
Existence by Abbi Glines

mdrenen's review

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I probably should have listened to my friend Rebecca, but I was swayed by the cover and description.....
I should have listened to Becca....

madwonder's review

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I surprisingly loved this book. It was simple to read and flowed to the point I never wanted to put it down. I always enjoy being able to read a book within 24 hours.

There wasn't a whole lot going on in this book besides Pagens soul seeing and love life but it was enough to keep me hooked. I immediately fell for Dank for all sorts of reasons. As much as I ached for the moments between Dank and Pagen there was also a sadness that I felt for Leif. I had actually found myself adoring him and was worried about having his heartbroken. With the ending in this book, I'm hopping something comes out of it so that I'm not feeling all upset over any heartbreaks in the next book.

The only thing that I wasn't the biggest fan of was the lack of description for the characters. At the same time, it left it open to your own imagination. Pagen is also a big one dimensional for me at the moment. Some how I still fell for this book. Sigh.

dj1010fl's review

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Uh, no

Sorry, this book was not a winner for me. I didn't buy into the hearts of these characters at all.

cupcakesrawesom's review

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First of all wtf was this book?

Pagan sees ghosts has since she was little. She sees a spirit but knows he's not the same as the rest of the ghosts she sees. Basically he stalks her and then stops and she goes to a mental hospital because of it. Acting like she can't go on dude youre like 17 calm down.

i am going to read on to the 2nd book just because I want to know what happens if it makes anymore sense than this nonsense.

katybooklover's review against another edition

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Esistenza è un romanzo che mi ha conquistato sin dalle prime pagine, l’autrice ha scritto un primo volume davvero appassionante e ricco di sorprese. Mi sono sentita immediatamente in sintonia con Pagan e l’ho ammirata tantissimo durante tutto il libro per la sua dolcezza, i suoi dubbi e il suo enorme coraggio.

È il primo romanzo di Abbi Glines che leggo e mi ha veramente conquistato perché non solo ha saputo caratterizzare molto bene i suoi personaggi, ma è riuscita anche a dare un ritmo perfetto alla narrazione, alternando momenti più tranquilli ad altri decisamente più inquietanti e ricchi di pathos, costruendo un mondo Paranormal molto affascinante e ricco di sfumature. Per tutta la durata del romanzo c’è questa sorta di suspense che mi ha accompagnata e il finale mi ha letteralmente lasciato a bocca aperta. Una volta arrivata alla fine, ho desiderato poter avere già tra le mani il secondo volume per addentrarmi ancora più a fondo nella vita di Pagan e del fantasma misterioso.
Lo stile di scrittura di Abbi Glines mi è piaciuto molto perché è scorrevole, attento ed è riuscita a parlare di sentimenti in modo impeccabile e intenso. Una volta iniziato a leggere non sono più riuscita a smettere. Ho cercato di godermi in pieno ogni singolo momento, ogni emozione e ogni pensiero fatto dalla protagonista e alcuni passaggi erano così intensi che ho sentito la necessità di rileggerli più volte. Ho amato ogni momento di interazione tra Pagan e il fantasma misterioso, i dialoghi tra loro sono fantastici e ricchi di significato. Il Pov è unicamente da parte di Pagan e questo mi ha permesso di sentire la protagonista molto vicina e ha reso la figura del ragazzo fantasma ancora più misteriosa e interessante.
Il Paranormal – dalle sfumature dark – si fonde perfettamente al lato puramente romance e il risultato è un romanzo completo sotto molti aspetti. Il finale è aperto, com’è giusto che sia, ma mi ha lasciato addosso una piacevolissima sensazione e un sorriso soddisfatto tra le labbra. Le domande in cerca di risposta sono ancora tante, ma in questo primo volume la Glines è riuscita a dare un’impronta davvero originale a una storia mai banale o scontata.
Durante la lettura sono rimasta più volte con il fiato sospeso e mi sono sentita emotivamente molto coinvolta, non solo dal rapporto che Pagan instaura con il fantasma misterioso, ma anche con il lato puramente dark del soprannaturale.

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sarose13's review

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Interesting story! The more I listened, the more I got into the story and what was happening in the paranormal realm. Unfortunately some of the voices were annoying on audio. Still a good story and I loved the cliffhanger ending so now I’m ready for the next book!

memica's review

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I liked it :D In the middle it got a really boring, but I hoped that it would be get better
The ending was fine :O I laughed for like 10 minutes after I read the last sentence of the book XD Then I came here hoping there would be a 2nd part of the book :D

kuritsahreads's review

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A few weeks before I found this novel, I had this idea myself: what if Death was a handsome young man? Would he be capable of feeling love?
It was a great novel overall, and I don't remember any grammar or other writing problems. Plus, I was very positively surprised by the SoundCloud link to Dank Walker's song "Yet You Stay". That song's playing on repeat at the moment!
However, when Dank and Pagan were basically trying to make each other jealous, I caught myself thinking that maybe I've grown too old for these high school teenage romances. Really, it was getting a bit annoying that they were using other people like Leif while ogling each other.
Then there was also the weird explanation as to why Dank had to go to Hell but Pagan had somehow freed him. Maybe I was a bit tired while I read that part, because it went way over my head and the quick way it was explained didn't make it sound like the author thought it was important.

diaryofthebookdragon's review

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While I read Existence I had a feeling that someone gave Abbi Glines a list of cliches that irritate me the most in young adult paranormal novels and she used them in this book. For start we have a heroine Pagan, who is just an ordinary girl. Except she is exceptionally beautiful (but is not aware of it), everyone comments about her wonderful & caring personality (but she is quick to form judgement based on prejudice) and is part of ordinary small group of friends (who just happen to be richest girl in town and best athlete in school - yeah real outcasts...).

To make it worse, the romance of course had to be a love triangle with two handsome and popular boys, Dank and Leif, fighting for Pagan. It's insta-love! It's dramatic! Oh, whom will she choose?!?! No, it's not obvious at all...

I have read some contemporary romance novels by Abbi Glines before and thought about her as an author who can really transfer passion and love between characters to the pages of her novels. But for some reason this didn't happen with Existence. Maybe it's there but all those cliches are blocking me from feeling it.

Existence ends with a lot of suspense and a cliffhanger but I think I am going to spare myself and skip reading the rest of this trilogy.

In The End...
If you are a fan of young adult paranormal romance novels and cliches I mentioned do not bother you, then Existence might end up on your favorites shelf. It happened with a lot of my bookworm-friends. As for me, it's just another book which makes me feel like a black sheep...

My rating: 2 stars

This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.

lovelylunahime's review

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Loved it , couldn't put it down!