
My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling

gabicreads's review

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Original review at Gabic Reads. ARC received from author -- Thank you.

My Date From Hell is an excellent continuation from My Ex From Hell. Tellulah conveniently includes a summary of the main characters ("Cheat Sheet to My Life Thus Far") that you can skip if you hate the summarizing that occurs in the first few chapters, or you can read it to refresh your memory of what happened in My Ex From Hell. After that chapter, the story jumps in right where it left off. Sophie is stuck in Olympus with her father trying to kill her. After she escapes that with her life (barely), she and her gang go on a mission to remove the memory block on her mind. Aphrodite only agrees to help if Sophie and Kai go on a date. Lots of action, tons of flirting, and heaps of kissing ensue.

Sophie is awesome. She's spunky and sassy. She won't let anybody define who she is her sharp tongue and quick temper make her a very entertaining character. The conversations her and Kai have are hilarious. Sophie does tend to make Kai out to be the bad guy most of the time. He defends himself though, and makes Sophie see his side of things. In that way, I think their relationship is perfect. Pierce and Hannah are also really cute together. I wish we got to see more of them. Sophie and Fee's interactions are awesome. Their minds are so similar it's scary ;)

The Blooming Goddess trilogy is the best Persephone retelling I've read. So go read it now. Right now. Before you forget how awesome I told you it was.

maraya21's review

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Damn! I didn't see that ending coming! 10/10 This was super entertaining ✔⚡

nicolemhewitt's review

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I LOVED My Date From Hell!! This book included everything I loved about the first book, but it was even better because I was totally on board with Kai and Sophie this time!

The negatives:

Annoying deities.
This is nitpicking, but Aphrodite was really annoying to me. I hated her New York accent (which often made me picture her as a dumb hick instead of a vapid Jersey Shore girl) and she just bugged me. Luckily, she wasn't a huge character in the book, so it wasn't such a big deal that she annoyed me.

What I loved:

Kai and Sophie.
If you read my review for book #1 in this series, you know that I wasn't 100% on board with Kai in the first book. He came off as a little too much of a jerk and I just wasn't feeling him. Well, I'm happy to report that, in this book, that problem was remedied pretty much right from the start. We got to see the softer side of Kai at the beginning of this book. By the time I got to the end, I was on the Kai cheerleading squad! LOVE him!!

Just like in the first book, Sophie's friends are a huge part of the book. Hannah was as adorable as ever with her combination of nerdy brains and beauty. Also, Theo softened up a bit with the addition of a love interest (a God - who was great fun!). The fun banter between
Sophie and her friends was just as good as in the first book. You're sure to find yourself laughing at their antics!

The action and the ending.
This book kept me on my toes - it started out with a bang and just kept going that way. Then there was the ending - I did NOT see the ending to this book coming - not at all!! It left me shocked and desperately waiting for book #3!

My Date From Hell is an amazingly funny, exciting read! Greek mythology was never this much fun in school! 5/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are my own***

fictionalkate's review

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Sophie Bloom never expected to be held captive by her birth father. But then again – the never thought he’d be Zeus, Greek King of the Gods. But somehow Sophie finds herself breaking free from her fedora wearing, suit clad all-powerful bio-dad. Together with Kai, son of Hades and lover of Sophie’s former self, Persephone, they must somehow work out how to uncover Persephone’s memories and stop Zeus and Hades. If only that was all – they also have to stop the teenage megalomania Bethany from taking over the world thanks to a magical tattoo’s powers and somehow fall in love with each other. I suppose it’s a good thing they also have Aphrodite helping on the romance front or not…

Sophie is one of those characters I can’t help but like. She’s smart mouthed – probably too much so as it always seems to be getting her in trouble with tenancy to talk first and reap the consequences of angry gods later – but she’s also a lot of fun. Not much can get this newly reincarnated goddess down. Not even the devilishly handsome Kai. Together they’re a match to be reckoned with – that is if they can get their hormones in control. Sophie’s friends Theo and Hannah are supportive in all the right ways but I like they also have their own stuff going on. Theo’s former beau makes an appearance (who knew there would be hipster gods?!) and Hannah finds her feet beautifully after being thrust into a world where the gods are real.

This is a great second instalment in this series. Now all the preliminary stuff is taking care of we really get into the adventure and blossoming (or should that be blooming?) relationship between the characters. Sophie is starting to get the hang of being a goddess and only has to occasionally come to terms with jealousy of her former self’s relationship with Kai – someone Sophie isn’t even sure she wants to love… but doesn’t want him not to love her. She’s delightfully confusing and I think she manages to confound herself more than she does anyone else.

I love books with an adventure/quest side and this one doesn’t disappoint. We get to see more gods and goddesses along with their powers during this book. I thought it was a great to witness Sophie’s reactions to places and people she’s met as Persephone and doesn’t recall. Getting to know Kai as she travelled was another highlight. I loved finding out that he is every bit a match for Sophie and her sarcasm.

