#MiddleLifeRomance T4T Self exploration Found family Queer/K!nk awakening So many emails and messages 😍
There is so much good in this book.
The lack of transparency by Sam for the first half of the book was a little hurdle for me, I get his lack of confidence but he must see how his lack of honesty is going to blow up in his face; especially with Cameron accusing him of stalking him MULTIPLE times. This is a pretty normal way for me to feel, I personally get worked up over this kinda thing.
By 60% I found that I would have been okay if the book had ended here. I was really happy. The last 40% of the book was not quite as quick of a read for me, it was sweet and it was nice to see the couple further solidify their relationship and dynamic, but I had been pretty happy with the HEA in the middle of the book.
Ultimately this was a super tender book. I did find that the tenderness/Dom balance was something I don't fully understand, the whiplash I would personally feel dealing with this would be too much for my single braincell to process.
This was an excellent example of how authors should deal with homo/transphobic slurs. This author was able to imply their use without actually using them.
As usual with Rhea’s books: SO. MUCH. COMPASSION. She knocks it out of the park with every book in my honest opinion.
I LOVED that Maddie falls for Fitz (again) in HOURS all the while Fitz is oblivious trying to scheme ways to make her fall in love with him and stay with him for ever. Adorable.
This book was filled to the brim with swoony moments and heat; all the while filled with enough tension and hurt for the characters to keep it interesting. Huge plus' are kilts (I'm married to a Scot and have a massive weakness for thigh meat), a full cast of side characters (many of which we know from the other Creatures & Coding books), and an underdog story I could really get behind and root for.
This book is really character focused and narrows in on Emma’s journey and how it intertwines with Santo. I loved that it touched on the monotony of her marriage seggs, that she was very open to exploring her segguality, and her mental health. The student/teacher element made it fun and created a good level of drama.
Both the FMC and the MMC were lovely and felt like real people.
I feel like it could have been set anywhere and the story would have been similar, ultimately Rome was a nice backdrop to this novel.
This was completely standalone from the series it's in. I didn't even realise it was part of a series until about 80% of the way through. Personally I won't likely go back and read the first 2 books as they don't interest me. However, book 4 I'll keep an eye out for.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I have really liked these novellas, BUT, Cassia makes me want to give up on these books. She makes bad choice after bad choice. She’s given information, and instead of acting on that information she makes the choice to ignore it and do things alone with bad dudes and no help.
The following two books (that I will read) are super short <50pages each. I'm interested in how the author is able to wrap up the over arching drama.
Once again the book is noted as an MMF it is at best a MFM and rather conservatively.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Fancy 🍆 Tail that is also a 💦🍆 Size difference Adult-napping/forced mating Stalking in a non-menacing way 🍑👅🥵
Story 1: Little Mate Pining and pretty instant 180°
A 20 something who thinks he's being sneaky when really, the jokes on him, he's being set up for LOVE.
TWs listed
Story 2: Wild Boy
Stronger discipline Spanking
A 20 something who thinks he's got it all figured out realises perhaps he doesn't and that he should stop trying to guard himself.
Story 3: Model Man
British beefcake actor is looking for someone to make him feel smol 🥺 There is some un negotiated pain play that I get the human MC may have been into but it would have been cool for the Alien MC to ask.
***Oh how I wish one of these stories was a queer awakening or had an MC with a little junk in his trunk. Abs are over rated.
In the same story line as 50 Shades of Orc MMCs are half mages looking for answers about their mom. FMC is looking to keep herself safe from a community that is threatening her.
I was hesitant that this book had a different focus from the first but as it goes it becomes clear how they're interconnected and it's really good.
I'm loving them and keep pushing other books to the side so I can keep at these. I've already started the third.
Kinda taboo The warning section of the book said this was an MMF its more MF with some spectating M I would also hesitate to call these books erotica. Erotic, for sure, but there is a good story, it's just unfurling over the course of 5 novellas.
Lighter k!nk than the first 2 books in this series. Todd still has some massive bossy vibes which fit right into this series.
These guys hurt each other. There is historical cheating, and miscommunication. But, they are doing everything they can to make things work this time.
The cast from the first 2 books return and are involved in this book, while this stands alone, it will be SO SO SO much better if you've read the other books.
Note: So much racism (islamophobia, antisemitism) and homophobia
I really enjoyed this. It was so much fun. All heat with a little plot tossed in for flavour. Adventurous and funny with the mystery of wtf has happened to Milly and why mixed in.
It's one of the first ultra rich MC books (because this is a community of ultra rich shifters...) that I've read in ages that wasn't horrible.
I didn’t read the blurb - I only really grabbed book 1 because I was keen to read book 5
I'm pretty happy with my choice to give this a chance. I really enjoyed this it was short and fun, filled with loads of story set up, and mystery for the following books in this series. I'd be lying if I wasn't a little worried that the characters in the second book are completely different, but I'm still going to give it a chance.
I really enjoyed the level of set up and how the author established the relationship between Asher and Jordan. I liked that both boys acknowledged they aren’t related or really brothers in any way…they were teenagers when they met. This is awkward, but this isn’t taboo. Because of this, the debate about “should we” went in a bit too long for me, but it was probably because I didn't see any issue with their relationship.
I liked this book WAY more than For The Fans.
It was well paced for me - slow to medium paced, there was no necking until >40%. But, the last 15% of the book just felt rushed, the drama came and was resolved in 48 book hours. Ash’s mom’s 180…it feels too rushed. I get why 'surprise' mom's come around and has had time to think about things for more than a half a second, but uggh, it's all resolved a little too quick for me. It didn't feel right.
“Three years later” epilogue 💯 But I wish Jordan's internal dialogue was more fitting a 25 year old. He thinks like he's going on 40. Which I kinda get, I was pretty arrogant at 25 and thought I KNEW life. But I did not, he does not, and it just annoyed me.