
Academic Curveball by James J. Cudney

mareich's review against another edition

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I didn't like this book much at all, and am actually surprised I finished it. The plot didn't engage me and I found the writing to periodically border on sappy. The story surrounds Kellan who lives in LA and has an inexplicable job working for a reality TV producer who has no redeeming qualities. Kellan is sent to visit his parents in Pennsylvania college town, where his father is college President. His father also has few, if any, redeeming qualities. Kellan's task is to meet with someone who has been researching material for the reality TV show to obtain the material. Before he can have the meeting, the researcher is murdered on campus. There is a second murder which seems unrelated, as well as a number of other "pot-boiler" activities on campus during the ensuing investigations. My overall impression was the book was tedious, pretentious, and mostly banal and if I'd known it was categorized as a "Cozy Mystery," I wouldn't have picked it up. I generally find something to like in everything I read, but in this case, there wasn't anything to be had. The most intriguing aspect of the book was the last sentence, a teaser for Braxton Campus Mysteries #2.

skyfox24kd's review against another edition

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I loved this and I can’t wait to read the next one. I’m invested. Nana D is hilarious and so is the MC Kellan. I have a Nana so it is good to see one in a story.
All that dessert talk. My gosh !! I seriously feel the need to bake something or talk someone else into it.
I haven’t read a cozy in a while and this was just perfect to ease me back in to the genre. This was my type of cozy. It was missing a cat but it had pies ! I laughed a lot and loved and appreciated the humor. It was a huge bonus in addition to the excellent mystery.
I adored the mystery and how Kellan went about getting ppl to talk about things. Everyone was their own, unique and defined character. I had no trouble keeping up with the many characters and suspects because of this, though there were quite a few.
Some interesting developments are in the works, it seems, for book 2 and I’m here for it! Yay!

Let’s see what else.. I highlighted some of my favorite passages bc this was kindle format. The author didn’t ask me to read this, I just did because it sounded good and it was better than that.
The ending was quite the smack! Like cherry pie in the face ! Oh! Shocker. Great job, Mr. Cudney.

(Well some of my highlights are being a butt. But there are more than appear here. They will eventually catch up. )

marjma2014's review against another edition

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A light-hearted murder mystery set in an academic setting with strong family vibes. I enjoyed this cozy story. It is for you if you like a well written story with lots of engaging dialogue. It is perhaps a bit different from what I would normally read but it is good to try new genres from time to time. I particularly enjoyed the main character's Kellan Ayrwick's feisty Nana who is such a fun character! Kellan is a widower with a young daughter, he works on a true crime television series called "Dark Reality." His father's retirement party at Braxton Campus brings more than he expects when Abby Monroe is found dead and it soon becomes clear that her death is not of natural causes.

Recommended  reading for those who enjoy humour as a side dish to garnish their murder mystery.

My rating 4 stars.

bridgets_books's review against another edition

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Academic Curveball is the first in Mr. Cudney’s Braxton Campus cozy mystery series.

I think this is a stand-up triple, to use baseball vernacular. First books in a series require a different angle as so much backstory, and character introduction is involved.

The characters are well-written. Kellen is somewhat typical as a middle child and has a bit of a strained relationship with his parents. Thank goodness for Nana D. She is a hoot! The cast is detailed and diverse.

Without giving away too much of the plot, the mystery builds slowly throughout the story. I was so sure I had the murderer “tagged,” but I was wrong. New characters, each with a possible motive, keep the intrigue high. The story moves along at a good pace, keeping you turning the pages.

The author is upfront about Academic Curveball being the first in a series. You know this means there is a cliffhanger at the end, and it was a big one.

I recommend this book to all lovers of cozy mysteries and clean fiction with a bit of romance.

valerielong's review against another edition

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Review coming soon!

constantine2020's review against another edition

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Rating: 3.5/5.0

This is the second book I read for James J. Cudney after reading Father Figure. One will look into its gorgeous cover and can't resist but think about those Agatha Christie's beautiful covers. The story here is also a murder mystery. Kellan returns home for his father's retirement party, unfortunately, his return does not turn as uneventful as he was thinking. A dead body is found in the stairwell. He and the others know the identity of the dead! Kellan's adventure starts to reveal the truth. 

