natslibrary's reviews
171 reviews

Work For It, by Leila Burnes

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First of all, I would like to thank the author for the opportunity to read an e-arc of this book.

Where to even begin honestly? Enemies with benefits? Yes. Perfect banter that doesn’t end? Yes please. Selene and Daniel were so entertaining to read; from the beginning to the end, they had this chemistry that made me absolutely jealous of them. I wanted, no scratch that, I still want what they have. The silly comments, the way they picked on one another, the simplest of touches between them. They were perfect! Serene’s mind was absolutely hilarious, especially when talking about her job.

The writing of this book was so easy to read, if I had the time to read it in one sitting, I definitely would have!  It felt so easy to get through that I didn’t even realise how quickly I did. This has definitely turned into one of my favourite romance books — both plot and character wise.

100% recommend reading this when it comes out, you won’t regret it!
The Brightest Light of Sunshine, by Lisina Coney

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I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while now and it was everything I expected it to be; a warm hug, comfort and so many cute moments. Not only does the cover give you that vibe but the little snippets the author posts on her page.

And I loved this book a lot.

It was a great debut novel and I have no doubt in my mind that the author will have some amazing books out next. It may not have been perfect (there were some cringey scenes for me here and there) but it was really good anyway!

I really liked Grace’s development throughout the book and the support she got from her family and friends. I really liked Cal as well but the ‘conflict’ towards the end of the book felt unnecessary and I just think he had all this development with his relationship and then boom back to square one. Maddie was a ray of sunshine and I really liked how she wasn’t just there in brief mentions but she actually had lots of scenes in the book (a problem I find in lots of single parent books so I was really glad, this wasn’t the case).

I also wasn’t a fan of how Cal always mentioned their age difference in the start of the book like it was a bad thing and then, proceeded to go after Grace anyway. But thankfully, it wasn’t mentioned a lot afterwards.

Overall, it was a great book for those that want a cute fluffy romance. Totally recommend!
Better Than the Movies, by Lynn Painter

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I’m not gonna lie, I had high hopes for this book but I wasn’t totally into it.

While I loved Liz and Wes’ banter and their relationship, I’m not a big fan of Liz or more like some of the decisions she made. I got secondhand embarrassment in pretty much every scene Micheal was either mentioned or in it. I also did not like the last part of the book with the whole prom thing, I feel like it was so unnecessary and it could have had a better turn out if she declined.

One of the things that I did like though was her character developmen, especially when talking about how she treated the other girls at her school. I didn’t really like how she described Laney at first but I’m glad she got over it. And also her relationship with her stepmom.

Wes, for me, was so cute. He did however, say some really hurtful things to Liz towards the end that I feel like deserved a better apology.

Overall, cute light fluffy romcom, just not the one for me.
Mr. Wrong Number, by Lynn Painter

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Here’s the thing with this book; I really liked it but their fight towards the end kind of ruined the rest of the book for me.

I really liked Olivia and Colin’s banter and their crazy topics of conversation and how they talked back to one another but sometimes they took it too far. Both of them. Olivia with the whole rich boy thing and Colin by calling her a mess basically. And I felt like they didn’t talk enough in the end for the problem to be solved.

I also hated her mom; the way she belittled her daughter and also embarrassed her in front of other people was so hurtful. I wanted a scene where Olivia snapped (well there kind of was one but I wanted more). And it wasn’t just her mom that did this but she did the most. Not that Colin’s family was better…

Anyway, this was a cute romcom from Lynn Painter but I’m not a fan of the ending. I also found the epilogue small and I wanted a bit more there as well.
The Love Wager, by Lynn Painter

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If you enjoy cute belly aching from laughter romance books with great banter and a good plot, then Lynn Painter’s books are for you!

The way Hallie and Jack has me hooked from the very first page is astonishing. I loved how their relationship started as a friendship before it progressed into more. I also liked how they stood by each other when they went on their dates and they texted all the time.

But I’m not gonna lie, I am not a fan of the third act. I didn’t like how Hallie in a way was using him for sex andthe whole thing that happened with Hallie’s ex. I found some of the things they did hurtful and out of character. Because one minute Jack is saying one thing in his chapter and in Hallie’s he’s doing the opposite.

I also didn’t like how in the last chapters the POV changed a lot. At least three or four times in a chapter — it was way too chaotic for me to keep up.

Overall, it was a great romcom, just not the best.
King of Pride, by Ana Huang

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This book was so worth the wait! While I absolutely loved King of Wrath, this one went above and beyond!

