piierrote's reviews
26 reviews

Nevada by Imogen Binnie

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i really love everything this book did to frame the reality of queerness. the ending was actually perfect, and i’d never want it to end differently. the reality of trans people just being people, the flaws and reality of living with your own baggage, everything about it was excellent. 

i anticipated this book making me feel like a changed person, but it didn’t quite hit me there unfortunately. Undeniably excellent, very well written, and a real journey. I love you trans people
Fragile Animals by Genevieve Jagger

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I am finding it difficult to put how this book made me feel into words. On a technical level, this book is wonderful. Each character feels whole and fully formed, like real people. The plotline is delightful and interesting, meandering its way through present and past, feeding me small snippets of lives and stories. I adore the way this book is written, with such evocative prose that really resonated with me. Noelle's way of describing her feelings (aka Genevieve Jagger's ability to describe these emotions) is so unbelievably real. It put ways I've felt into words, in a way I've never experienced before. This book is visceral and whole and real. The brilliant way this book feeds you the stories of the important people in Noelle's life is masterful, leaving Lomie's story unshared with Moses but shared with us. How visceral and important it is. How the affair was revealed. It all builds gently to this point. 

In many ways, this book was perfectly crafted for me. It made me feel incredibly introspective. Noelle's relationship with her parents felt harrowingly similar. Refering to her mother as Her and She in a godly way shook me, and really encapsulated quite easily my experience with my own mother. Her softness yet stunted emotional relationship with her father was so much like mine. Her experience with Lomie, the catholic church, confessional. Everything felt like it was wringing me dry and holding up a mirror. This book just hit home, and I felt in it with Noelle. 

I'll be thinking about this book for a long time. Somehow, the vampirism both took a relative back seat and was absolutely the fibre of this book. Incredible thank you Genevieve Jagger. 
Pluralities by Avi Silver

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it was good! not at all the book i was anticipating, so i think i went into it with the wrong mindset, but it was good! some parts of it really hit deep for me as a trans person, and i really found the sci fi elements really interesting. i don’t know if i really Hit with me though, which is a shame. definitely a really interesting book.
American Hippo by Sarah Gailey

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like. i liked it. it wasn’t bad! it was actually quite enjoyable and i am enamoured by the world the author builds for you. the romance is nice! it was an easy read, there were moments where i was genuinely quite intrigued! overall though, a little unimpressionable. it’s missing some sort of edge to it or something. i’m not entirely sure. a solid book though, and if you like fun queer westerns and heists! solid but i don’t think it’s going to Stay With Me
Heaven by Mieko Kawakami

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interesting book tackling interesting topics but i’m not sure i liked it or enjoyed it. not my favourite kawakami book. 

the characters felt very full of life, kojima especially is desperately interesting. eyes relationship with his mother is also very interesting. kawakami presenting multiple opinions about why bullying happens, why people get bullied etc is interesting but i felt lost on how she wanted me to feel about it as the reader. maybe she didn’t want me to think anything in particular! 

i ended up feeling a little put off by this book simply because of how heavy it was. i didn’t connect to it emotionally, and instead just felt uncomfortable and like i wished i wasn’t reading about people doing horrible things to each other. i didn’t feel a lot about the conclusion of the book either. 

this book did continue to expand on topics kawakami touches on a lot in her work, especially cosmetically changing your looks and what that means for you personally. interesting takes!

an arguably good book, just not one i connected with
Angels Before Man by rafael nicolás

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i wanted to love this book so bad cause it’s RIGHT up my alley. I love queer angels and i love exploring christianity through a queer perspective. 

However, i fear this is another book of interesting concepts with less refined execution. it’s not a terrible book, by any means, but rather a book where i didn’t exactly get hooked in. i struggled immensely with lucifer as a character, and often the other angels too. I felt very little when negative things happened to them, and didn’t always feel like the developing relationships made sense. at times it felt like relationships and connections were made for the sake of it. this book felt juvenile, and i may have enjoyed it a few years ago, but it just didn’t hook me at my age now. i felt like the book lacked teeth and the characters lacked an emotional maturity. 

the giant angel orgy was sick as hell though. 
Black Wave by Michelle Tea

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
i found the global warming based dystopia a little to overwhelming and anxiety inducing. just couldn’t push through for a story i wasn’t all that invested in 
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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god. yeah alright. unbelievably good. tamsyn muir you have done it again
Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami

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This book delves into so many interesting topics and experiences, especially since donor conception is such an up and coming topic. Breasts and Eggs wasn’t an uninteresting book, in fact i’d say it is a GOOD book! however i struggled through reading it and felt like my attention was never truly hooked and i was waiting to finish the book to read something id enjoy better.

definitely a book that would hit with certain people, but just didn’t hit in the way other Mieko Kawakami books hit for me. 

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A Guest in the House by E.M. Carroll

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oh my god…. visually so stunning really genuinely gripping storyline i feel crazy and insane