
Crushed Seraphim by Debra Anastasia

akel104's review

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I don't even know where to start? The style, the characters, the ending? Oof.

Why did it end that way? Is there another part that I can't see.? I think I love that it has ended that way though, too many stories carry on in other novels and you begin to tire of the characters. I think the way this one has ended is perfect. Sure, it's a cliffhanger, but at least you get to believe it ended well, which is really what the story is about right? belief?

I'm in no way religious so I'm so happy I got to read this book without feeling preached to! I loved reading about Debra Anastasia's own vision if Heaven, I loved that Jack was irresistable and cocky and a total assbag, I loved how feisty Emma was and I really loved how well Jason called on the angel's hypocracy.

D.A has such a brilliant mind, I don't think it's possible for anyone to write like her, she has such a unique imagination and her books are so stand alone that you can take them for exactly what they are. It doesn't matter what you believe in, it's real in the novel and that's what matters.

I loved Poughkeepsie and I think, if it's possible, I love Crushed Seraphim even more!

merlin_reads's review

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 I was completely torn about this book. Something about it rubbed me the wrong way and I really can't put my finger on as to why. The writing was good, it flowed well, but to me I don't know if it sucked me in enough to believe this world. I felt that the characters changed almost every other page, almost unnaturally so. The only character who stayed remotely true to himself was Jack - and even his actions were pushing it at some points. I was really frustrated with Emma almost half the book and the ending didn't help it. I wanted to give this book a try because I've heard of it for so long. This review probably is confusing and doesn't make sense, but it was really hard to put into words how I felt about this book. 

jhenry82's review

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Jack's transition throughout the story just made him all the more attractive, but I have always loved me a bad boy who redeems himself. Going after Emma is testament to how much he cares for her, considering he never wanted to return to Hell. Can't wait for the sequel!

caligurlreads's review

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3.5 stars

I know...don't shoot me.

This one took awhile for me to get into it, though the Prologue was great and drew me in right away. Once I hit a certain point, the action picked up a little bit and it started to get better. I was able to stick with it. But in the end, I still am struggling with giving it more than 3.5 stars.

Emma is an angel that is sent to earth to help a half-breed vampire determine his worth. In doing so, she can return to Heaven. Throughout the course of the book, this poor girl gets her freaking wings torn off her back more freaking times than I can count. OUCH! She is selfless and cares about everyone. But where was everyone when she needed them? Mmm hmm, that's what I want to know. That's why the low stars.

Because of the cliffhanger, I will read the second book....I hate leaving things open ended.

nicoleabouttown's review

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Originally Posted to All I Ever Read

Debra Anastasia is crazy, but in a good way, and I love her for it!

Really, I don’t have any idea where she got the idea for the book in general, let alone the things that happen in the book, but damn, it was quite impressive.

I have been wanting this book for a while and it was one of my first, if not the first, Waiting on Wednesday picks. I was lucky enough to win a copy through Debra’s Goodreads giveaway, and I am so happy that I did. I could not stop laughing. While this book and the situations in it were laugh out loud funny it was also hot as hell.

What I love about this book is that the characters were engaging. I wanted to be Emma. She was so awesome and down-to-earth. I loved that she wasn’t some damsel in distress waiting to be saved, but was willing to take the bull by the horns and get it done. I equally loved Satan Jack. I wanted to keep him for my own so I can see how much naughty bad fun he can get up to!

All in all, I loved the book. I found it very easy to read and follow along and can’t wait for the sequel!

My Rating

jess_readsromance's review

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"Let me go to Hell. Life without you will be worse. Please. Don't make me miss you, Emma. Love feels amazing. Go ballistic! Fly with me from here. Do anything-do something!"

I actually really enjoyed this. Its a fabulous twist between good and evil, and Debra has created a wonderful modern world full of half-breed vamps, Christmas Angels, and the Devil himself.

When Debra contacted Donna and I to review her book we were immediately drawn in by the blurb; a fallen Angel named Emma (actually she was thrown out by a rogue Angel) comes to Earth to try and help a half-breed vampire named Jason see the good in himself but first she has to help save God from Hell which leads to her meeting the Devil and a bloody love triangle ensues! If she succeeds she gets her ticket back to Heaven (and her wings), and Jason's soul will eventually go too (when he ceases to exist). Easy enough right? Wrong! You'll have to read it to find out why it wasn't easy for Emma. *smirk*

This is beautifully written, I found it fast paced, constant action and even a war between the Devil and Everett! I found the characters well developed especially Jack, the Devil himself; he went from being a sex driven, soul meeting, Lord of the Underworld. To a man who eventually learned and found love. His character grew really quickly throughout the book. What else can I say about Jack? Well he's just pure sex really. He's gorgeous, he has some bad vices like smoking like a chimney and drinking his way through rum and other spirits like he's in a brewery, but that's pretty much to hide who he really is inside. I'm in love with Jack. Period.

