amandalynn6's reviews
256 reviews

Kingmakers: Year One by Sophie Lark

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I love Sophie Lark’s writing, and I love this brutal world she’s building. The school is absolutely absurd, and I’m obsessed with it, with the gothic architecture, with the challenges, with the inherent tripwire of having all these kids from all these mafia families on one tiny island. I also love that even though it’s a college setting, they don’t feel young to me. I was a little nervous about that, but I should have just trusted in Sophie. It was really fun to get little glimpses of characters from the Brutal Birthright series. It’s cool to see them all as parents, and the kids all grown and in this crazy mafia school. I’m excited to see where the series goes. I really liked Anna and Leo. I don’t always love a love triangle, and I didn’t love it here, it was in fact my least favorite part of the book,
especially because you already knew who she’d end up with, so it always felt weird the few times she was with Dean
but I also think that without Dean and his pov the story wouldn’t have been any fun. Dean was a great foil for Leo, and I can’t wait for his book. 
Fall Into Temptation by Lucy Score

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Once again, the town, and any scene with all 3 brothers is really where this book shined. Gia and Beckett were fine, but the timeline was a little off, and I just didn’t really care about the two of them all that much. I loved any scene with the kids though, and Aurora calling Beckett Bucket never failed to make me laugh. I’ll continue the series eventually when I need a filler book because the town is really fun, but I won’t be running for the next one. 
Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr

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A really great listening experience. I love Anthony’s writing, and I really love how all the different stories come together. 
All of Us Villains by C.L. Herman, Amanda Foody

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I absolutely did not think I would love this as much as I did, but it was such a fun time!! 
Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey

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Every single star I am giving this book is for August Cates. He is a big dumb idiot oaf, and I loved him so much it was ridiculous. He was like if Marshall Eriksen from How I Met your Mother was a Navy Seal instead of a lawyer. Same big dumb lovable energy. He carried this whole book on his gigantic shoulders. Natalie was fine, but honestly she didn’t get likable til way late in the book. 
This one was Tessa Bailey at her most ridiculous, and I had a fantastic time. I honestly want to reread it just for the jokes alone. I was laughing almost the entire time. I love a good marriage of convenience, and it’s even better when the couple is already obsessed with each other and still trying to pretend they aren’t. And no one has ever been more down bad than August is for Natalie. It was adorable, and their banter was the best. They could get real mean to each other, but seeing them figure out each others true triggers, and immediately try to be better, while still holding on to the feistyness that made them, them were some of my favorite parts of the book. I just really loved this one, and I’d reread it for the hilarity, and for August over and over. 
You, with a View by Jessica Joyce

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I really loved the premise of this. The road trip, the journey of grief, and the reminder that we can always discover something new about the people we love. I adored Paul, he was so sweet, just a perfect supportive grandfather! The banter between Noelle and Theo was so much fun. I love how many questions Noelle always wanted to ask, and Theo’s calling her out on it. They were so cute. That epilogue also has to be in like the top 10 best epilogues ever. Seriously, I will never forget it, and Theo just raised the bar with that one. 
I also really love the reminder that it is ok to fail. That the world won’t end, and the people who love you will still love you when you do. And that you can always start over, start something new, or rediscover your passion. Also that anyone that is an asshole and told you that you suck, is wrong. Don’t listen to the assholes!! 
I do think this started a little slow for me, I didn’t really get into it until the back half. I also wish it was dual pov, I sometimes wanted a break from being inside Noelle’s head, but I also just always prefer dual pov. 
Overall I really enjoyed this, and I can’t wait to read more by the author! 
Wild Eyes by Elsie Silver

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I’m not really sure why this one isn’t a favorite. It has everything I want from an Elsie Silver book, and I Loved West, but I didn’t love this one as much as some of her others. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still great, just not what I was expecting I guess. Maybe I’ll change my mind when I think about it more 
Make-Believe Match by Melanie Harlow

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I was fully prepared to not like Devlin, he is very much not my type of mmc, and is suuucchhh a finance bro. But I liked him a lot more than I thought I would. I loved the plot too, nothing like a marriage of convenience! Melanie’s books are really fast paced, and the end was almost leaning into miscommunication territory, like if these two dumb idiots would just talk to each other they’d realize they’re madly in love!! But the way she moves things along, it all gets taken care of so quickly, so it’s fine. Her books are also so hot, but I kind of think Devlin is not great in bed despite what Lexi claims, he seems a bit like a jackhammer 😂😂
Hideaway Heart by Melanie Harlow

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Xander is my favorite! I loved the plot of this one, it was fast paced and exciting, and so hot!!