
The Sky Above Us by Sarah Sundin

erin_j's review

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Another great WWII novel!

I was very intrigued about Adler's story and journey after reading the first book and it was not what I expected. That is something I love about Sarah Sundin, her books are all so different and not formulaic at all.

Adler was a great main character. Flawed and in need of forgiveness and healing. He had quite a journey. And he was able to heal and forgive with the help of Violet. Violet is our main heroine and I liked that even though she had a strong faith and planned to be a missionary she wasn't perfect and had to go through some soul searching. These two go on a wild ride of romance and healing and forgiveness together and it's beautiful and so sweet.

And, of course, I can't ignore the WWII storyline throughout the whole book. So much history. And even though this is romance fiction Sarah Sundin doesn't shy away from reminding you this is wartime and not everyone makes it home alive or whole. And times were hard for everyone. Also this part of the book wasn't formulaic and was completely different from the first book.

The faith element is a big part in this book. But I didn't feel like it was preachy and it fit in with the overall story and characters.

books_n_blossoms's review

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This is a wonderful story of have and forgiveness. I had thought this series should've started with Adler. Only for the fact that his story seemed to me to have taken the brunt of the brothers relationship.

Adler was a man carrying a heavy burden and you could feel that throughout the story. I loved Violet, who, if you liked at the surface, didn't seem to have any major struggles. But as the story went on, the reader can see her weaknesses and how her desire to please has molded her into the person she is.

I loved the thread of faith in this story. His showing each of them His Truth either through others, their experiences, or through the Spirit.

One aspect I liked about this series was that all of the brothers stories happen at the same time.

deannah's review

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So, I felt compelled to finish this series to find out what happens to all three brothers. However, It is more heavy handed with the religion than I like. (a 7-8 on my scale of annoyance.) Also, lots of detail--to much sometimes regarding D-day itself-- but I feel like her characters still lack development the way I would like.

kathryn_changedbychrist's review

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Whoa. This story was honestly one of the best World War 2 fiction books that I have ever read. It really made me appreciate what those men who fought in WWII went through and it definitely brought the D-Day battle to life for me.
This is my first ever Sarah Sundin book (yes, I know it is part of a series, but I haven’t read the first yet, oops) and I will definitely be reading more of her work in the future.
As I said above, this story really brought the D-Day battle to life for me and I was able to better appreciate what those men did for us. I was honestly surprised at how well the story came to life in front of me when I read this book. I’ve only had that happen a few times, and I think it is one of the signs of a good author when they are able to bring history events to life in such a real way.
To be completely honest, one of my least favorite parts of this story was Violet. I did appreciate that she changed and grew throughout the story, that added another layer of “realness” to the book as a whole, but I also wasn’t able to relate to her very well. And to be completely honest, I kind of got frustrated with her as well with her slightly narrow-minded thinking.
One of my favorite things about this book, besides the compelling and well-written story, was Adler. Oh my goodness. My heart really went out to him in his hurting and, gosh, I can’t say enough good things about him! Yes, Adler will be joining my fairly short list of favorite book heros.
All in all, I thought this story was very well done, my only complaint being Violet, and even then, I loved watching her grow and learn as the story progressed. I think people will really be able to relate to the faith elements throughout this story as well as the struggles that the characters faced, and ultimately overcame. Even from this first introduction to her writing, I can tell that Ms. Sundin is a wonderful and powerful writer. I can’t wait to read the rest of this series as well as her other books!

**I received a complementary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts in this review are my own.**

aprilreadstoo's review

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The Sky Above Us is the second book in Sarah Sundin’s Sunrise at Normandy Series. In this book we learn the story of Lieutenant Adler Paxton, and Violet Lindstrom. Lt. Paxton is estranged from his family, and Miss Lindstrom is recovering from a complete change in the plans she had for her own life.

Lt. Paxton is a pilot in WWII, and his biggest desire is to be an ace pilot. His assignment however means that he will be backing up the lead pilot. Violet wants to serve the children in England while she is serving via the Red Cross. Her assignment is on the military base serving the men.

As the story progresses we learn more about the background stories of each of these characters, and we also get to witness through Ms. Sundin’s wonderful storytelling, each of them realizing how they need to die to self in order to more easily accepts the plans God may have for their lives. It is when they begin letting go of what they thought they needed and opening themselves up that some truly amazing transformations happen.

Initially, I thought that maybe this story was starting off slower than the other books I have read by the author, and I have read all of her books. I then remembered that this slow build of the story is what makes Ms. Sundin’s books so good. You get the big picture and then she fills in the details and you are left with a novel that reminds you of God’s love and His grace and mercy. All of this, in my opinion is what makes her such a great story teller.

I highly recommend this book. I would however suggest starting with the first book in the series so that the transformation that Lt. Paxton makes is even more profound.

I received a copy of this book from Baker Publishing Group through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.