Tellulah Darling’s writing is just as sassy and witty as in her previous books, littered with pop culture references and feisty characters. I love how many references she manages to slip in. Having a Dance Dance Revolution game having memory retrieving capabilities? Who thinks of that?! I found myself amused from cover to cover with the antics and cheeky dialogue. There is no doubt that I’ll be reading the third and final book in the Blooming Goddess trilogy. I just have to find out what happens next to Sophie and Kai!

3.5 stars

erinarkin20's review

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Here’s hoping this review is not super rambly…I tend to get that way when I don’t want to give anything away but still want to tell everyone all the great things….apologies if it gets away from me.

My Date From Hell picks up shortly after Ex ended. Sophie believes that Kai deserted her and the gang after stealing Theo’s chain. Soon after getting back to school, she is kidnapped by Zeus and taken to Olympus. Zeus wants to know where Persephone and Kai were planning the ritual and unfortunately for both Zeus and Sophie, she still doesn’t have her memory back. This is where the book opens and it was one of the parts I loved. Not only do we get a glimpse of what Sophie’s relationship with Zeus is and his feelings toward her, but it leads into her realizing just what Kai did when he left everyone behind.

From the very beginning Darling takes the reader on an action packed ride with this group. Between trying to stop Bethany from taking over the world and creating havoc with her power, trying to get Sophie’s/Persephone’s memories back, and avoiding getting kicked out of school, Kai and Sophie decide they need to go on a date…what really happens is that all of these things (and more) become their date from hell.

Darling continues to build these characters out and we get to have more of Kai this time around as he is now closer than ever to Sophie and the group. I still really like Sophie and want her to be a real life friend (don’t judge me – I know she is fictional). She’s perfectly sarcastic and snarky and doesn’t take everything too seriously. Considering how much her life has changed since that first kiss with Kai, I love that she still has a sense of humor about everything.

With all of that in mind, she continues to struggle with her identity and who she should be. She is continuously being compared to Persephone and that does raise her hackles but she is slowly getting past it. The good thing is that by the end of the book, she gets that those people who are important to her and know her, know she is not really Persephone. Yes, she has pieces of her within but she is Sophie and I think she is coming around.

Kai is one of the reasons Sophie is adjusting. He is slowly chipping away at this wall she has built up to protect herself from him loving Persephone and he does a great job of making her realize it is Sophie he is drawn to not Persephone. It was great to have him involved within the group dynamic and Darling took the opportunity to introduce some of his background which was great and explained a bit more about who he is.

Darling also took some time to introduce some great new characters as well and I have to say, she may have outdone herself this time. First, I have to address Aphrodite – it was brilliant to reference her as “Lina Lamont made flesh.” Every single time she came up and spoke, all I could picture were scenes from Singin’ in the Rain and really made that character come to life for me.

Festos was another great addition – he comes across as the male version of Sophie. Perfectly snarky and he truly has feelings for Theo. From his first interaction with Sophie it was clear he was going to be a great addition to the group.

The other person I will mention is Pierce who is really Eros (Cupid). He makes Hannah realize there is more to life than books and science and she definitely notices him. He actually works for Aphrodite and because of a mishap with one of his arrows; things get interesting between Kai and Sophie.

If you like your books with a lot of action, an assortment of Greek gods and goddesses, quite a bit of sarcasm and some mystery, you will definitely enjoy My Date From Hell. I can’t wait to see what happens next as based on the ending we were left with; it could go any number of ways. I may just have to see what I can bribe Tellulah Darling with in order to get a copy of book 3 because I’m pretty sure I’m too impatient to wait for the book to be released.

authorkmg's review

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Kelsie's Review: 3.5 Stars

Ok so let me start with all the things we know to be true. Tellulah is kick butt in the witty banter, swoony boys, action pact, evil villain, character building, world building, and all other things department. This book had all of those elements.

We get to see more of the mythology take shape in this book. We see more of Kai which is always a plus. We learn so much and it this book is so action pact that it reads super fast. So why then did I get it 3.5 stars? Ok hear me out. So I've noticed something with second books. They are like an info dump. I got a little lost in this one. I forgot what the original mission was, I found myself going back to reread sections because I got lost and I hate that because it was a good book! I also didn't like the ending, but this is more my frustration with the characters than with the author so take that into consideration.

My Date From Hell is still the hilarious, drama filled, angsty YA romp it's promised to be. Would I recommend this? Yes! Totally. Am I going to read the next installment? Uh, yes. The ending in this one demands it! DEMANDS IT I TELL YOU!

Nadia's Review: 4 out of 5 stars

We're baaaaack! With the impatiently awaited second book in Tellulah Darling's Blooming Goddess Trilogy.

So! For those of you not in the know, Tellulah Darling is one of indie publishing's best kept secrets. Her stories are full of snark, wit, and characters you can easily see yourself being best friends with. If you want to join Darlingdor's Army, start with Sam Cruz's Infallible Guide to Getting Girls and go from there!

