sarataff's reviews
104 reviews

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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it's taken me over 3 weeks to finish this read, and not going to lie, it has put me in a slight reading slump since I fell ill with some type of flu shortly after starting it. then, i was lacking in motivation to really get through it. i haven't been actively reading fantasy since i was a young teenager. A Study in Drowning finally sucked me back in. it's nice to discover sub-genres of fantasy that can really work well together.

in general, this wasn't much of a stellar read for me. i think it was a little too YA for me and i at times couldn't find a straightforward path to the plot-line. during times when it was very romance heavy, i longed to know what was going to happen next within the world building (fantasy/magic, historical fiction, a war going on, etc.). and vice versa. i have been hearing some talk on BookTok that some readers just wanted the romance to get somewhere already, and not going to lie, i can see exactly where they're coming from. that's how i felt during those lagging moments in the book. and then when the romance between Iris and Roman blossomed so quickly ... i was like "wait what, we got here so fast!"

i definitely think i'll at some point be reading Ruthless Vows. my plan is to hear a bit from some of my fav BookTok and BookTube creators on what they think of it, and then that'll help me determine how quickly i want to delve into it.