
Poseidon's Arrow by Clive Cussler, Dirk Cussler

utbw42's review against another edition

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A much more entertaining story and better developed characters grace this title than the previous entry by father/son Cussler. These Pitt novels are nowhere near as good as when Clive alone penned them, but the joint efforts between the two seem to be trending in the right direction. I was especially impressed with how the two Pitt children were developed in this one, and the implications of stolen technology from the U.S. really set up the background plot well.

grmatthews's review

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This is Dirk Pitt and everything that it entails. The drama, the pacing, the captures, rescues and non-stop story.

Yes, there are the odd plot hole and yes, it is the A-Team school of plotting but, by jingo, its just the thing I wanted to read!

geenween's review against another edition

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*** ITA/ENG ***
Dopo anni di Gibbs e Ziva, dalla famosa serie televisiva NCIS, l'agente Ann fa fare una gran magra figura alla sua agenzia governativa.

Anche ascoltandolo su Audible (eccellente il lettore dell'audiolibro italiano), mi sono trovata a scuotere la testa in più punti. Va bene che in questo tipo di libri è previsto che sia 'cattivi', che gli elementi governativi siano in media più tonti dell'eroe (e se sono donne, farsi rapire è un obbligo contrattuale), però se già l'eroe è al limite della normalità, ti chiedi come facciano gli altri anche solo a trovare la strada di casa tutte le sere...

If you ever saw the original NCIS series, Ann in this book is a very poor example of it. While in these books it's expected for the hero to be smarter than any government member (even more so if they are women, with the added bonus that they get kidnapped in the process), there were moments that had me wonder how these people survived trough every-day life, let alone any kind of crisis.

Too much contrived for me, even for this genre.

jmcguoirk's review against another edition

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A few good laughs. Thanks CC.

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Octombrie 1943

Oceanul Indian

Lumina jumătăţii de lună proiecta deasupra mării agitate o urmă strălucitoare ca o dâră de mercur strălucitor. Valurile luminoase îi aminteau locotenentului Alberto Conti de o pictură de Monet, un peisaj acvatic privit într-o cameră întunecată. Spuma argintie reflecta lumina lunii, luminând norii adunaţi departe înspre nord, urma unei furtuni care scălda coasta fertilă a Africii de Sud, undeva la patruzeci de mile marine depărtare.

Ascunzându-şi faţa de briza umedă care-l lovea, Conti se întoarse către un matelot tânăr, care făcea de gardă lângă el, la chioşcul submarinului italian Barbarigo.

― E o seară romantică, nu-i aşa, Catalano?

Matelotul îi aruncă o privire întrebătoare.

― Vremea e destul de plăcută, domnule, dacă la asta vă referiţi. Deşi obosit, la fel ca restul echipajului, matelotul îşi păstra încă o conduită rigidă în prezenţa ofiţerilor. O pietate tinerească, în viziunea lui Conti, una care, în cele din urmă, avea să dispară.

― Nu, lumina lunii, spuse Conti. Pun pariu că străluceşte şi deasupra oraşului Napoli în seara asta, luminând caldarâmul străzilor. De fapt, nici n-ar fi de mirare ca logodnica ta să se plimbe chiar acum prin Piazza del Plebiscito însoţită de vreun ofiţer arătos al Wehrmachtului.

Tânărul matelot scuipă într-o parte şi apoi îl privi pe ofiţer cu ochi scânteietori.

― Lisetta mea ar prefera să sară de pe podul Gaiola decât să se înhăiteze cu vreun mişel de neamţ. Nu-mi fac griji, când sunt plecat, are mereu în geantă un baston de cauciuc şi ştie să-l şi folosească.

Conti izbucni în râs.

― Poate că dacă ne-am înarma toate femeile, n-ar mai îndrăzni nici nemţii şi nici aliaţii să mai pună piciorul în ţara noastră.

Fiind pe mare de săptămâni bune şi departe de ţinuturile natale de şi mai multe luni, Catalano nu găsi comentariul prea amuzant. Cercetă cu privirea orizontul, apoi dădu din cap către prora întunecată şi expusă a submarinului care spinteca valurile.

tomwklose's review

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If I only had the stamina that Dirk Pitt had...

fleurette's review

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This is my third book by Clive Cussler which I have read recently and so far the weakest. Either I was not in the mood at all or it lacked some unique magic that is in the other books of this author and which allows you to fully appreciate the total lack of probability of the whole story and enjoy entertainment.

I can't believe I'm saying that but when it comes to the plotline, I think I preferred the global Nazi plot using the technology of the long gone Atlantis in Atlantis Found. Although completely unbelievable, it has at least something new and unique in it. And this is probably my biggest problem with this story. There is nothing unique about it. It resembles hundreds of other books of this genre. A conspiracy of one man whose motives are not very interesting. The secret weapon of Americans that the Chinese want to acquire (for a change from the Russians, but this is also nothing we have not heard of before). Nothing special. There is no interesting secret to discover here. It is just okay.

Another minor thing that annoyed me at times, but which did not affect my rating of this book, is the role of women, mostly Summer, Pitt's daughter. I rarely pay attention to such things in my books, but this time somehow I did. Why can't Summer do the same things as her twin brother Dirk? That is, to be in the center of events, to attack people with weapons, fight and so on. Why is it her who has to be saved, why it is her who is left to dress the wounded? Why it is Dirk who have an idea what to do next and she just is waiting there for his instructions? She is not a weak heroine, but in my opinion a bit omitted in this story about adventurous men. It's a pity.

This is not a bad book, just not the best in this series for me. I will probably read other books by this author. I hope they will be better.

jpv0's review

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Well. I listened to it. It had something to do with a big conspiracy to control rare earth metals and a lost submarine. ... That's really about all that stuck in my head.

It's got a lot of solid crazy action: in particular there's a battle in the Panama Canal, which is pretty awesome. But I'm really getting burnt out on this series. But I'm so close to finishing it... I think I'll still go for it, but I'm looking forward to it less than I had.

tanellenash's review

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Not one of his better books usually I can't put down a Cussler book but this time I had to force myself to pick it back up again.

splitinfinitive's review

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Standard Dirk Pitt adventure, with the usual tropes and plot contrivances, but strangely, quite entertaining. Spoiler alert: not too much of Al Giordino in this one.