Now. On to the review. If this book were a rollercoaster it would be The Goliath. Not only does it take us all around the world and back, but it leaves you feeling like you're about to fly out of your seat at any moment.

I won't lie, the beginning was a little shaky, mainly cuz it felt like the book had already started and I was just now tuning in. BUT. It could be cuz I didn't have time to do a reread of the first one before I got my hands on the second one. However, once I got my bearings we were off!

I loved, loved, loved Aphrodite. Singing in the Rain is one of my absolute favorite movies and, weirdly enough, I had literally watched it the night before I started the book (Aphrodite looks and sounds exactly like Lina Lamont!).

Sophie and Kai's development was what I enjoyed most about the entire book. Not just their developing relationship, been rooting for that since he stepped onto the page, but them as people with thoughts and feelings and problems that go deeper than 150-200 pages. I felt for Sophie when she thought she found her mother, and finally connected with Kai when he spoke about Hades.

Oh! Oh! And the ending. Whoo Boy, you need to pick up the book and read it just for the ending. Man. Sophie has some dark times ahead of her.

A wonderful installation to a solid series, get out there and read it! Except if you haven't read the first one, start there!

mel_reviews_in_a_pinch's review

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I don’t know how many more good things I can say about this series without overselling it. It’s a rare day for me to find a book that I really love, let alone an entire series/trilogy. I’m not too picky when it comes to actually reading books, but I’m definitely stingy with those 5 out of 5 ratings.

I’m a big fan of the way the author reviews the previous book. If you accidentally read them in the wrong order, you don’t really feel lost. If you read them with large gaps in between, you still don’t feel lost or forget big plot points. And if you read them one right after the other, there’s no feeling of annoyance at the repetitive nature of a recap.

The development of the characters was very entertaining. I find Sophie hilarious. Her bickering with Kai is great to read and keeps me reading with a big, dorky grin on my face. The introduction of new characters, like Festos, was done very well. The author introduced a few new characters, but I didn’t feel like any other characters suffered because of this.

Since I’ve already posted reviews for the other two books in this series, I’ll just go ahead and wrap this up quickly. I absolutely loved My Date From Hell. It’s actually my favorite in The Blooming Goddess trilogy. I would highly recommend My Date From Hell. I’m guessing you’ll get a few laughs from it; I definitely did.

For more reviews, check out Reviews In A Pinch today!

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 I was weak in the face of bad boys with ink.

Sometimes I think Darling is peering directly into my soul when I read her work. Because come on, who doesn't love a bad boy? And there's even a new character with a British accent!! It's like this book was written just for me! Okay, anyway, moving on...

My Date From Hell picks up right where My Ex From Hell left off. Sophie is being held captive by her father, the all-powerful Zeus, and trying all means of possible escape. I'd want to get the heck out of there too. Father dearest is proving he's not above torturing his little girl for answers. Once reunited with Kai and getting the hell out of Olympus, Sophie sets out on the seemingly impossible task of getting Persephone's memories back.

Our favorite players are back: Sophie, Kai (swoon), Theo, Hannah - even ones we don't love, such as Bethany.

But we also get a few more players added to the mix: Pierce (aka Cupid. Get it, Pierce - cause Cupid pierces the hearts of his victims with arrows? I thought that was wicked clever.) and Festos (aka Phaestos) are two additions that I loved. Especially the back story with Theo and Festos...ahhh so brilliant! We also get to meet Aphrodite (self-centered) and Hermes (think Trickster for all you Supernatural fans) as they play their parts in this game of helping Sophie regain her memories.

Oh, and did I mention there's more Kai...sigh. Prince of Darkness can be sweet, imagine that.

What Darling does so exceedingly well is give us just the right balance of Greek mythology and real teenage life. Most YA books showcase their teenagers as these unrealistic versions of what they think teens are like and their voices don't come across as teens. Many teenagers are impulsive, scared and young. They try to be brave but deep down life terrifies them. Darling captures that innocence without making it seem immature. And she gives them voices that are true to their ages. The characters just jump off of the page, their personalities their own not blending into others. And she has a knack for seeing relationships that most wouldn't have seen or put together (ex: Pierce and Hannah). Mix this with witty one-liners and pop culture references, Date definitely lives up to its predecessor.

There's just one little thing. Umm...Tellulah, my dear, what was with that ending?? How can you leave it there?!?!?! Not cool at all! I need more!!

PS: You know, I'm not really threatening you right? Well, not really...

I received an e-copy of this book from the author is exchange for an honest review. 

katsmiao's review

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I love this series. Let me say it again: I love this series.

This book is such amazing fun to read. it's super fast paced, starts with a bang, and just when you think things are going to slow down, there's some major bombshells dropped towards the end of the book.

The writing is so irreverent, with pop culture references, it's super fun to read and makes me laugh. The characters act and sound just like real teens. The writing is just so intelligent and spectacular. Not a boring paragraph in sight.

and man...what an ending. I'm starting on book 3 right away, can't wait to see what happens next.

belliz4's review

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3.5 stars.