zhakoreading's reviews
52 reviews

Курильщик by Наира Мурадян, Mariam Petrosyan, Мариам Петросян

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Я лежал, кутаясь в свой краешек одеяла, и мне было хорошо. Я стал частью чего-то большого, многоногого и многорукого, теплого и болтливого. 
Что-то закончилось в ту ночь, и это оказалось больнее, чем могла бы стать целая жизнь, прожитая среди Фазанов.

Решила выбрать более эмоциональную сторону сознания в написании этого отзыва, хотя мне и есть что сказать о метафорах, персонажах и погружении в чтение всем естеством с более литературной точки зрения.
Внизу спойлеры…? Или вроде того.

Кто эти больные ублюдки убивающие друг друга, враг дом или нет, и как я могла проникнуться симпатией к стае аморальных людей? 

‘Всё к этому шло’, скажут некоторые, а мне без разницы, я чувствовала себя как преданный ребенок в конце, которой захотелось убежать с курильщиком под руку от творящегося безумия в наружный, понятный, структурированный мир. 

Ну, или захотелось забыть ПОВ курильщика и узнавать Дом исключительно сквозь призму Кузнечика и Волка со Слепым (ребенком).

The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

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You resent privilege in all its forms, including your own, yet you show no desire to unmake the present system. I think someday you will awaken to your own conviction, and when you do, something will compel you forward. 

I did enjoy the world building, but hated how the book tried to be more than what it actually is. 

Why not write a fantasy book with characters with traumatic memories in a so-called “dark academia” setting, without mentioning those pretentious and random epithets that don’t really match the atmosphere at all?
With how much Olivie mentions sex and how the characters are just horny for each other, it is pretty obvious what kind of book she wanted to write to begin with. Should have just leaned into that.

The world building is based on a scientific perspective- yes, but it’s not deep or well thought out enough for her to be doing ALL that with the dialogues and monologues.
(The dialogues in the first half of the book were childish, by the way. I don’t get people who say that this is written in a “smart way”. I’d say it TRIED to do that, but failed completely)

(The world building- the idea itself, is pretty smart and entertaining, though.)

Constant analysis of the characters’ psyche and their behaviors through other members’ POVs was exhausting to read.
They kept playing “mind games” but in the most boring ways possible- just sitting down and explaining their personalities and thoughts to one another, “exposing” their hidden feelings and past traumas, when all you had to do was showcase their true dynamic and fun interactions (without constant analysis and pondering about physics and philosophy).
It felt like the whole book was just a therapy session for all the characters, (just in a more cruel way, cause they’re all EdGy and AsshoLeS)- because why am I spending the entirety of the plot in characters’ heads, that are monologuing about past and reflecting on their beliefs??
Where is the actual plot…?

There are some great quotes and ideas, but they don’t hit the same because of HOW MUCH the author tried telling us through bland pseudo philosophical dialogues- it was, frankly, annoying. Why not focus on elitism (for example) or capitalism, or time or life and death- why blend all of it together, leaving us with nothing at the end? Am I reading a tumblr post with random “favorite quotes” of someone?

It was entertaining to read nonetheless- I would especially say the very middle of the book was fun to read.

I’d also like to quickly comment on the plot twist- are we even surprised Atlas was a bad guy all along??? Like wtf is this plot twist

Overall- not horrendous, because I was entertained, but also not good. I’d say it falls somewhere right on the middle of the spectrum.

Would recommend to people who enjoy dark academia, just because it’s pretentious and entertaining at the same time.
The Legend of Shadow High (Monster High/Ever After High) by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale

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The beginning and the whole idea was very promising, but I feel like the characters didn’t shine and the main plot and solution of the conflict was weak.

I am a huge fan of EAH books and have to say that I still enjoyed a good amount of moments (despite not being the target audience at all)!
And especially the morale- you cannot change people, you have to accept them, parents aren’t always right and you are not your parents, etc.

You can also draw parallels with all minorities- it tackles race and lgbtq+ issues, which is a great lesson for kids:)
A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

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I’d rate it higher if it wasn’t for the weird change in the middle of the book. 
It simply does not work and slows the readers down.
Гранатовый Браслет by Aleksandr Kuprin

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История о маньяке, преследовавшем замужнюю девушку.

Огромный плюс ставлю лишь слогу Куприна, благодаря которому читать это все было по-настоящему интересно.
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

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if the world, like the sea, had depths of a thousand fathoms, this was the kind of weird shadow which might be found hovering here and there at the bottom. It was a laugh which enabled me to catch a glimpse of the very nadir of adult life.

He could only consider me as the living corpse of a would-be suicide, a person dead to shame, an idiot ghost.

Even if released, I would be forever branded on the forehead with the word “madman,” or perhaps, “reject.”

Disqualified as a human being.

I had now ceased utterly to be a human being.

Depressing read with beautiful prose, but could easily be interpreted as “pretentious” and over the top at times. However, considering it’s partially Dazai’s personal thoughts and experiences, it’s hard to judge them and see them as such.

I would say you have to be in the right mood and mindset to grasp the concept and believe Yozo and his psychology fully.
A Veil of Gods and Kings by Nicole Bailey

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
Not only did it have shallow characters and a very much boring premise, and zero fun moments, it also butchered the characters that we know from myths in a way that is not very beneficial for the story.

I understand that retellings don’t have to follow the myths by the book, however, the changes, in my opinion have to make sense. I also think if you’re deliberately writing a book about THE APOLLO, by changing his entire backstory and personality, you’re making the fans that you reeled into reading this book because of him DNF it like I am doing right now.

A book about the great, cocky Apollo- that is why I started reading the book in the first place and I bet most of the Greek mythology fans and enthusiasts also. I was very much surprised to find out that he wants to be mortal in this book and is hated by his father, even though, everyone knows he was one of Zeus’s favorites, just as his sister goddes Artemis, who is just a mortal sister of Apollo in this retelling.

Again- I don’t mind the changes but the entire plot falls flat because of that. 
Greek mythology backdrop does quite literally nothing to help the story- you can say it’s just a love story between a responsible king and a reckless, but very empathetic person who is supposed to become more than just a person.

The characters are also very boring, and so is their love story and the whole conflict.

I also think that Nicole tried making the book sound and look better than it is- trying to add some political games, attempting a poetic writing, adding multiple POV’s which essentially makes the book seem even cheaper than it would’ve been, if Nicole wrote a simple love story between god Apollo and prince Hyacinth without pretending to be anything else.

I do have to say that it’s not terribly written and people who enjoy simple, one dimensional YA books might enjoy it.

I, unfortunately, didn’t.