
Real Sexy by Meghan March

readfrenzy's review

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4.5 stars

The love story of Ripley and Boone that began in [b:Real Dirty|33633913|Real Dirty (Real Dirty Duet, #1)|Meghan March||54479132] concludes in Real Sexy. I loved the first book, and I’m happy to say that this book doesn’t disappoint. This is my favorite Meghan March duet so far.

Theirs is not a case of insta love, but Ripley and Boone’s relationship does move at warp speed. It’s a signature of March’s Real/Dirty series, and a fantasy that I was perfectly willing to buy into.

Boone is just as delicious as ever, and Ripley’s vulnerability coupled with her independent streak is wildly appealing. Call me vindictive, but there are a couple characters I would have loved to see suffer more. Still, a little mystery, a lot of swooning, and some heat between the sheets made me one happy reader.

Real Sexy is a quick read that I gobbled up in a day. I recommend this duet if you’re in the mood for a sexy and entertaining diversion.

Recommended for fans of:
The music industry
Family drama
Sexy times

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**

Reading Frenzy Book Blog

gabbysreading's review

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Round of applause for Meghan March’s strong, sassy women and the sexy, swoony alphas that love them! Meghan March continues to wow with this smokin’ hot duet. Real Sexy is the perfect, captivating, sexy conclusion to Boone and Ripley’s story. It picks up where book 1, Real Dirty, left off (Ah! that ending.) answering all the questions left behind by book 1. Oh my goodness! I loved this book so much! I was completely addicted. My favorite thing (you know, besides the sexy men) is that Meghan March always has an element of mystery and twists in her stories that grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. She is never boring.

If possible, I fell for these characters even harder than before. Who wouldn’t love a man who’s swoony, talented, protective, sexy, family oriented, and an all around good man? Boone Thrasher is all that and more. The way he loves and cares for Ripley and his dedication to show her how perfect they are together melted my heart. I heart him so much! Of course Meghan March has provided me with another girl crush. I love Ripley. Strong, feisty, stubborn as can be. Growing up with tragedy, she is determined to make it on her own. The connection between these two is intense and it just works. They fight each other. They fight for each other. It’s magic.

I will never never never tire of this author’s books. NEVER! I highly recommend picking up this dazzling duet. Must read Real Dirty first.

aporter0522's review

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Real Sexy is the epic conclusion of Boone and Ripley’s story. Boone really opens up more and shows a more caring side. He is still all alpha though, so don’t fret ladies! I really love Ripley’s personality and the fact that she doesn’t take any crap from people. There were some twist and turns in RS and it kept me flipping pages. I didn’t want to put my book down once I started reading! Well done Meghan!! I cannot wait to read her next book!!!

minimishi's review against another edition

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Gotta love a hidden murder plot and being connected to the mob somehow… there were some turns in this one that I was not expecting! Love it

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Real Dirty and Real Sexy by Meghan March

Narrated by Sebastian York & Elena Wolfe

Must be read together, neither stands alone.

Contemporary Erotic Romance
4.5 Stars

Every time I read (or listen) to a Meghan March book I am completely enthralled. The Real Dirty Duet is no exception. I must admit, as much as I try to embrace the duet, that two week gap between the book releases (then I also had to wait for a credit) really took away from the experience a bit for me, so now that they are both out, make sure you can buy both Real Dirty and Real Sexy and listen or read straight through.

Though the Real Dirty duet stands alone, it has strong ties to the Dirty Billionaire, Dirty Girl and Real Duets. Boone, the mega country star who is the hero of the Real Dirty Duet was Holly’s (from Dirty Billionaire) singing partner, and had a car built by Logan in the Real Duet. A car that was being delivered to be part of the elaborate proposal Boone was planning for his girlfriend. But she didn’t show. In fact, she was marrying some other guy in Vegas instead. So Boone needs a drink, and he doesn’t want to be recognized, so he ends up at an old has-been Nashville Bar that is barely keeping its doors open.

Ripley Fisher works her ass off to keep the failing bar open. It’s her only connection to her mother, who was murdered in the bathroom along with a male country star. The murder is still unsolved, but Ripley’s dad is an angry bitter asshole about it. Ripley has some misplaced obligation that she has to help the shithead and pay his bills. She also helps her nasty cousin. I certainly would not say that Ripley was the strong and feisty heroine I expected from Meghan. She was a bit of a doormat who spent most of her time angry and feeling sorry for herself while she worked her ass off for miserable jerks who didn’t appreciate her. Yet I felt for her, she had HORRIBLE luck and really wanted to see her find happiness.

