
One Wish Away by Ingrid Seymour

missyanne's review

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I got this book as an ARC for my honest opinion and review

Love this author books, and I'm so glad i recieved this one because it was just as good as the rest of her books.

as soon as I had finished I started the next book in the series hopefully the sequel is as good as this one. (I'm sure it will be!! :) )

i_love_read_ing's review

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Ms. Ingrid Seymour has done it again! After reading the first 2 books in her "Keeper" trilogy, I just knew this new book of hers would blow me away. I loved it!

This is definitely a YA and up book. The reader follows a 19 year old girl named Marielle, who works in her grandfathers flower shop. All her life her grandfather has been telling her tales of a wish granting djinn, and after his sudden death, she finds out they've been true! Enter Faris, the magical djinn she's been told not to trust. Marielle must decide on 3 wishes, and fast, so that she can lock up the djinn again. However, is Faris really as devious as he's been made out to be, or should Marielle start trusting him?

I loved the characters so much, especially Marielle and Faris. I liked them best because they were the most fleshed out. Marielle was a strong female lead, and although she deals with a lot of pretty severe problems, she is able to make wise decisions and keep her head on her shoulders, better than most of the other characters in the book. She is also unselfish, which is a trait I loved about her. I also really felt for Faris. I won't say why to avoid spoilers, but he was definitely my favorite character. Some of the other characters, like Marielle's best friend Abby, were not as fleshed out, perhaps because they were not in as much of the book. I would have liked to understand their friendship a little better, however it did not take away from my enjoyment of the book.

I thought the writing was fantastic and I really enjoyed the story. It is something I would definitely recommend to a later teen or college student due to the fact that this book deals with a few sensitive subjects like alcoholism, and sexual assault. If you like magical stories that take place during the present day/ Earth, I highly suggest this novel. I find many authors write about vampires and werewolves, so reading about a djinn was refreshing. It was a fast read and I found that I could not put the book down, reading it in under 3 days.

*I received this book as an ARC copy in exchange for a completely honest review.

jasmineflower1's review

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*Disclaimer: This is an honest and unbiased review.

Marielle is a fairly relatable character, although she hasn't had the easiest of lives. I enjoyed how she tried to keep going, even though she had such a series of bad luck after her grandfather passes. She felt real; her struggle to do the right thing, and make the right choices, all while she's still reeling from her father showing back up, and finding out about the debt her grandfather had left her with. I think every one is tempted to use the wishes for selfish reasons, and while she knows she shouldn't trust Faris, she's lost without anyone to turn to.

Faris is almost too delicious. Understanding and protective, but struggling with his own curse and the fact that due to it he can't tell the whole truth. He doesn't have too much character growth, not that it takes away from the story or enjoyable nature of the book. It moves quickly, and he's secondary to Marielle's struggles. I look forward to seeing how he progresses in the rest of the series, once you can learn more about his back story and how his future unfolds.

There are some hints at rape/sexual assault, nothing graphic. While her exact age isn't ever mentioned, I'm assuming that she's around the 18-19 age group. (Which I forget isn't legal age in the US). There's also mild violence, but again, nothing overly graphic.

It's a decent size, and the book has a nice flow to it which makes it easy to read in a sitting. Definitely a good book, and looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

aly36's review

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Oh how I love Genie books! this books was very good with some different twists I didn't expect. Not all genie are bad or good. I really enjoyed Marielle and Faris's relationship and how it grew in the book. I am curious where the next book is going to go. I think I will have to continue with this series. I am glad I found it!

auburnedge's review

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An emotional fantasy romance

Marielle is a withdrawn young woman who wants nothing to do with the supernatural or boys. Sadly both get thrown into her lap as she inherits Faris the djinn.
I really enjoyed the concept and back and forth between Elle and Faris. She is skeptical and a tad rude and he is distrusting of humans. Adding in an evil djinn brother and some weird stuff starts happening.
My only problem with this was how naive Elle is. She can't look beyond her own nose\problems to see the bigger picture. It was kind of annoying at times.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a slow build romance, drama, and a touch of magic.

kimily's review

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This book was provided to me for free by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

I had never read a djinn book prior to One Wish Away, and was a little unsure what to expect, considering my only experience is with a Disney movie. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of personality shown in the Faris character. He is more than just a smoldering piece of eye candy. Another detail that pleased me was that Marielle’s personality and background matched up. Anyone with the kind of history that Marielle has should be leery of trusting anyone. Too many female protagonists in the YA genre throw their faith at people at the drop of a hat, and that just doesn’t mesh with the real world. The book isn’t perfect; there are minor plot holes and some editing issues (mostly, I think, contributable to the digital conversion process), but it was a fun, quick read.

magickislife's review

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I thought that this was a really interesting story. I liked the characters, I wished that we could have gotten to know a bit more about Grandpa, he seemed like an interesting guy but all in all I think that it was a well told story.

I thought Faris was an interesting character, I really like how Ms. Seymour chose to slowly reveal his past. Great storytelling.

megan_roze's review

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Loved it

Wonderful romance story with a bit of fantasy thrown in - the perfect kind (:

Word definitely recommend as a nice light read to pick up.

elephant's review

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In this young adult paranormal romance, Marielle runs a plant nursery with her grandfather. When her grandfather passes away, she is left with his will and a stone that he has told her houses a Jinn who will grant her three wishes. Faris, the Jinn is a handsome 19 year old, but they learn that his evil twin brother Zet is out to get him - through Marielle. Her grandfather had told her not to trust the Jinn, but she finds herself falling in love with him. I think that people who are fans of the Twilight series may enjoy this book.

ibustama's review

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For this book, I bled. OMG, so glad it is finally ready!