all i can say is that this was very complex: each character, my feelings about each character, my feelings about the story i think this book tried to tackle a bunch of topics regarding indigenous america and successfully covered it with tact, at least for a young adult novel.
i think this book made me realize bell hooks is not for me. her analyses of mass media/representation were interesting, but when she wasn’t doing that, it was a whole lot of nothing.
the author’s note really highlighted why i’m so hesitant to read speculative fiction but also made me excited to read a newer collection of speculative fiction.
one thing that frustrated me was that i could tell that the romance between ali and nahri was going to be pushed. i could tell the first chapter, whereas it was more ambiguous in kingdom of copper. that romance just really didn’t feel impactful and i think it actually lessened the impact of other relationships. there were so many other relationships to be explored. it never made sense why jamshid disliked ali, or how muntadhir acted to ali in kingdom of copper (especially after reading river of silver). ali and nahri were fascinating because despite being so different they were forced into similar positions and their friendship was natural, but as romance was pushed onto that it just made other characters lose impact. dara’s ending was dulled by that romance, as was muntadhir’s relationships with nahri and his brother. jamshid had so much more to give to the story yet his weird and unfounded hostility towards ali replaced any interesting facet of his character.
i think the details that we’re all revealed in the second half could’ve been more present from the beginning. the mystery was cool and all the different elements were interesting but they were all introduced around the same time.
everything written after the ending (pages 382-402) were the real kickers and all hearing people should read it.
honestly this surprised me a lot. i think the only deduction was some writing got convoluted and a little too intricate/trying to be too fancy. my favorite aspect was the dialogue and the visual aspect of it all. it makes me actually hate how sally rooney and other authors don’t use quotation marks because they have no reason to. THIS is when quotation marks shouldn’t be written.
truly was a love letter to the Deaf community and a sharp warning to hearing readers.