bethmorvant's reviews
389 reviews

The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison

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The ending really ruined it lol super far fetched and was hoping it would end with a bang. But instead we got some bogus stuff 

Also, 30+ years this is going on. I’m sure over 100 women have gone to that green house and never once did his wife thing “hmmm maybe I need to see why my husband spends hours there. Sometimes spends the night.” Idk I could go on 
Reckless by Elsie Silver

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I do wish there was more tension. More “trying” and figuring things out. The relationship was good, but too easy. Idk 

But I cried like a BIG OL BABY
I never felt more connected to a character than Winter. She has gone through many things that I have, almost to the T that I just can’t help but hurt for her. 
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

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I feel like had I read this when I was a lot younger, I maybe would have loved it. I thought it was a good read, but nothing to make it a great one. Or a favorite. Or to fangirl like everyone else is on the internet. 

Also, maybe it’s because I’m a parent but Eliza surely felt some sort of way about her parents wanting her off her phone or away from her computer to go out and touch some grass. And sure they did her wrong later in the book, but I fear she didn’t really apologize for acting so entitled. 
The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

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Part of me thinks maybe I don’t like thrillers anymore. Maybe I’ve read too many that it’s very rare that I find one I enjoy now. This one unfortunately isn’t one of those. 
She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

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It was enjoyable, but I probably won’t even remember this book a few weeks from now, sadly. 

I guessed the twists before they happened, not that that’s a bad thing per se, but it more fun when I don’t guess them. 
Roomies by Christina Lauren

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I was really hoping to love this book. My expectations may have been set a little too high if we’re being honest.

Holland. If I would have found out the details of her obsession, I’d be a little creeped out if you ask me.

Calvin. I never once had a swoon moment. No butterflies. Could care less about the accent. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Overall, it was an ok read. Light. Nothing special really.

Ps. The first “sex” scene, the one where they actually get it on... awkward AF.
My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren

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I’ve only read one other book by Christina Lauren, (Roomies) and I can say this book was so much more enjoyable.

The characters, both protagonists and side, were fun to read about and follow. The relationship was real and flawed and for what it was, pretty close to perfect.
Desperately Seeking Roommate by Micalea Smeltzer

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Firstly, I’d like to state, that this is actually a decent read for a New Adult novel.

The protagonist, Lou, was witty, quirky, and blunt. Just my kind of girl. The one downfall with her, was that A LOT of this book was constantly focused on her weight. Don’t get me wrong, I love me a plus size lead, but when it’s one of the main focuses, it kind of annoys me.

What I did like tho, was that Lou was confident with herself. In some parts, when people would criticize her, it shows the reader that even tho you’re super confident in something, we’re all human and can only handle so much, ya know.

The relationship that builds, I thought was done very well. (Considering it’s a fictional book and can only drag out so long, ya know)

I look forward to reading more by this author.