
Broda zalana krwią by Daniel Galera

nara_bs's review against another edition

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Realismo fantástico no litoral catarinense. E um cachorro figura, claro.

em_harring's review against another edition

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Per FTC guidelines, I received this book for an honest review; I wasn't paid.

Blood Drenched Beard, from its blurb, had so much going for it. It sounded like a deep, magical realist tale about a man hoping to get away from his family's past, but finding it haunting him, no matter where he goes. Right up my alley. The execution of this, though, left much to be desired.

I thought the location was great. I enjoyed getting to know the small seaside town and its inhabitants. I enjoyed the descriptions Galera offers us, which are rather lush and dense, but also beautiful. As a whole, I rather enjoyed Galera's writing. It was quite lovely at times, just okay at other times. There were other times when it was sometimes confusing, and while no quotation marks are a stylistic choice, I think they would have benefited the novel. Or Galera should just not have large chunks of writing in which multiple people spoke. At first, this was jarring. Eventually, I got to tell whose voice was whose, but even at the end there were some moments when I had to reread and ask myself who was speaking.

Other things I liked: the mystery of the grandfather. I thought it was SUPER interesting. I thought that the discussion between what was fiction and what was reality was great; I enjoyed the ways in which the community that seemed so welcoming also had a darker side, a threatening side. It certainly had the elements of a magical realist kind of town, but didn't go quite that far. The people that we got to see within the community were, for the most part, pretty cool. Some weren't as developed as they could have been, but I liked getting to meet them.

And I loved Beta. That dog has more determination than I'll ever have, and Galera put her through way too much.

And, I can't say much about this, but the parallels between the main character and the grandfather were brilliantly executed. Once I went back and reread the first section in italics, I had to take a moment and just sit back, letting the weight of that arc settle in. That part Galera did WONDERFULLY. Well done.

All of that said, there was a lot missing for me with this novel. I couldn't, for the life of me, connect with the main character. There were aspects of him I thought were interesting, such as his inability to remember faces. I liked the athletic side of him and how Galera portrayed that. But, I couldn't understand some of his decisions. He just seemed to go through and act without really thinking first. I couldn't really care about his relationships with either women in the novel. I cared more about what happened to his dog than I cared about what happened to him.

And, a large chunk of this novel was spent with NOTHING happening. The main storyline got lost, only to eventually crawl its way back in. If Galera had spent the entire novel focusing more on the main character trying to find out what happened to his grandfather and experiencing the backlash of some community members, I may have liked this book more.

As is, it's a solid three star book for me. Not terrible; not wonderful. There were moments of glory and moments that I could have done without.

lchamberlin97's review against another edition

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Man, I was really rooting for this book to push me from four stars to five as I started in on the homestretch.
I admit, I was mesmerized by the whole of it - while the writing style was a bit *much* even for me (which is saying something), what with its giant block paragraphs and lack of quotation indications (is that Brazilian style or Galera's?) and unnamed main character (confusing at times with "him" being referenced only by pronoun, and I don't quite get the point), I nevertheless found myself entranced, waiting to see where this story was going. It lost me at times, that's for sure, but I had faith that the last 70 pages would lead me somewhere interesting.
Not only did it not go from four to five stars, it went down to three. I have to give the full disclosure that I went on a 2.5 week trip in between reading the majority of the book and finishing the last 70 pages, but I genuinely don't think a full read-through would have made a difference, wrap-up wise.
Okay, okay, I'll give it a break - I acknowledge that the ending was an ending of sorts, despite my exclamation when I finished. Honestly! I know that the whole book was more about his progression as a character, and his relationship with this dog
Spoiler which thankfully went the way I was hoping
, and his relationship with all the people in this town. But I'll tell you where it gets me:
1. The lack of satisfaction with the whole thing with his grandfather. WHAT? Excuse me? He just lives up in a cave with a bunch of women and that's it? I mean, fine, I don't even know if I wanted there to be a big grand ~THING~ that he discovers about himself and his heritage and reconnects with lost ties!! But...I just didn't like it. That's all. I didn't like it.
2. The last scene is with Vivianne, and they go on a too-long discussion about forgiveness and blah-blah that's all fine but I didn't like that either. And I certainly didn't like that that's what it ends on. I just...don't think that's an adequate way to sum up this book. Hey, I'm entitled to my own opinions, right?

