Burkhard Bilger

9 books

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2000

Best American Science & Nature Writing #1

Burkhard Bilger, David Quammen with Natalie Angier (Contributor), Wendell Berry (Contributor), Richard Conniff (Contributor), Paul De Palma (Contributor), Helen Epstein (Contributor), Anne Fadiman (Contributor), Atul Gawande (Contributor), Brian Hayes (Contributor), Edward Hoagland (Contributor), Judith Hooper (Contributor), Wendy Johnson (Contributor), Ken Lamberton (Contributor), Peter Matthiessen (Contributor), Cullen Murphy (Contributor), Richard Preston (Contributor), Oliver Sacks (Contributor), Hampton Sides (Contributor), Craig B. Stanford (Contributor), Gary Taubes (Contributor), John McPhee (Contributor), David Guterson (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science challenging informative reflective slow-paced

265 pages | first published 2000

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2001

Best American Science & Nature Writing #2

Burkhard Bilger, Edward O. Wilson with David Berlinski (Contributor), Mark Cherrington (Contributor), Edwin Dobb (Contributor), Gregg Easterbrook (Contributor), Malcolm Gladwell (Contributor), Jane Goodall (Contributor), Jerome Groopman (Contributor), Stephen S. Hall (Contributor), Bernd Heinrich (Contributor), Edward Hoagland (Contributor), Bill Joy (Contributor), Ted Kerasote (Contributor), Barbara Kingsolver (Contributor), Verlyn Klinkenborg (Contributor), Jon R. Luoma (Contributor), Cynthia Mills (Contributor), Oliver Morton (Contributor), Val Plumwood (Contributor), Sandra Postel (Contributor), Richard Preston (Contributor), David Quammen (Contributor), Donovan Webster (Contributor), Steven L. Hopp (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science adventurous medium-paced

272 pages | first published 2001

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2002

Best American Science & Nature Writing #3

Tim Folger, Natalie Angier with Roy Baumeister (Contributor), Burkhard Bilger (Contributor), K.C. Cole (Contributor), Richard Conniff (Contributor), Harry Marshall (Contributor), Frederick C. Crews (Contributor), Barbara Ehrenreich (Contributor), H. Bruce Franklin (Contributor), Malcolm Gladwell (Contributor), Gary Greenberg (Contributor), Gordon Grice (Contributor), Blaine Harden (Contributor), Robert M. Hazen (Contributor), Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (Contributor), Garret Keizer (Contributor), Verlyn Klinkenborg (Contributor), Robert Kunzig (Contributor), Anne Matthews (Contributor), Steve Mirsky (Contributor), Judith Newman (Contributor), Dennis Overbye (Contributor), Chet Raymo (Contributor), Eric Schlosser (Contributor), Daniel Smith (Contributor), Peter Stark (Contributor), Clive Thompson (Contributor), Joy Williams (Contributor), Karen Wright (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science informative reflective medium-paced

309 pages | first published 2002

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2010

Best American Science & Nature Writing #11

Freeman Dyson, Tim Folger with Andrew Corsello (Contributor), Tom Wolfe (Contributor), Steven Weinberg (Contributor), Timothy Ferris (Contributor), Jonah Lehrer (Contributor), Kathleen McGowan (Contributor), John Colapinto (Contributor), Gustave Axelson (Contributor), Don Stap (Contributor), Matt Ridley (Contributor), Tim Flannery (Contributor), Kenneth Brower (Contributor), Jane Goodall (Contributor), David Quammen (Contributor), Jim Carrier (Contributor), Felix Salmon (Contributor), Dawn Stover (Contributor), Elizabeth Kolbert (Contributor), Robert Kunzig (Contributor), Michael Specter (Contributor), Brian Boyd (Contributor), Philip Gourevitch (Contributor), Richard Manning (Contributor), Burkhard Bilger (Contributor), Evan Osnos (Contributor), George Black (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science informative slow-paced

385 pages | first published 2010

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2011

Best American Science & Nature Writing #12

Mary Roach, Tim Folger with Yudhijit Bhattacharjee (Contributor), Burkhard Bilger (Contributor), Deborah Blum (Contributor), Jon Cohen (Contributor), Luke Dittrich (Contributor), Jonathan Franzen (Contributor), Ian Frazier (Contributor), David H. Freedman (Contributor), Atul Gawande (Contributor), Malcolm Gladwell (Contributor), Andrew Grant (Contributor), Stephen Hawking (Contributor), Leonard Mlodinow (Contributor), Amy Irvine (Contributor), Rowan Jacobsen (Contributor), Christopher Ketcham (Contributor), Dan Koeppel (Contributor), Jaron Lanier (Contributor), Jon Mooallem (Contributor), George Musser (Contributor), Jill Sisson Quinn (Contributor), Oliver Sacks (Contributor), Evan I. Schwartz (Contributor), Sandra Steingraber (Contributor), Abigail Tucker (Contributor), Tim Zimmermann (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science informative reflective medium-paced

361 pages | first published 2010

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2015

Best American Science & Nature Writing #16

Rebecca Skloot, Tim Folger with Jake Abrahamson (Contributor), Burkhard Bilger (Contributor), Sheila Webster Boneham (Contributor), Rebecca Boyle (Contributor), Alison Hawthorne Deming (Contributor), Sheri Fink (Contributor), Atul Gawande (Contributor), Lisa M. Hamilton (Contributor), Rowan Jacobsen (Contributor), Leslie Jamison (Contributor), Brooke Jarvis (Contributor), Sam Kean (Contributor), Jourdan Imani Keith (Contributor), Eli Kintisch (Contributor), Elizabeth Kolbert (Contributor), Amy Maxmen (Contributor), Seth Mnookin (Contributor), Dennis Overbye (Contributor), Matthew Power (Contributor), Sarah A. Schweitzer (Contributor), Michael Specter (Contributor), Meera Subramanian (Contributor), Kim Todd (Contributor), David Wolman (Contributor), Barry Yeoman (Contributor)

nonfiction essays nature science challenging informative reflective slow-paced

318 pages | first published 2015

nonfiction essays travel informative reflective slow-paced

256 pages | first published 2000

nonfiction psychology challenging reflective slow-paced

5 pages | first published 2005

nonfiction history emotional reflective sad medium-paced

336 pages
