amaboutbooks's reviews
946 reviews

How You Get The Girl by Anita Kelly

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this book and I DNF'ed it purely because of a me thing - I'm just not a sports romance person 😭 I LOVE this series so, so much and the other two books are 5 star reads for me. I just could not stay engaged with this story because I'm not a sports person 😭😉 it absolutely has all of the amazing qualities that Kelly brings to their stories and I wish I could get past my own disinterest in sports romance 😭😭
The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 49%.
The Merriest Misters by Timothy Janovsky

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Thank you so much for an e-ARC! I went into this blind and I'M SO GLAD I DID.

I absolutely loved this story so, so much, and I think it's a perfect holiday book! Think The Santa Clause, but make it queer with some marital strife and a HEA - SAY. LESS.

I really loved every aspect of this book, and read it in less than 24 hours because I genuinely could not put it down. I felt nostalgic at times and filled with Christmas wonder and magic - to be fair I am absolutely a queer Christmas elf, so I am the target audience for this book through and through. I think Janovsky does a phenomenal job of carrying the tension of situations throughout the story while also upholding the magical ones, which I believe can be such a difficult feat. I was invested in Patrick and Quinn from page one, and couldn't help but root for them throughout. I really loved that aspects of their struggles as a couple were SO relatable, and then we as readers were carried through this with Christmas magic, helping us to not get too pulled into the very real issues Patrick and Quinn were working through. 

All in all, I absolutely ADORED this book, and think it is a perfect holiday book!
Salvaged Hearts by Sydne Barnett

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Thank you so much to Sydne Barnett for an ARC! I have been lucky enough to read a few ARCs from Sydne Barnett and Y'ALL - HOW DOES SHE KEEP DOING THIS?! I looooove the Nomadic Rhodes series SO MUCH and was so excited to see that this new series is an offshoot of it. Please read the content warnings before starting - one thing that I love about Sydne is she is SO intentional about taking care of her readers, and this book is absolutely heavier than the Nomadic Rhodes book, so be sure to take care of yourselves friends!

"Marrying my alphahole boss to save his skin? Sure. Why not? It's not like my life is normal anyway."

AND THAT'S THE ONLY BLURB THAT YOU'RE GETTING. In romance I think that authors can lean too hard into tropes sometimes without substance, but ohhhhhh that does not apply to Sydne. I love the depth she puts into each of her characters and while you get the satisfaction of trops within her writing, YOU GET SO MUCH MORE. I absolutely adored both of our main characters, their story arcs and how things came together.

One thing that is different from the Nomadic Rhodes series is this has a bit more of an action/thriller vibe throughout...and I wasn't mad about it. I think the underlying heavier topics were handled so well, and all in all, I'm LOVING this new series. I can't wait to see more from the Rhodes siblings and yet again, Sydne has come out with a banger!
The Midnight Club by Margot Harrison

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.