Overall, there's a lot about this book that I respect - a lot of choices Galera made that I am like, "Yes. Fine. But I don't like it." His girlfriend in the middle whose name I don't even remember, for example. The deal with Sara. The hill trek. To all of these things, I say, "Yes. Fine. But I don't like it." I wanted some real characters, some people I could SEE rather than hear Galera ramble about. But for a book seemingly entirely about characters, I felt their realness was missing.

tracey1981's review against another edition

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challenging tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


2.5 stars. This book was a lot of effort to read for not a lot of payoff. 
I liked:
-that I learned a bit about Brazil
-the dog character was cool and I wanted to see more about them
-the device of the MC not remembering peoples faces was interesting 
-some interesting stuff about whales in one chapter

What I didn’t:
-it often felt like a list of events more than a narrative
-I was often bored
-didn’t care much about most of the characters 

It is possible I just didn’t “get” it

phonte's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional hopeful inspiring reflective tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


A tale as old as time when it comes to small towns and their history that is better left in the shadows. Yet, the setting makes it seem as if nothing bad would ever take place there. This book has left me speechless. All I can say is wow. A read that is, somehow, both intense and lackadaisical. Incredible descriptions of Brazil's forest and its coast. A true depiction of the human spirit and its sometimes meaningless yet necessary quest to know the ending of a certain story. It also paints the familial bonds that connect generations who have never had the pleasure of gracing one another. 

memita's review against another edition

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Este é um daqueles livros que passam a ser os nossos melhores amigos. Que não queremos largar, que vivemos a história juntamente com o protagonista, que não queremos que acabe, que não sabemos bem porquê e o porquê nem importa. Sabemos que adorámos e que nos encheu todas as medidas. Não alterava uma vírgula e tenho pena de não poder lê-lo novamente sem saber nada dele. Simplesmente, é fantástico.

bfmermer's review against another edition

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Hakkında hiçbir şey bilmeden, duymadan başladığım Kana Bulanmış Sakal, son zamanlarda okurken bana en çok keyif veren metinlerden biri oldu. Hikaye açısından fazla şey vaat ettiğini söylemek zor, kitap boyu devam eden gizem dahi aslında oldukça tahmin edilebilir bir şekilde sonuçlanıyor. Ancak kurgu her ne kadar basit olsa da Brezilyalı yazar Daniel Galera'nın bence çok iyi başardığı başka şeyler var.

Galera çok ilginç bir şey yapıp başkarakterimizin kitabın sonundan sonra başından geçenleri daha giriş kısmında bize özetliyor. Bu nedenle kitap boyu olayların nasıl sonuçlanacağını çok da merak etmemize gerek kalmıyor. Ve daha ilk bölümde ismini bilmediğimiz başkarakterimizle intihar etmeye karar veren babası arasındaki konuşmaya tanık olarak farklı bir kitap okuyacağımızı anlıyoruz. Bu farklılığın en büyük sebebi kitabın anlatım şekli. Galera'nın üçüncü tekil şahıs ve şimdiki zaman kipindeki anlatımı sayesinde olmuş bitmiş bir şeyi dinlemek yerine o an gerçekleşen olaylara tanık oluyormuşuz izlenimi oluşuyor okurda. Burada bir çelişki olduğunun farkındayım, çünkü daha giriş bölümünde başkarakterin kaderi bize açık edilmişti. Buna rağmen anlatımın canlılığı rahatsız etmiyor, hatta bende gerçekçi bir roman değil de mitolojik bir kahramanın hikayesini dinliyormuşum hissi dahi uyandırdı. Bu mitolojik kahraman meselesini açacağım, ama önce anlatımın birkaç alametifarikasını daha belirtmem lazım. İlk olarak Galera çok fazla betimlemeye yer vermiş, bu sayede hem olayların gerçekleştiği sahneleri zihinde canlandırmak daha kolaylaşmış hem de kitabın "okurun okumasıyla eşzamanlı sahnelenen bir oyun" havası güçlenmiş. Anlatımın bir diğer özelliği de diyaloglar dahil her şeyin paragraflara yedirilmiş olması. Bazen diyaloglar paragraf başlarıyla ayrılıyor ama bazen de tek bir paragraf içinde konuşmaların art arda verildiğini görüyoruz. Bu durum takibi biraz zorlaştırıyor tabi, ama diyalogları okuyor değil de dinliyormuş izlenimi oluşturarak betimlemelerin esere kazandırdığı görselliğe katkı sağladığı da bir gerçek.

Mitolojik kahraman benzetmemin anlatımdan başka sebepleri de var. Öncelikle karakterimizin bir adı yok, yazar kendisine "adam" diye hitap ediyor. Ve daha -yukarıda da bahsettiğim- giriş bölümünde adamdan bir efsaneymiş gibi söz ediliyor. Burada biraz sürprizbozan vereceğim ama bunun kitaptan alacağınız zevki baltalayacağını düşünmüyorum. İlk bölümde adamın babasının intihara karar verdiğini öğreniyoruz, ve baba bu kararla beraber adama iki miras bırakıyor. İlki on beş senelik köpeği, Beta, babanın talebi köpeğin kendisinin yokluğuna dayanamayacağı düşüncesiyle uyutulması. İkinci miras ise bir bilgi, adamın dedesinin vaktiyle deniz kenarında bir kasabada yaşadığı ve orada öldürüldüğü. Bu iki miras kahramanımızın hikayesi için temel araçlar haline geliyor: ikinci miras kahramanımızın yolculuğu için motivasyon, ilki ise bu yolculukta ona yoldaş olarak.