I loved Emma she was foul mouthed and strong considering what happened and I immediately liked her. Jason was another I liked straight off too, I always loved vamps, and I especially like vamps that are good, it makes for good reading.

What I really enjoyed about this book was how Debra (not sure why I keep using her first name like we're BFF's) switched the good and evil around. As in making Everett an Angel evil with a cold heart, and making a half-breed vamp and the Devil...ultimately good. I loved the intro we got to God too; I hope to see more of Him in the sequel.

The ending was a nice twist; I especially loved what Debra did to Jason and Jack in the end which should lead to some exciting reading in the second book.

The only gripe I have with this book is the constant shifting between dimensions, Heaven, Hell, Earth, Purgatory and even a little freezing of time, it just had me confused at times and I found myself flicking to a previous chapter to get an idea of where the character(s) were at the time. Other than that, I don't have any other problems. I really enjoyed it, and do think everyone should give it a read and make up their own mind. But if you want a tale with a twist that involves vamps, angels and the devil then definitely pick up Crushed Seraphim by Debra Anastasia.

Well I think that's it from me. I'd just like to thank Debra (there I go with the BBF name again) and her publishers for allowing me to review this :) and I look forward to book two for more Jack! :D

P.S-I do recommend this, but I recommend it to the older demographic, due to swearing and a pretty hot sex scene. There are a lot of sexual innuendos and another mild sex scene so I think this is suited more to 16+

nerfy's review

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There were a few things about this book that I loved, and a few things that didn't quite do it for me. From the blurb above you can guess there's 3 main characters, Emma (Seraph angel), Jason (Half-breed vampire), and Jack (the Devil).

Jack, for me, was the best character, and I'm sure anyone who's read it will agree with me. He's sexy, feisty, funny, and just an all round likable guy, despite the fact that, you know, he's the Devil. Emma is a strong protagonist with a quick wit, a few funny one liners, and a generally kick-ass personality. Jason, on the other hand, was pretty dull. Maybe I expect too much of my vampires but he wasn't bad-ass enough and we don't really learn enough about him for me to particularly care about him.

I found that Emma's enthusiasm died down a bit towards the end of the book, which was a little disappointing, but Jack stayed strong and interesting which was enough to keep me going.

There's some steamy scenes for you romance lovers, as well as a juicy love triangle that keeps you hooked. As with any menage et toi's, a decision must be made, and certain events were sneaky at throwing you off course as to who that would be.

Storyline-wise, it wasn't particularly spectacular and I think a few details were maybe overlooked or things/characters weren't explained enough, making me think for a moment about what was going on (not in a good way, more in a 'huh?' kind of way).

It's worth a read but I wouldn't say it was what I expected. I wanted more kick-ass angels (I don't really think the half-breed vampire race was really needed or fit particularly well) and epic battles, Amy A. Bartol or Laury Falter style, but it was just out of reach with Crushed Seraphim.

I've already bought the second book in this series, Bittersweet Seraphim, so I'll get round to reading it eventually but I'm not picking it up straight away. A solid 3 out of 5.

naceprettub's review

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This review can also be found here -

I always wanted to read Crushed Seraphim when it was fanfiction but I sadly, never had the chance. When I learned it was being published and I ordered my copy I told Ms. Debra that I was going to take notes during every chapter, like reviews you'd post on - So I did and it was fun.

That aside, I loved the book so much. It made me giggle and swoon, and even shed a few tears. I found myself torn between which guy, Jack or Jason, I liked best. Now I just need to know what happens next. *holds hand out* Please ma'am, may I have some more?

I marked my "review" as containing spoilers since I did the chapter comments. I'm pasting those below:

Prologue - Oh wow. I actually feel really bad for Satan. Is that normal? It's definitely something I never thought I would 'say'. He is kind of yummy though. Ok, more than yummy. Phew. Violent. Poor thing. I have a bad feeling about this Everett character.

Chapter 1 - Hehe not even a full page into the chapter and they are already arguing. Love it. And Jason's the only one that can see her?! omg he can heal her injuries!! Swoon. Hee Jason can dress her. Too funny. I can only imagine what kind of mischief that will create. Awww poor Jason. Those stinky O'Dowell boys :( Hahahah bunny slippers!! Uh oh. Going up a ladder to an unknown destination can't be good.

Chapter 2 - Stupid Everett. HEE Emma is a gladiator. Kick his ass girl! Wait. What?! "Longing in his eyes"??? *frowny face* Poor Emma, losing her love and then knowing he's in danger :( Yay!!! OH NOOOOO! Everett is a rat bastard.

Chapter 3 - Angel food cake! *grin* I love that. Oh no not him again. Eep. Emma!! She can't go to Hell. Don't want Jason to either though. Dang. I don't like the future. *shakes head* Not at all. Need to make sure that doesn't happen, Jason. The thought of him ripping off her wing makes me cringe. Can he really manage to do what she asks? I don't know, I don't know. I hope not! But what other way is there?