I absolutely love the quiet type of men and Kai had me swooning and kicking my feet while squealing along throughout the whole book! His relationship with Isabella was so tension filled at first but so cute as the chapters went on. I’m pretty sure I highlighted the whole book because of them.

But I can’t lie, Dante and Vivian were absolutely hilarious when they made fun of Kai for his crush when he hadn’t realised it himself. I didn’t like Kai’s mom one bit but I’m glad Kai put her in her place in the end — same goes for Isabella’s older brother.

I can’t recommend this book enough, I would give it ten stars if I could. It was absolutely fantastic!!
My Dark Romeo, by L.J. Shen, Parker S. Huntington

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My favourite thing in books in the banter between the main characters — and this book had so much of it. I absolutely loved those scenes whether it was Romeo annoying Dallas or the other way around, those scenes were absolutely perfect.

But I really didn’t like some scenes where either Romeo or Dallas took it too far either with their actions or their words. Like I get that it was a marriage of convenience but there still needed to be some respect between them. It took a while but they got there. One of my favourite things about this book though was the friendship between Romeo and his best friends. I absolutely loved their texts and how Ollie just kept asking about Dallas’ sister.

Overall, it was a great marriage of convenience “enemies”-to-lovers book!
The Edens - A Legacy Short Story, by Devney Perry

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Every time Devney Perry adds a book in ‘the Eden’s’ series, you better believe I’m reading it.

Anne and Harrison’s story was such a cute addition to the series. Even though I’m still kind of annoyed of how they treated Eloise in the other books, I can’t deny how cute this story was. Did I feel like I wanted more? Yes, mostly because I wanted to see Harrison grovel more and see how their relations flourishes. But this is a short story so I understand why this was only six chapters. I really liked how Harrison got on her nerves just for fun, their banter was really cute and I also liked how after he found out why Anne didn’t like him, he tried to set things straight.

It was a very cute, funny and everything you would want in a short prequel. Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
When Kingdoms Fall, by Callie Dahl

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 First of all, I would like to thank the author for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book has consumed my life for the past couple of days and rightfully so because it was fricking amazing. Callie Dahl has created a whole new world of magic set to captivate all readers — she has created her own gods, her own magic system and she has put her own little spin on elves and faeries. I couldn’t put this book down.

At first, I was afraid that it would be too confusing because the book is reading in three different POVs — Willa’s, Sorean’s and Kaius’ — but it flowed so beautifully that you didn’t notice and didn’t mind when the POV change happened. I really enjoyed Willa’s fiery attitude and how she always had a comeback ready. Her character development throughout the book was something that happened in a way where the reader didn’t notice it till the character herself did. I really liked Kaius’ chapters as well. He’s a revenge driver elf with a soft spot for his Griffin friend (did Greer steal the show? Absolutely!) but I have to say my favourite character was Sorean. I loved his development the most out of all them and the way he loathed but also loved to tease Willa was so entertaining to read!

All in all, When Kingdoms Fall  is a fantastic read for people who love fantasy books filled with power, revenge and betrayals. I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did because I haven’t read this type of fantasy books in a while. But this, for me, was absolutely perfect! I can’t recommend it enough! 
Playboy Playmaker, by Maren Moore

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First of all, I would like to thank the author for the ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is most definitely my favourite Maren Moore book. If there is one thing I love about romance books it's the banter between the main characters and I am not kidding when I say that there was banter from the beginning to the very end! Caroline was probably my favourite MM female character because she just loved to push Hudson's buttons every chance she could, especially to humble him and it was so entertaining to see her push him off his high horse (the one that all hockey players have, Hudson wasn't that cocky).

I also loved that there was no third-act breakup but just a small fight that was resolved with communication afterwards. I liked that the issues were solved like they were grown-ass adults and not you know children (especially the whole issue with Caroline's father being Hudson's coach). It felt relieving, to say the least. I was so scared to see them act like kids, especially the coach but I really like how he handled it! I also really liked the whole Wren storyline, especially what happened in the epilogue. It just warmed my heart!

There was one thing that I didn't like and that was Hudson and Caroline always commenting on their age difference, especially the former. Like yeah, we got it he's 13 years older but you don't have to comment on it every time you talk to each other or are being intimate. I also did not like her calling him 'daddy' but that's just me. Overall, it was a very entertaining coach's daughter forbidden romance book and my favourite in the series!!