metalcat18's reviews
62 reviews

Echo Burning by Lee Child

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Pffffttttttt 👎 
Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes

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Evil company does bad things, crazy lady sees ghosts but not the light of therapy, and pasts remain unexplained.

Overall pretty bad read but hey I finished. I give this a *fart noise*
Aching God by Mike Shel

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Fun ride with an old man doing one last quest
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due

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Well written and moving book
Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas

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Really good first 100 pages then it turned into a cringey Joss Whedon quirk off that didn’t make any damn sense
Once More Upon a Time by Roshani Chokshi

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Enjoyable little tale. Great characters, quick story, fun trope reversals
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey

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adventurous sad fast-paced


Clones clones clones! Sci fi twist on a domestic thriller that boldly asks the question, would you kill yourself if it meant you got to live?
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 62%.
A SNOOZER. I was bored 
Die Trying by Lee Child

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Jack Reacher shrugs a lot and then blows things up. Kills many people too.

Very cool guy 
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki

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Donuts and music. This was cute