moononherwings's reviews
142 reviews

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

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My friend recommended this book to me a few weeks ago and I finally picked it up from the library. I got to reading immediately and couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed this book. The romance was soft and fluffy and genuine and the characters were relatable in a way that made them human. They didn't describe themselves as perfect or ugly; they had normal people thoughts about themselves and normal people thoughts about others.

I especially liked how the characters communicated. As an autistic, it seemed almost autistic to me, as if the characters might have had a few traits or the author had some insider information on how autistics communicate. The characters were always blunt and honest and if they lied, the narrative revealed that through their thoughts. They were honest with themselves but still confused about normal things like anyone, which also seems to be an autistic thing for me, so maybe I'm just a little normal or they're just a little autistic.

Overall, I might read it again in a few years. I rated it four stars because I kind of wished there was a more solid plot, but I suppose I don't mind because the characters were so animated and real.
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

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This was admittedly not a book I would usually rate five stars. It's dystopian, and while that is a perfectly beautiful genre, I don't normally enjoy dystopian as much as I enjoyed this book. The characters were interesting and relatable. The plot was enthralling and had me gasping a few times. I don't know what to say about this book other than, it was fascinating and I didn't expect to like it this much! I'm definitely reading the next two. This was a solid start to a hopefully amazing trilogy.
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

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I cannot explain the pain my heart feels after finishing this. but i can say, it is a good pain.