neshasurya's reviews
321 reviews

Confessions by Kanae Minato

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kamu pernah gak sih baca buku yg bikin kamu tuh berasa kayak naik roller coaster? pengen marah, sedih, teriak tapi berujung lega? yes. this book really a rollercoaster ride of anger and emotion. an interesting investigation into mental illness, trauma, revenge, and the relationships between mothers and children.

bercerita tentang seorang guru SMP yg berusaha membuktikan kepada dunia kalau anaknya yang berumur 4 tahun itu dibunuh sama 2 orang muridnya. premisnya sangat terdengar exciting ya. apalagi buat aku yang emang jarang baca thriller. so... cerita tentang balas dendam, alasan kenapa dia melakukan itu sampe revealing siapa pembunuhnya dan gimana hal itu terjadi tuh bikin gregetan.

dan karena bukunya pake 6 pov, ceritanya semakin kaya dan gak monoton. mulai dari pov seorang ibu yg pengen balas dendam, sosiopat,  orang yang cuma ikut-ikutan aja karena merasa akhirnya dia punya temen, sampe keluarga si pelaku yg bertanya-tanya kenapa sih anaknya berubah. pokoknya... gila sih. aku suka gimana penulisnya bikin kita peduli sama tiap karakternya. 

aku juga suka gimana buku ini berusaha mengkritik banyak hal. mulai dari motherhood, keluarga fatherless, sistem pendidikan, upah para pekerja, edukasi tentang HIV sampe gimana mereka susah percaya pada polisi dan memilih buat balas dendam. 

omg.. i’m still thinking about how everything happened and can't wait to watch the movie! 

White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky

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i read this book because a lot of my friends read and recommended it. so, this review is taken from the perspective of a fomo person (lol) and someone who is reading russian literature for the first time. 

it feels like having a private conversation with dostoevsky. this tender tale perfectly captures the essence of those nights we've all experienced—nights full of hopes, dreams, and the possibility that things may be different.  

i always love a book or film when the characters just yapping about life. so, i like this long dialogue. it feels so personal. i really enjoyed how he talks about loneliness and the wasting of one's youth. 

“It will be sad, you know, to be left alone, quite alone, and not even have something to regret - nothing, absolutely nothing ... because all that I have lost, all this, it was all nothing, a stupid, round zero - it was merely a dream!”

“And how effortlessly, how naturally the dreamer’s world of fantasy springs up! It looks so real and not at all like a mirage! In fact, sometimes he almost believes that his dream life is no figment of the imagination, no self-deception, no delusion, but something real, actual, existing.”

i mean... that is soooo (huft)

i find the main character so relatable. but i also think he's funny. i mean, the way he talk about himself especially the self-loathing, made me giggle.  he's literally like, "i'm not like the other guys" lol. 

but as someone who has difficulty believing in love at first sight, the way he expressed his love was silly. it must be admitted that there are a lot of beautiful and poetic sentences tho. and i also like the fact that we can actually say these romantic sentences to friends or family (not to just a romantic partner). here's my favorite: "You know, we thank some people for merely living at the same time as we do. I thank you for the fact that I met you, that I will remember you for all my life!'' 

honesty, it didn't depress me as much as i thought it would but i still liked it. ya... masih masuk fiksi nelangsa sih ya. 

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

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i didn't research this book first. i read it purely because my friend told me it was interesting. i expected it was gonna be heartwrenching or make me 'bengong'. turns out, it was hopeful. so maybe, this is a feel-good book afterall. 

i'm still trying to process it tbh. all i can say is that it was an interesting, funny, sad, and relatable story. all at the same time. this is a story about loneliness and social awkwardness. so... it was heavy especially when it comes to the bad days's part.  

eleanor oliphant is actually not completely fine and that’s essential the whole point. she's a suicidal alcoholic. so please check the TW before you read it. i personally found her character is incredibly human. the way she talks about death or how she just wants to suppress her worst memories is so relatable (yes, i know i am the problem lol). and the way she talks about herself... omg. i just love the humor. 

but it also feels like it was a book about healing. about experiencing and accepting good days and bad days in our life. i also like how this book talks about the power of small kindnesses and the fact that friendship can heal someone (?)   

i especially really like the fact that there is no romance in this book, it focuses only on eleanor and eleanor only. maybe this is captures the best kind of love story, a love story to oneself. 

i appreciated how the author made eleanor relationship with raymond stay platonic. i was really worried that it would end up being that her relationship with him would "fix" her. the friendship indeed had a massive impact on helping her view herself differently. but i'm glad it stayed platonic. because i know that sometimes, platonic love can be just as powerful -if not more so, sometimes- than romantic love. 

Love in the Big City by Sang Young Park

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i like how this book explores loneliness and the complexity of our relationship with parents. but i want more stories about his platonic relationship tho.  
Rouge by Mona Awad

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komentar tentang beauty, envy dan ekspektasi terhadap perempuannya emang oke. tapi terlalu banyak pertanyaan yang gak dijawab. still weird about the tom cruise and jellyfish stuff too. 
I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron

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even though it's a little outdated and socially unacceptable by today's standards, i still enjoy its humor. can't wait to read her other book. 
Being Ace: An Anthology of Queer, Trans, Femme, and Disabled Stories of Asexual Love and Connection by Madeline Dyer

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this anthology unfortunately ended up being more miss than hit for me. maybe because i just didn't enjoy the fantasy or sci-fi genre 
The Lonely Stories: 22 Celebrated Writers on the Joys & Struggles of Being Alone by Natalie Eve Garrett

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 an interesting topic to explore. but i didn't enjoy all the stories. and honestly, i think most of them weren't about loneliness at all. 
Penance by Eliza Clark

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wow.  omg. eliza clark. the woman that you are.  bisa-bisanya nyindir semua media consumer. mulai dari penulis ao3 yg suka ngeship orang-orang aneh, podcaster, sampe penyuka 'true crime'.