meganwintrip's reviews
113 reviews

Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris

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Absolutely think this a fantastic book and very well written. One of my favourites. Thomas Harris is a fantastic author and can add twists that you did not think were coming. Its a great book with a powerful storyline. Fantastic!!
Misery, by Stephen King

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The King of horror (no pun intended) hit the jackpot with this book. Such a fantastic, thrilling, terrifying, gripping and heart palpitating read!

First of all, the thought that has went into this book is phenomenal. He has wrote a book that contains him writing another book. Two books in one. This novel Misery, and in this book it contains another book or "manuscript" as Paul Sheldon like to call it, named "Misery's Return".

I love the added disclaimer about "Novril" at the beginning of the book too!

Annie Wilkes what can I say, other than Bat...S***... Crazy?

I've literally been hooked on this book from start to finish. I kept telling myself just one more chapter. The suspense was crazy, especially the part where he gets out the room for the first time! I couldn't keep up with my reading I was so on edge, it was fantastic!

It is much, much darker than the movie. I mean the rat blood licking? Eww... Not to mention the axe and and the little fire to "rinse" the foot amputation. Amongst other things i.e. lawnmowers!!!

This book was exceptionally written, I wouldn't expect less from Mr King.

Highly Highly Highly Recommend this

I rate this 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Petrified Women, by Jeremy Ray

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Wow I think I was the petrified woman reading this!
The Roses of May, by Dot Hutchison

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FBI agents Eddison and Hanoverian are back with another case. Girls are being murdered in churches with flowers left on and around the victims and in their blood that is spilled on the church floor.

There are different flowers around each girl, the guy leaves no clues, no DNA, no nothing. He sexually assaults some girls, but not all of them.

The agents keep in touch with a girl called Priya. Her sister Chavi was one of the murdered girls. Priya and her mother move around alot to avoid staying in the same place too long, after all Priya's face is often plastered in the newspapers when another girl gets murdered. After a while it is figured out the Priya is the target, well not so much the target, she is the one the assailant wants to love, the one he is interested in. He kills girls who are close to her and one's who are just not like her. He has been leaving flowers at her doorstep for her. The flowers are in order of the ones left by the victims, starting with the first victim and finishing at the last.

Priya is in touch with Inara who survived the Butterfly Garden; Inara was originally called Maya, the name given to her by the Gardener. The girls write to each other, talking about their lives and their situations. The agents are still in touch with the garden girls too as the court case still hadn't been. Inara gives Priya some advice and she takes with literally as Inara meant it. Priya decides to use herself as bait and decides she wants to kill him to end it all as she realises who the culprit is. He is a guy called Joshua who she met at a coffee shop, who also happened to be the first victims older brother.

She heads to a church to take photos of the windows, which she has done this since she was a kid. When she is there she is on the phone to agent Eddison when she hears a voice.. it's Joshua. Joshua tries to kill Priya to keep her sweet and innocent.
How to Stop Overthinking: The 7-Step Plan to Control and Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Declutter Your Mind and Start Thinking Positively in 5 Minutes or Less, by Scott Sharp, Chase Hill

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This kindle read had some helpful tips and tricks most of them I knew but others I thought were helpful which was nice.

Sometimes it felt as though I wad being told off with some of the remarks, sentences and paragraphs in the book which wasn't nice.

Overall it was okay.
Hannibal, by Thomas Harris

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Wonderful book, spectacular ending, fantastic storyline. Highly recommended this.
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman

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A toddlers parents and older sister get murdered by "The man Jack". He tends to kill the toddler but he nowhere to be seen. The small toddler wanders up the hill to a graveyard and the ghosts and spirits of the graveyard wonder what to do with him. Suddenly the locked gates to the graveyard start to rattle; it's the man Jack. He has come for the toddler. Suddenly the spirit of a woman turns up and begs the ghosts to look after her son and protect him. The ghosts realise who the toddler needs protection from and Mistress Owens' motherly instincts come out and asks Mr Owens if he will be the boy's father. He agrees and they keep the boy safe. That night there was a meeting to keep the boy safe in the graveyard. It was agreed that he will have "Freedom of the Graveyard". The Owens' name him Nobody "Bod" Owens.

Bod has a guardian called Silas; Silas leaves to go and do some research that he cannot do at the graveyard. This upsets Bod very much. Silas organises a teacher called Miss Lupescu to come and teach him things he need to know about the dead. Alongside Miss Lupescu, Bod has many other teachers who teach him normal things like history, reading and writing, but also things for the dead such as fading, dreamwalking and many other ways of the dead.

Later on Bod befriends Liza who is a witch and was drowned and burned to death. Liza helps Bod when he gets in trouble and helps keep him safe and gets help when she cannot protect him.

When Bod is 14 Silas sits him down and shares the story of where Bod came from, how his family were murdered and how the Owenses took him in as his own. He find out about The Man Jack. Shortly after Silas leaves again for a while to do more research. While Silas is gone The Man Jack and his other friends also called Jack track down Bod to end his life. All of the years of learning the ways of the dead help to defeat the Jack's and their order "The Jack of all Trades".

Such a fantastic book, Neil Gaiman hit it out if the park yet again! A fabulous 5 stars from me!
The Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris

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This picks up nicely from Red Dragon. Again Thomas Harris is an exceptional author. I love this storyline again and I like how he brings in Clarice Starling as she is mentioned in the end of Red Dragon. Fantastic.
Fergus Crane, by Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell

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You can't knock a good children's book!

Fergus Crane a young boy who lives with his mother (Lucia Crane). Marcus Crane (Fergus' father went missing aboard a ship when Lucia was pregnant. Fergus has to go to school aboard a pirate ship who do unconventional learning. With a long lost uncle who gets in touch with Fergus, Fergus has to become heroic and rescue his friends. With an unexpected turn of events Fergus' family are reunited as one.

Such a great story
Girl, Interrupted, by Susanna Kaysen

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Wow.. what an amazing read this was. The true story about Susanna Kaysen and her journey with mental illness. I literally couldn't put the book down it was so good. I've seen the movie and I loved it, I'm so glad I finally got the book!

I love that Susanna inserted pages from her hospital file into the book too, (she got her 350 page hospital file through her lawyer). It's so fascinating reading all the notes the doctor's made and the assumptions they wrote down.

Just being thrown into a taxi cab and taken to a hospital for your mental illness must have been scary, it was the 60s I suppose and back then they were prone to throwing you away until you were "better", they put you away for so many ridiculous reasons. Compared to now; where they like to help you within the community as it benefits the individuals more, although there are still some cases where it is safer for the individual to be put into an institution for a while.

Susanna was diagnosed with a personality disorder, she was in the psychiatric hospital with a few girls called Lisa, Daisy, Polly, Cynthia and Georgina. All the girls had disorders such as Eating disorders and Schizophrenia; apart from Lisa, Lisa was a sociopath.

The book follows Susanna's journey at the psychiatric hospital alongside her friends that she made there. It follows her time at the hospital, her mental illness journey and her recovery to the outside world. You also get a little insight of the life of Lisa and Georgina who Susanna stayed in contact with after getting out of the hospital.

Such a wonderfully written book and parts of it are really relatable. I highly recommend it.