
Demon Slave by Kiersten Fay

goaskalix's review

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Reread: December 11, 2013

bookish_babe's review

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After finishing Book 1 in the Shadow Quest Series (Demon Possession) I had to dive into book 2. Demon Slave captivated my attention from the very start. I really liked Marik's character in Demon Possession and was thrilled to find that I would see more of him in Demon Slave. Marik is so broken inside in the beginning of Demon Slave. His past and the hardships he has endured have made him question himself and his honor and watching him fall for Nadua while at the same time trying to push her away, broke my heart. The heat between these two was intense at times but I loved that Nadua wasn't going to take no for an answer. She refused to let Marik hold her at arms length and that made me love her character even more. Nadua is a fighter. She is the type of heroine I love reading about because she is strong and determined and doesn't rely on being saved like some damsel in distress.

Demon Slave made me cry, it made me laugh, and it made me shudder. I felt this story. I didn't just read it. I am so thrilled that I have a new series to obsess over because this is one for the record books. Kiersten Fay creates a world that is riveting in its uniqueness. I have never delved into a series quiet like this one. The world-building is exquisite and Demon Slave is an absolute must read!

4.5 stars for Demon Slave!!

thecatochronicles's review

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I was excited to read book 2 of the Shadow Quest series by Kiersten Fay since I so greatly enjoyed book 1, Demon Possession, when I read it last year. However, I was disappointed with the scope and character development here. Demon Slave did a good job of continuing the major plot line established in book 1 but lacked the depth that I so enjoyed.

Marik, who I liked as a supporting character in Demon Possession, often annoyed me as the hero in this book. His actions and thoughts, along with Nadua’s (his love interest/counterpart), were irritating. They were so stubborn and distrusting. I could concede some understanding on Marik’s part based on the history established in book 1, but Nadua’s constant mistrust, anger, and temper-tantrums seemed to come out of nowhere. She had lived a relatively easy life especially in comparison to her sister Anya.

Overall, the story was just too short, vague, and unfinished. It read like a pointless filler episode of a long running TV series where you just go, “Why the heck did they have to include this?” It was a sad let down after my excited reception of the beginning of the series. At least I wasn’t deterred from finishing the series based on this book because Demon Retribution more than made up for what was lacking here.

seeingnight's review

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GENRE: Science Fiction Romance
THEME: Demon, Paranormal

It’s been a while since I read the first in the shadow quest series but as soon as I started, I immediately was drawn back in the world of demons and space pirates. I loved Sebastian and Anya’s story so much and was thrilled to read about them again even as secondary characters. This time around we get to follow Marik, a crewmember from Sebastians ship who is trying to track down Anya’s long lost sister. As always Fay creates lots of friction, romance, an alien planet and some great secondary characters.

Demon Slave follows Marik who is thrown right in the middle of a battle when his ship lands on a new planet. Trying to track down his captains mates sister, he is captured by a strange group who is lead by an exotic woman they know as their Queen, whom Marik cant resist. Not long after he discovers that the one he’s looking for is right in front of him, he must convince her that his Demon side means her no harm. But these two not only have to start trusting each other but also watch their backs from the danger that’s close to home for this tough Queen.

Marik is a damage guy and demon, but he has a warrior’s heart. He was once s slave and sadly is afraid of losing control and blacking out in the moment of his Edge. I felt bad for this guy as Fay digs deep into his past, the readers get glimpses of his tougher days. He was great in this plot, with his smoking hot charm and the chemistry that sizzled whenever he was near Nadua. I also got frustrated along with him because Nadua just didn’t make things easy for him even though he clearly wasn’t trying to hurt her. But anyways I loved his protectiveness and how when he fights he just goes into warrior mode and takes care of business.

Nadua was not my favorite heroine; I was a bit frustrated with her especially since I adored Analia in the first book. Nadua is tough, untrusting and doesn’t seem to want to understand what happening around her. I didn’t like how she treated Marik coldly one minute and then fall for him the next and then changed her mind again. I wanted to shake her and just take Marik for myself. But in the end I think she started to become a character I could like, she opened up and realized that Marik was trying to help her.

Overall I enjoyed this second installment, even though it wasn’t as strong as the first book, I loved reading about the old characters and tying in the storyline from the first with this one. Plus the readers get a bonus plot happening with Sonya and Ethan, which I’m dying to read more about these two! As always with Fay she knows how to steam up the pages with her character, while also creating an intriguing plot that keeps you on your toes. I look forward to reading about these memorable characters.

This is an adult novel with lots of sexual content that is for mature readers. If you’re a fan of Ann Aguirre Sirantha Jax series or Larissa Iones’ Demonica series, you will love this!

crbundy's review

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Kiersten Fay has a way with creating female characters who are both vulnerable yet deeply powerful individuals. Her women are whole, strong and competent, and as a female reader I appreciate this! Her setting and character descriptions are rich and powerful, drawing you deeply into another universe.

This story wasn't an easy one for Nadua and Marik, it was often rocky (quite literally) on a number of occasions, but I think the bittersweet nature of their relationship made both of their endeavors to get things resolved feel genuine.

I also adore the Ethan and Sonya dynamic. And in Demon Retribution, they all come to Earth with Cale! Wowza! Can't wait for that one. :)