pelicanfreak's reviews
854 reviews

Looking for You by Kate Perry

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So, I picked this book up as a daily freebie and figured "why not". Is is completely not my usually genre so I did not have high expectations. As it happens I was drawn in right away and couldn't put it down until it was down and now I must have the other 5 books in this series! What's more is- in addition to opening my mind to genres I'd normally skip over is... like I said in the title this book inspired me. The main character, Gwen is an artist. I myself used to draw, paint, and I am a photographer (on and off due to depression). There were these little conversations where, her artist self would talk with a non-artist and explain to them that they do not need to "know how to paint" and they just "sort of do it" and ... without giving anything away or using direct quotes... what this character said to non-artists and people claiming they "can't" completely inspired me to get my own art supplies back out and create some paintings and drawings. That is amazing as I have been in a deep depression, mourning the loss of my daughter since 5.2.2012... I used to have good days and bad days but lately, just bad days. Kate Perry created a character who has inspired me to get back to my artwork and I just KNOW that doing so will make me feel better.

Thank you, Ms. Perry for the built-in inspiration and maybe even cheering up I found in your novel. I can never thank you enough, really. You may have really helped me to begin to heal. I'd love to connect with you on FB or other media, if you're up for it. Either way, thank you so much.
Kidowed by Jessica Kenley

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Jessica, thank you so much for publishing your private and honest thoughts and feelings throughout your ordeal. I have been dealing with my own loss since 5.2.2012 and and I am still a mess, do not know what I want and just feel all around crazy. I got back on my feet only to self-sabotage and walk away from an amazing opportunity as I was still just too depressed to appreciate what I had. SO MANY of your journal entries and thoughts are incredibly relatable for me. I am making my husband read this as we speak so that he can, thanks to you, maybe get a handle on what the hell is going on in this crazy / f---ed up head of mine. I know he will because you are so candid and true-to-life. You also do all of this, while I think, staying true to yourself and not losing sight of your amazing personal value system. I worked in the veterinary speciality industry for 8 years before I fell apart and your dealings with your pets and other people's pets while you worked as a tech (or rather under-rated assistant) was a whole other series of things I could relate to. I do not often give 5 stars and I do not often finish a book so quickly as I am busy and depressed and I just go back and forth. At many points of your book, it was like you wrote exactly what was in my head. I do not claim to know what you are going through as clearly your babies with EB is more horrible than my own nightmare but your strength and honesty are so inspiring. I WILL go to and learn more about EB, I WILL take an interest in this cause and I will go on some day but I feel it is okay in the mean time to be a little crazy, or pop my pills or whatever it is that gets me through the bad days. As supportive as Hubby is, I cannot thank you enough for publishing this very honest account of your own experience because I feel it will still help him see better what is going on with me, as he feels so helpless and has expressed that "I am not Jessie anymore" and he will do whatever it takes to "bring me back" and other such things. Perhaps your honest account will inspire him. If anything we will both come out better for having reading this. You are amazing and I wish you all the best. If you write anything else, I am in whether it be fiction or non-fiction. Either way, I will continue to wish you the very best as you clearly deserve a fresh start and happiness. I hope we can get in touch on FB or some other outlet. I cannot say enough about this book - thank you so much for publishing it.
The Inheritance by Elaine Jeremiah

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This was a great fast read. As someone who tends to predict everything, to the point of annoying myself, let alone those around me - I did not do this in this case. That alone makes me want to read more of Ms. Jeremiah's work. I did predict some little things along the way but ultimately the way the book ended and just sort of wrapped itself up was not my prediction at all. It held my interest, I basically didn't put it down until there was no more to read. Another brilliant quality.
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

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I read this book years before the movie and it really stuck with me. I'm not one to re-read things but I will admit I read this book a few times; it's just as good each time. Written from the perspective of a child murder victim it is just incredible. The worst has happened to her and yet, she has a positive outlook. That was NOt a spoiler alert by the way, I promise. I won't say all that I want to in order to not spoil. As a result of this book I have become a die-hard fan of Alice Sebold and recommend anything she's written. Will post more reviews of all her other novels as well. The Lovely Bones, despite being based on a bit of a grisly note DOES have a good ending, do not become discouraged and see it through. It gave me an entirely new perspective on what might happen to use after we die and how it might depend upon the circumstances under which we get there. Years after reading this book for the first time, it still makes me really think. I'm not a religious or spiritual person in any way so this really has given me a new outlook on things.

I cannot say enough about this book. I will say - as someone who usually takes awhile to get into a book - this book completely sucked me in from the very beginning. Couldn't put it down until it was done and still kind of felt like I needed more once it was finished. The movie could've been done better, but this book is an amazing read and inspired me on so many levels.
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb

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I read this book many years ago and still it sticks in my mind and I often find myself thinking back to me. I can only think of another small handful of books that have had such an impact on me. I read this book simply because I had access to it during a time that I wasn't otherwise engaged in something else. From the moment I picked it up I couldn't put it down - another thing I do not say often. As someone who accidentally predicts everything I read/watch, I do not recall predicting any aspect of this book. I was just captured. Whether it's because it is in fact, too unpredictable to figure out or whether I was just to captivated to let my mind wander- honestly either way is wonderful. As a result of this book, I am a fan of Wally Lamb ;I did NOT read it because it's on Oprah's list - I dislike her and that's just a coincidence. Truly a great read, would recommend to anyone regardless of what genre they like.

Honestly, this is outside my normal realm, speaking of genre and this book has single-handedly opened my mind to others I wouldn't normally pick up.

Thank you Wally Lamn for opening my mind and leaving such an impact on my, truly. This review was a long time coming.
The Seneca Scourge by Carrie Rubin

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Anything that I don't predict is amazing in my book; I have this annoying habit of predicting everything I read and watch. This starts out as if it's going to be a medical thriller, think The Hot Zone, Outbreak or anything by Robin Cooke .... but nope. I don't want to say more than that as I do not want to spoil anything. I will say you won't be sorry if you check out this book -and at 334 pages it's a quick read so you haven't got anything to lose :) If it's loanable, shoot me an email and I'll loan in if you really don't have the $5 , though Rubin well deserves it.
Don't You Forget About Me by Erin McCole Cupp

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Amazing read - first of all I didn't predict it as I do everything else and I didn't even have a chance to. From a simple homecoming for a funeral to facing those who were bullies during school-age years to - well I do not want to spoil anything but - it just takes off and is action-packed from there.
Also it left me hanging: be warned if you read the epilogue you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting to get to the next book!! Well done, Erin - can't wait to see what else you have written/ will write.