Ripley had one huge rule. After what happened to her mom, she would never date a country star. Her father wouldn’t even allow them in the bar. But when Boone wandered in, she couldn’t deny the strong pull they both felt immediately.
“It’s not fair for a man to be gorgeous, rich, talented, and have a huge cock, is it?”

Oh boy, the chemistry was HOT!
"She's going to be as hot as fire, and God help me, but I don't care if we both burn."

Then Boone thinks he’s helping her and makes things even worse. She is MAD, and still fighting him every step of the way.
“I want her. I want all that rage burning through her underneath me. On top of me. Wherever the hell I can get her.”

Boone doesn’t give up, and she can’t help but melt from the superstar. Neither could I.
"I need...more."
"Sugar, I'm gonna give you everything."

Man, he was a dirty boy too.

But she was so damaged. Her life was so fucked up, she spent the entirety of it unloved, and working her ass off at that bar.
“Girls like me don’t get happily-ever-afters.”
“I’m just gonna have to prove you wrong then.”

Boone is genuinely a good guy, he is down to earth and real, despite his star status. And he is unbelievable sexy.
“You’re a good man, Boone.” His smile takes on a wicked edge. “I might be a good man, but I want to do very bad things to you.”

The second book was a bit more of an exciting roller coaster. A lot happened in this duet. Not only do you really get to know the characters and see the relationship develop, you get a lot of story with plenty of twists and turns.

Now if Boone Thrasher would only call me Sugar!
"What makes you think I’m going to hurry a damn thing? You’re meant to be savored, Sugar, and all this sweetness is mine."


  • •Super hot.

  • •Made me fall for a country star.

  • •Damn, I want a guy to call me Sugar!

  • •The bird.

  • •Amazing banter.

  • •Lots of story and story development. It never felt rushed.

  • •The tie-ins with the other books.


  • •Ripley was a bit too much of a doormat.


Sebastian York doing Meghan March’s HOT writing? OMG yes. Elena Wolfe and him are a great combination, though I’d love to see him with someone else for a change.

The Down & Dirty:

Though I don’t love the fact that I have to purchase 2 audiobooks to get the full story, I do like the fact that this gives Megan the time and space to really craft a story with depth and character growth. There was a lot of story in the Real Dirty Duet (as well as a LOT of hot and SEXY!). It was a full and complete story with well fleshed out characters, fun banter, mystery and excitement, and amazingly hot and dirty sex that enhanced and never overwhelmed the story. Add to that the amazing narration of Sebastian York and Elena Wolfe and you have an addictive and delicious audiobook duet that I stayed up all night listening to.

Rating: Book 1- 4.25 stars, Book 2- 4.5 Stars Total: 4.5 Stars, Heat: 4.75, Narration: 5 Stars

Purchase Real Dirty

Purchase Real Sexy


ohstephs's review against another edition

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Surprisingly Fab

I’ve read a lot of Meghan March’s books and for some reason I always skipped over this series. When the first book went on sale I decided to just go ahead and give it a shot.
Oh my goodness.
So glad I bought it. Of course I finished it in a day and had to buy this one right away.
Boone is such a sweet yet still rough around the edges guy and Ridley is such a strong yet troubled woman. I loved them both!
Also I’ve never wanted to go to Nashville more in my life until I read this book so that’s a thing.

If you’re into books about strong woman coming from awful backgrounds and getting the life and love they deserve, then this series is for you.

sj9642's review against another edition

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desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

timitra's review against another edition

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I loved the emotional punch of the first chapter and the nuggets (I won't say what kind because I don't want to spoil it) contained within. Although Real Sexy was predictable for the most part I still found it an enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to next book in the Dirty world.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for a honest review

nicandbooks's review against another edition

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The girl who never gets a happily ever after finally finds hers!

I loved seeing Boone win over Ripley - and she was one tough nut to crack! Ripley was keen on keeping her independence and Boone does a great job of respecting that while also showing her that she can be a strong, independent woman and have love! I adored seeing Boone's family - they were so gorgeous! - and I'm so glad we found the truth to what happened with Ripley's family too! A great duet!!