is a slow ride where you take the time to contemplate the landscapes. It is strange. Very strange. Full of esoteric elements. Certainly a deep read that stays with you afterwards, still wondering what exactly happened.
Please Return to the Lands of Luxury, by Jon Tilton

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Jane lives on an island. A land made of mountain of trashes where the girl and the other children dig everyday to find what they need to survive. Still, Jane and the others love their home. But one morning, Jane discovers something different : a beautiful doll ! Convinced that the toy arrived here by mistake, Jane goes on a rescue mission to bring the doll back to its owner in the Lands of Luxury.

Jon Tilton is an incredible world builder and a great writer. This middle grade novel was really a very exciting read : it is full of adventure and danger, and Jane the heroine is totally adorable ! Who would have guessed that a doll could be the key to such an unexpected trip ? 
Little Daymond Learns to Earn, by Daymond John, Nicole Miles

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Little Daymond learns to earn is an ingenious picture book explaining to young readers everything about business and money. Young Daymond wishes to buy a poster of his favorite singer, but doesn’t have enough money. With the help of his best friends, he creates a business and successfully reaches his goal !
Jiu-Jitsu Girl, by Jennifer Dutton

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I loved this middle grade novel ! Jennifer Dutton explores with accuracy the difficulties of preteens. Jiu-Jitsu Girl is another great title published by Jolly Fish Press !

I love the humor of the heroine : she always finds funny things to say, despite the most difficult situations. Angie is really a sweet girl who is doing her best to adapt to a new school and find friends. She sees it as a fresh start, a way to present a new self. She has a caring, but at the same time distant mom, and their relationship is sometimes difficult. She dreams of becoming friends with the cool kids, and being seen as one herself. Angie has really an interesting character evolution in the story !
It Happened on Saturday, by Sydney Dunlap

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Julia only finds peace and happiness in the company of horses. She feels ignored by her family and her best friend, who just met a boy. So when Tyler comments on the picture she posted online and shows interest, Julia is intrigued and pleased. When they DM, Julia thinks that someone finally understands and likes her. When Tyler wishes to meet Julia in reel life, the teenager is excited : she may finally have a boyfriend !

It happened on Saturday is a powerful novel on a difficult subject : human trafficking. Through the heroine, thirteen-year-old Julia, a smart but lonely young girl, we discover the unexpected dangers that can hide in social media shadows. Sydney Dunlap handles with care this topic, not often used in middle grade novels. I am impressed how she developed the story, dealing with the events leading to the accident, but also showing the repercussions, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is truly a great read !
Jigging for Halibut With Tsinii, by Robert Davidson, Sara Florence Davidson

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First book of the Sk’ad’a stories series, this beautiful picture book shares the strong relationship between artist Robert Davidson and his Tsinii (his grandfather). The sharing of knowledge and Haida culture is at the heart of the story. Today’s lesson is how to catch a fish. Through the powerful and sensitive art of Janine Gibbons, young reader witnesses the wait and the catch, rocked by the waves of the ocean.

I love the Sk’ad’a stories series. These picture books are poetic, and a pure pleasure for the eyes.