Kitabın sonraki bölümleri de mitolojik bir hikayede görebileceğimiz birçok unsura sahip: cevaplanması gereken bir soru, dışarıdan bakıldığında mükemmel görünse de derinlere indikçe öyle olmadığı anlaşılan bir kasaba, yolculuk boyunca kahramana eşlik eden aşıklar ve yoldaşlar, ve tabi ki kahramanın karşısına çıkan düşmanlar. Hatta öyle ki romanın sonlarına doğru kahramanımız için dönüm noktası denilebilecek önemli bir karşılaşmayla sona eren bir 'gerçek yolculuk' dahi var. Bu arada kahramanımızın yoldaşına olan bağlılığı, ailesiyle arasında olan sorunlar (ihanet!) ve yüz körlüğü gibi bir laneti andıran bir rahatsızlığa sahip olması da bu mitolojik yolculuk izlenimimi güçlendiren diğer öğeler.

Tabi ki kitabın zayıflıkları da yok değil. Özellikle hikayenin sonu, yukarıda bahsettiğim mitolojik yolculuğun sonu olmak için güçsüz kalmış. Bir de anlatım kimi okurların hoşuna gitmeyebilir. Ancak eğer yolculuğa varış noktasından daha fazla önem veren bir okursanız Kana Bulanmış Sakal'a mutlaka şans vermeniz gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Galera'nın diğer eserlerini de Türkçede görmek çok güzel olurdu.

rosmu's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional mysterious tense slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


aniharvoin saa lukea hidastempoista tekstiä joka silti pitää lukijansa otteessaan. kirjan päähenkilö vuokraa asunnon vuodeksi Garopaban kaupungista ja selvittää siellä isoisänsä kuoleman mysteeriä. 

aavistuksen surullinen ja jännitteinen tunnelma oli saavutettu erikoisten asukkaiden ja heidän toimintatapojensa ansiosta. päähenkilön kykenemättömyys muistaa kasvoja teki kertojasta epäluotettavan. eri asukkaiden reaktiot prosopagnosiaan vaihtelivat ja  vaikuttivat usein päähenkilön toimintatapoihin eri tilanteissa. toisaalta, välillä tapahtui keskusteluja sellaisen henkilön kanssa, joka ei selvinnyt lukijallekaan. tämä oli hauska tapa tehdä kertojasta epäluotettava ja konkreettisesti lisätä jännittävyyttä lukijalle.

pidin erityisesti kaupunkien välisistä asetteluista - montaa henkilöä yhdisti vuodet Porto Alegressa, kuten päähenkilöäkin. monelle Porto Alegre oli paikka, josta oli paettu. moni kaupungin asukkaista päätyy juttelemaan päähenkilölle, sillä hän on muuttanut kaupunkiin lomasesongin ulkopuolella herättäen huomiota myös  ulkonäkönsä vuoksi. kun hänen motiivinsa selviää, ei pikkukaupungin juoruilta vältytä. isoisän salaisuus painaa yhä koko kylää ja uusi asukas näyttää epäilyttävän tutulta. muuttuvat dynamiikat kaupunkilaisten ja päähenkilön välillä olivat onnistuneet. 

huomasin kyllä kiintyneeni Beta-koiraan  enemmän kuin päähenkilöön, mikä muissakin arvioissa mainitaan. muutenkin osa hahmoista jää irralliseksi, mutta jostain syystä lukukokemus ei kärsinyt siitä mittavasti. ehkä Galeran tyyli kirjoittaa vain sattui sopimaan itselleni.

päähenkilön selkeä päämäärä kannattelee oivallisesti tarinaa eikä se muutu kyllästyttäväksi ennen kuin lopussa. viimeisen kappaleen koin olevan turha. sen dialogi tuntui viimeistelemättömältä ja epäolennaiselta. edelliset sykettä nostaneet sivut lässähtivät viimeiseen kappaleeseen, eikä niistä saanut "closurea".

kuten yleensäkin otavan kirjaston kirjoissa, suomennos oli laadukasta eikä teksti kärsinyt siitä lainkaan. takakansitekstin puhekielin sitaatti oli saanut minut välttelemään kirjaa aivan turhaan, sillä kirjan kieli oli kaunista. ympäristöä kuin sivuhenkilöitä oli kuvailtu prosapagnosian vaatimalla mutta miellyttävällä tarkkuudella. esimerkiksi Garopaba oli miljöönä todella helposti kuviteltavissa. moni sivuhenkilöistäkin oli rakastettavia tai jopa hauskoja. 

viiden tähden kirja tämä ei tosiaan ole, sillä osittain tarina jää välillä latteaksi (varsinkin päähenkilö) ja osa hahmoista sivujen täytteeksi. miettisin tarkkaan, kenelle kirjaa suosittelisin, sillä sen hidas tempo voi olla haaste monelle.

4ndj's review against another edition

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challenging reflective slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


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mostrengo's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional funny informative inspiring mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
