
The Clouded Sky by Megan Crewe

marinazala's review against another edition

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** Books 151 - 2015 **

3,1 of 5 stars!

Arghhh! another the Cliffhanger ending! I really curious what happen with the earth, Isis and team, Also Jule! >___<

Okay this books is good enough but it really kinda slowly plot than first books. I love more Earth & Sky than this second one. The intense that i felt when i read first book i can't found it in here.

I also found Skylar's character somehow too perfect and too good to be true.. It kinda disturbing me when even she love science/math suddenly she can operates the pod/machine by just watch/first try? Suddenly she can fluently speaking Kemya's languange when she meet Davic?

I can't wait to read the third book! ;)

imzadirose's review against another edition

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Didn't like this one NEARLY as much as the first one. If I was rating on 10 stars, the first one would be a 7ish and this one would be a 3ish. The first book had all kinds of action and jumping around in different time periods and all kinds of craziness going on. It was enjoyable.

This one didn't have that. It was all talk. Talk talk talk. Not much happened and what did happen I saw coming and didn't enjoy, either thing.

Planned on going directly to the next one, but I opened it to see how it would start and she changed her writing style from one to duel POV. I HATE it when an author changes what they do mid series. It's so annoying. I do want to know what happens so I may read it, but I'm not expecting anything great. Sigh.

momwithareadingproblem's review against another edition

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I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review

Initial Reaction:

What could....what do I do until the next book?!?!

Note: If you've not read [b:Earth & Sky|17875055|Earth & Sky (Earth & Sky, #1)|Megan Crewe||25028780], there are minor unavoidable spoilers in this review.

The Clouded Sky by [a:Megan Crewe|2839407|Megan Crewe|] picks up literally like thirty minutes after the end of [b:Earth & Sky|17875055|Earth & Sky (Earth & Sky, #1)|Megan Crewe||25028780]. Skylar is with Win on an alien ship on her way to the space station Win's people call home. Skylar's mission is to help the rebel group put a weapon together and save Earth. Can they do it in time?

It's no secret that I didn't care for the first book in this series. However the ending of [b:Earth & Sky|17875055|Earth & Sky (Earth & Sky, #1)|Megan Crewe||25028780] hooked me and I felt I HAD to read the next book and get some answers. There were major plot twists at the end that affected my feelings towards the whole book. Honestly, the author pulled the rug out from under me and I was in shock. So I did what I do best, I picked up this book and binge read. AND I was not disappointed :D

Sky is a stronger character this time around. She's gotten some answers, the panic attacks that plagued her on Earth don't plague her on the space station, and she's more secure with her decisions and actions. She stands up for herself and she's not afraid to fight because it means she will save those she loves and ALL of Earth IF (and that's a very big if) she succeeds.

It's decided before they arrive at the space station that Sky will pretend to be a "pet" of Jule, one of the boys that is a part of the rebellion with Win. Jule however is arrogant, rude and just flat-out mean at times to Win in book one and we see some of that in book two. BUT Jule turns out to be this handsome guy with a lot of secrets and a vulnerable side that he only reveals to Sky. Can I just be real for a minute? I fell in love with Jule! I'm not big into changing ships in the middle of a series, I'm usually one to stick with one person from the beginning, but Jule is just perfect
SpoilerAT LEAST HE WAS!!! Then the author had to make him the bad guy and I wanted to scream at him through the book. I had figured out what was happening a few chapters before Sky did but I didn't want to believe it and kept thinking "Jule wouldn't betray her! No he wouldn't!" Boy was I wrong!!!!!

Where book one jumped through time and the characters visited multiple places throughout the course of the book, this book takes place almost entirely on the space station. It's a bit slower paced than the first, but this wasn't a bad thing. On the contrary, it gave the author a chance to build up this fantastic world and the characters. The plot revolved around Sky and the rebellion that was taking place to save Earth from Kemya. There was a lot of action, suspense, quite a bit of romance, and some betrayal. While I could predict some of it the ending I was not ready for in any way, shape, or form!

If you enjoy young adult, science fiction I highly recommend you check out this series. I couldn't set it down!

booksandbark's review against another edition

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It had a good premise. I loved seeing the new world and all the new high-tech spaceships and things!

I liked all the new characters and I KNEW IT FOR THE ROMANCE. IT HAD TO BE HIM.
Anyhow, this is a minor spoiler (read on at your own risk), but I didn't like the love-triangle-line thing with Win, Skylar, and Jule. I never really liked Jule and the romance just took over the story and it got WEIRD with the whole "pet" thing.
SpoilerIn the end, when we discover that Jule IS in fact the traitor, I was kind of REALLY ANNOYED that Skylar just went, "Oh, well, looks like Jule's not with us anymore so I can't kiss his face all day anymore! WIN, let me date you now, you know I loved you all along!" Like, UM, NO. YOU CANNOT DO THAT.

Anyhow, I liked how the whole story played out with the traitor subplot, but I was a tad confused a lot of the time. It needed more engaging exposition (oops, I skimmed).
But overall I liked it. Not as much as the first book, but it ended on a pretty decent cliffhanger, so I might as well finish up the trilogy.

kyera's review against another edition

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I would like to preface this by saying that this is book two of the Earth & Sky trilogy – and I was not given book one to review so I essentially started in the middle of the story. That being said, although I didn’t necessarily understand all of the references to the first book I didn’t feel confused throughout. I believe that the author did a good job building on the first story, but also made the second book able to stand on its own. It was an interesting premise that I haven’t read before, but I also wouldn’t reread the book. The world building was scarce and the characters underdeveloped. Most, but not all of the time, I didn’t feel like I could relate to them. I would recommend this read to those that like books that are sci-fi, about space, or time travel. I think it was too specific to appeal to a wide range of audience.

zaicaner's review against another edition

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I liked this book WAYY better than the first one.

It was fast paced,


and filled with fangirling moments.

First of all we meet Jule ;)

Second of all we meet Jule ;)

Third of all we read about Jule ;)


*ARC provided by NetGalley*

urlphantomhive's review

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Full review to come!

dalidja's review

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Skylar decided to accompany Win to his home space station to see their mission through. But she can't stay with Win. She has to stay with Jule, you know, that ass that's always picking on Win. But not only that, she has to pose as his Earthling pet. A drugged up human used as a servant or entertainment by rich Kemyates. And they can't be seen associating with Win.

And as Skylar gets closer to Jule and farther from Win, Skylar isn't sure who she can trust anymore, especially with a traitor in their midst. And the only way to find out is to take matters into her own hands. Learning the Kemyate language, spying on Kemyate officials, and learning to pilot spaceships. In a matter of months Skylar has become a freakin badass mf. She's matured, taken charge, and made some relatable mistakes.

I can't wait to see what she does next.

Netgalley read.

joants's review

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3.5 / 5 stars!!
I really enjoyed this book! Skylar has to make some pretty difficult decisions and her relationship with Win is different than in the first book... Can't say more! In this book a lot of other interesting characters make an appearance and we learn a lot of things about Kemya and alien life! Just don't tell me that I have to wait for a year for the third and last book.........
For full review visit my blog!! I will post it soon enough!!

sheilasamuelson's review against another edition

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