Chapter 4 - Ooh I like this whole "pause" thing. Jaaaason you are sly. Her fiance!? Did not expect that. OH. What. An. Asshole. *sniffle* He chose eternity. Poor Emma, loving and losing someone over and over. Can I hug her now? And Jason. Oh Jason. You don't sound so bad to me. We can't choose our families *pets him*

Chapter 5 - Um. Yum. Oh no, not more angels :( Hee so true, check out lines are hell. Oh noooooes. Sad for Jason. Sad for Emma. Damn Everett!

Chapter 6 - Oh. *clears throat* Hi there, Satan. I can totally understand how Emma would be distracted by him. Oh, I want to be a little bad.

Chapter 7 - Jason :( Good advice from Dean. The prayer, oh Jason, bless your heart. Grrrrr not him again. Nooooooo, Jason!

Chapter 8 - No fear, just sin - I can't even... A lesson n wickedness, yes, uh huh, I volunteer. Oh, now we get to hear HIS story *sits up straight* Aw now, that makes me so sad for him. That was so very wrong of Gabriel. Oh OH, maybe he'll get his revenge. Hmmm Satan wants to keep Emma safe. Run, Emma, run!!

Chapter 9 - Oh poor Emma, the things she had to endure while walking down that hall. I'm so glad she found God and that he was able to free Sam. Her sacrifice makes my heart hurt.

Chapter 10 - It feels weird to say that I have sympathy for the Devil. He keeps surprising me, especially his need to protect Emma. I'm happy she stopped to help him. A little nervous about this emerging monster.

Chapter 11 - So good to see Jason's siblings coming to his aide, even when they couldn't see what they were fighting. Satan makes me melty when he's all sweet and caring. Go Emma for being brave and making that monster melt away. She's kick ass.

Chapter 12 - Under these circumstances it might not be so had to have The Devil on your side. He did a good thing, healing Jason and trying to protect Emma. Damn Everett, I hope he gets what he deserves.

Chapter 13 - Oh Jack, *tear*

Chapter 14 - Trees. Huh. Oh Jack, you sent her a gift. You used your last bits of magic for her. I want to hug you now. He probably gave them the best gift ever. I swoon a little now that Jason can hear Emma's thoughts. That will bring about lots of fun times.

Chapter 15 - He's lost the gift of hearing thoughts? Interesting. What's that all about? Why'd he have it at first and then lose it? Was it just so he could know what was happening with Jack? I like them having time together, for him to court her and her to get to know Jason. It makes my heart sad that Emma feels so guilty about Jack. Seriana, you poor thing. Definitely wasn't expecting Claudette to show up. I'm unsure about her appearance and whether it's on the up and up. I feel bad for Jason. I just can't help but 'ship' Emma and Jack though.

Chapter 16 - *gulp* Um. *faints*

Chapter 17 - *bouncy clap* Emma loves him!!!! Jack loves her!!!! No no no, Emma. I get it but I'm so sad this is what you have to do. To tie yourself to Everett, to lose Jason and Jack. For Jack to lose his memories and love for you. *tear* Oh Jason, to know she doesn't love you but to volunteer to take her wings so it doesn't hurt. He is a good man, I hope he realizes that. *snot sob* Jack. Oh, honey.

Chapter 18 - Everett is such a rat. I'm bummed that Claudette managed to successfully pull off her end of the deal when it came to Jason. But I'm so relieved she wasn't able to with Jack. Good for him, telling Gabriel what he thinks. I have a little bit of hope in my heart since Jack tracked down Jason and the family. One more chapter left. SAD.

Chapter 19 - VIOLENT. Oh! Getting her perspective from her time on Earth is interesting. I wasn't expecting Violent to appear again or for Jack to ask for her help. I held my breath while they tried to convince her to help them. Since she did I need more. I'm so scared they won't get Emma out in time. She and Jack will both be in torment for eternity if they aren't able to.

I just need more now. I need to know what happens next.

taisie22's review

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Let me start by saying that I love the Poughkeepsie series, especially the first book. But this one was DNF - I just couldn't get past about half way through the book. It was a hot mess and not in a good way.
The characters are not engaging and the plot is just silly. A Christmas angel is in a instant love triangle with a half-human vampire-like guy and Satan (only a temporary Satan, God seems to keep replacing them here). Oh, and God has been captured in Hell because another angel who is really a bad guy and fooled God tricked him.
Sorry, it was just really bad fan fiction for Gena Showalter's books.

wilovebooks's review

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Ok, so I read this a couple of weeks ago. I keep thinking about this book and want to read it again. I am highly anticipating the sequel. So I am changing my rating from **** to *****. I'm allowed, right?