The story is enjoyable, it has both suspense and humor. I feel this will appeal to a wide range of readers. The characters were good but the problem I faced at the beginning of the book was that I am introduced to many characters within a few pages which were somehow difficult for me to follow, but after advancing further into the story things became more clear. Sometimes the story became slower but I think that is the case with most cozy mysteries. 

I liked this novel and hopefully will get into the second book sometime soon. This was a completely new theme for James Cudney. Father Figure was a more dramatic tragedy which I liked a lot. Academic Curveball is a lot lighter and filled with humor while retaining the suspense.

Many thanks to the author for providing me with a free digital copy of this book.

booksuperpower's review against another edition

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Academic Curveball by James Cudney is a 2018 publication.

A clever whodunit!

Widower, and single father, Kellan Ayrwick, has returned home to help his father celebrate his retirement from Braxton College. He is also hoping to connect with a professor at the college regarding a show he is working on. But, before he can speak with her, her body is found in Diamond Hall’s stairwell. Concerned that his father may somehow be connected, Kellan tries to determine who would want the professor dead, and why.

I’ve been trying to read more of my beloved cozy mysteries and have had my eye on this series for a while. I am glad I finally had the chance to settle into this first installment, as I found it to be quite refreshing. Kellen’s voice is unique, and the premise is original, especially in a mystery firmly ensconced in the cozy category. It’s nice to have a good, clean mystery, with sharp dialogue and humor, to complement a solid whodunit!

While I do like to dabble in all the various subjects and styles of cozy mysteries, this book was a change of pace from the oversaturation of cozies centered around food or crafts.

I never guessed who the murderer was but had a lot of fun trying to figure it out. I was so invested in Kellen’s personal situation, I was gobsmacked by the ending! I am most definitely tuning in for the second book in this promising series!!

dollycas's review against another edition

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Dollycas’s Thoughts
We meet Kellan Ayrwick, who works on true crime dramas in Hollywood. He has come home to attend his father’s retirement party and meet with a woman who has done some research for an upcoming season on his television show. Near the end of the party, Kellan makes a tragic discovery. One of the professors appears to have fallen to her death down a flight of stairs. Evidence quickly points to murder and the top suspects include people close to Kellan. Kellan is encouraged to do a little investigating and the finds one curve after another before he hits it out of the park and uncovers whodunit.

We rarely have male protagonists in cozy mysteries and I liked Kellan right away. A single dad living and working in California. He is clearly not happy with his boss. His relationship with his parents is complicated, they are a unique pair, but he sure loves his Nana and their relationship was so heartwarming. Kellan is smart, funny and sarcastic is a delightful way. He comes across as very laid back and confident. His arrival home and the subsequent murder lands him right in the middle of everything going on at the college.

The author has written a mystery that encompasses a wide variety of people. Professors, students, and staff of the Braxton Campus are all entangled in the murder investigation. Another death hits close to Kellan and his family and I was heartbroken when he found the body. All of the characters feel real and believable. Campus life is truly portrayed with an emphasis on the athletic department. Twists and turns kept me guessing right up until the end.

The pace was good but it was wordy in places and that bogged it down a bit. I think a little tightening up would make it fly. The character development was great and left plenty of room for growth. I hope to get to know Kellan’s daughter better in future stories. The world building clearly gave me a sense of time and place.

This series is off to a wonderful start. I found the story entertaining and enjoyable. I look forward to future installments.

candacerobinsonauthor's review against another edition

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This is the third book I’ve read by Cudney and what I love is how each novel is so different yet each one is equally awesome! Academic Curveball kept me on my toes while I tried to figure out the mystery. I also loved Kellan and reading from his POV! He felt real and completely relatable, which is one of my favorite kind of characters. What you’ll get is plenty of mystery, fantastic writing, and witty dialogue. And that ending seriously has me yearning for book 2!!

mvptp's review against another edition

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Im always happy to find a new series and this was a fast and easy read and I loved the fact that I didn't know who the killer was until it was revealed. I wasn't a fan of some of the secondary characters but I after that ending I definitely want to read more