
Cricket Hunters by Jeremy Hepler

quilly14's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Fifteen years after her friend Abby went missing, Cel's husband has disappeared. Mysterious clues that suggest the two disappearances are related have begun cropping up.

This is a solid thriller with hints of magic to it.

My first by Hepler and from Silver Shamrock press. I'll be keeping both on my radar.

motherhorror's review against another edition

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Let it be known, there are certain storytellers that write their narratives with accessibility that feels so natural, so fluid--it doesn't *feel* like reading. Jeremy Helper wrote CRICKET HUNTERS this way. I opened up to the first page just to see if the story would reel me in and before I knew it, I was a third of the way in and the world had disappeared. I was completely absorbed by Helper's universe.
There are two timelines:

A coming-of-age narrative from the past (the late 90s which is my jam) and a fifteen years later storyline involving the same protagonists as grownups.
The title comes from the coming-of-age part of this story where a group of fifteen-year-olds form a very tight friend group and refer to themselves as The Cricket Hunters. Our main protagonist is Celia Lundy who is raised by her grandmother. The grandma is a practicing bruja and the 'cricket hunting' is an endearing part of Celia's relationship with her grandma and her friend group. The dialog between the teens felt authentic and natural--reminiscent of King's Losers Club, the Goonies, or Stranger Things. The addition of the practice of witchcraft and magic was a delicious element that I enjoyed very much.
I was captivated by this timeline and sometimes, when this kind of investment in one of the dual timelines happens, I will grow to resent the transitions to the present, but in this case--the adult story was just as compelling and had a dark, supernatural thriller feel to it. I will say that this was almost a flawless story to me apart from the fact that I just didn't feel an emotional connection to any of the characters. I liked the characters but I didn't LOVE them. So in comparison to other coming-of-age horrors where I have emotionally invested in the characters almost to a fault, this book was lacking that for me a little.
Cricket Hunters is the combination of two favorite sub-genres with the coming-of-age facet and the supernatural thriller/mystery; a very satisfying reading experience! This book has caught my attention to a degree that I will stand in line for anything Helper writes in the future. It has also captured my heart and will forever grace my lists of coming-of-age horror starting now.
A must read.

charshorrorcorner's review against another edition

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CRICKET HUNTERS proved to be compelling reading. Once I got going, I didn't want to put it down!

In the town of Oak Mott, Texas, back in 1998, Celia and her gang of friends call themselves Cricket Hunters. All is fun and games until one of them disappears. Fast forward fifteen years, and another member of their group vanishes-but this time it's Celia's husband. In her search for him, eerie things are happening. On top of that his family is blaming her for his absence. Will Celia and her group ever learn what happened to their missing friend? Will present time Celia find or discover what happened to her husband? You'll have to read this to find out!

I had a few issues with this book. At first, I wasn't sure if I was meant to be feeling empathy or sympathy for any of the characters. (I'm still not sure, really.) I found that task difficult. The only characters I truly liked were Natalie and Omar, and they weren't around as much as I would have liked. Luckily, I don't need to like any of the characters as long as the plot grabs me and this one did.

One other thing that bothered me, and this is purely personal is
the violence done to various cats. I'm a cat owner and I didn't like that one bit.
I understood the reasons behind why it was done and I did keep reading, but I didn't like it.

Because I found the plot engaging and the mystery interesting, I stuck with it and was surprised by a few things along the way. I always love when that happens because I'm rarely surprised these days. Overall, this was a fine coming of age story, (with some horrific aspects), as well as a suspenseful mystery and I recommend it!

Available Sunday September 1st! Get your copy here:

*Thanks to Silver Shamrock publishing for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This is it!

brennanlafaro's review against another edition

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I keep saying that Silver Shamrock Publishing is putting out perpetually great work, but here’s the thing, every new book I read from this house necessitates making that statement at least once more. Good news friends, Jeremy Hepler’s Cricket Hunters is no exception.

This novel brings quite a bit to the table, and does a pretty immaculate balancing act with it. The story has present day elements as well as flashbacks, and the narrative shifts back and forth between the two timelines throughout. Hepler does a fantastic job making both points of view feel connected, and stressing the sense of urgency that make the reader feel like we’re catapulting towards an endgame.

There is so much coming-of-age material right now taking place in the 1980’s, which is great. I love the 80’s, but I was 5 when they ended. Consider this a personal note, but I love that Hepler chose to set our teenage group of friends in 1998, a time period that I have a lot more nostalgia associated with. I still know most of the words to “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo.

I loved getting to know the main character, Celia Lundy, and just as much her abuela, Yesenia. Cel is an imperfect character that becomes pretty easy to commiserate with. I didn’t necessarily agree with all her choices, but I was there to see her through. Yesenia brings the element of brujeria into the story, something that appears pretty infrequently in horror lit that I’ve waded through. The witchcraft never goes over the top, but does drive the plot and make itself an integral part.

Cricket Hunters is great example of simply dynamite storytelling. There are some big reveals towards the end, but the success of the book doesn’t hinge on them. I feel like even if some of Hepler’s choices hadn’t caught me by surprise, it wouldn’t have lessened the journey in any way. That being said, there’s at least one that blew my mind. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good coming-of-age mystery.

I received an e-book copy from the publisher for review consideration.

stranger_sights's review

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Read my full review at:

Cricket Hunters covers a lot of territory in a relatively short span of pages. Set in Texas and covering a span of about 15 years, this story is part supernatural horror novel, part thriller, and part coming of age story. It’s got a whole hell of a lot going on.

Once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. I often struggle to get into books that move backward and forward in time in order to tell their story, but Hepler has managed to seamlessly weave the children’s’ stories with their adult counterparts to create a total, immersive picture of their lives.

tracyreads's review

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From my Scfi and Scary review:

“She’d been raised to believe that if spells and rituals were used in the right way, cast or performed by a dedicated, well-versed bruja with an enlightened spirit, they could influence anything from hair thickness to emotions” (Hepler, Cricket Hunters, 8-9)

Here we have one of the cores of Jeremy Hepler’s novel, The Cricket Hunters. Yesenia, the main character, Cel’s, grandma practices curanderismo. I was able to reach out to the author for the name; it is such a central part of the story and I needed to know. This belief system/religion/magic is what ultimately shapes and informs much of the action within. This is important to remember especially in some of the scenes later on in the novel. What informs YOUR choices when so much is on the line?

Next, this novel delves into the bonds of friendship. Genre-wise, it is a mash-up of thriller, horror, and coming of age. There are dual timelines: one, a look back at how a group of friends grew up together and the horrors they encountered, and two, these same friends all grown up and realizing that what happened in childhood lingered and must be dealt with. I think Hepler moves between the timelines seamlessly and I love that the focus remains mostly on Cel. This is HER story even though the group friends includes boys and girls. She isn’t a side character in any sense.

I really enjoyed my time with this book. Hepler’s scholarship of the world of brujeria, Hispanic traditions, and fastidious attention to detail, made this book shine. I know that the author has another book out, a Stoker nominated horror novel, and I plan to check it out soon. Pick this book up if you love a great thriller mixed with supernatural forces; it is an engaging read.