
Elysian Fields by Suzanne Johnson

bunnerz's review

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Ratings - completed series:
#1 Royal Street: ★★★★☆
#2 River Road: ★★★★☆
#3 Elysian Fields (this book): ★★★★☆
#4 Pirate's Alley: ★★★★☆
#5 Belle Chasse: ★★★★☆
#6 Frenchman Street: ★★★★☆

rclz's review

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Really good book. This woman has more people wanting to control her, love her or just plain kill her than anyone should have to put up with. I really like the characters she's created. I'm just sorry this is the last one till next year. I hate being caught up.

shelleyrae's review

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I enjoyed the debut of Suzanne Johnson's Sentinels of New Orleans series, [b:Royal Street|12009478|Royal Street (Sentinels of New Orleans, #1)|Suzanne Johnson||16974328] and made sure I picked up the second book, [b:River Road|13539162|River Road (Sentinels of New Orleans, #2)|Suzanne Johnson||19122632] shortly after it was released. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to read it before the review for this third installment, Elysian Fields was due, luckily though the gap didn't seem to matter much.

Elysian Fields opens with DJ and Jake attending a bloody crime scene, the most recent of a string of homicides linked by an axe left at the scene. The police think the murders are being committed by a copycat but DJ suspects they are dealing with a Historical Undead, an axe wielding serial killer who has crossed over from the Beyond. Tracking down the Axeman becomes easier when he turns his murderous attention to DJ but capturing the Undead figure becomes far more complicated when she learns he is being controlled by a Necromancer. Trying to figure out who wants her dead, while under the threat of turning furry at the next full moon and being forced to take lessons in elven magic from the wizard she holds responsible for Tish's death has DJ reeling.

It's a busy plot combining preternatural political intrigue, murder, betrayal, strained friendships and romance, but Johnson handles it well.

I really like DJ, despite her propensity for chaos. Mostly she isn't at fault, as a New Orleans Sentinel, and a Green Wizard with Elven ancestry, trouble seems determined to find her. DJ is smart, resourceful and willing to throw herself into the breach to protect those she cares about.

The setting of this series, in post-hurricane New Orleans and Johnson's unique mythology is a huge part of the attraction for me. I like the way in which the author mixes wizards, vamps, elves, shifters and the Historical Undead like Louis Armstrong and of course the notorious pirate, Jean Lafitte.

Fast paced and action packed Elysian Fields is an entertaining urban fantasy adventure with great combination of interesting story and appealing characters. I am looking forward to the next one (and promise to get Rive Road read before then!)

bookfessional's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. Mostly b/c this book had absolutely nothing to do with Elysian Fields. Nada.

bananatricky's review

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Set only a few days after the second book, DJ is barely recovered from the fight in which Robert died. An encounter with Jake goes badly and he accidentally scratches her arm - will she go Loup-Garou?

In other news, an axeman is terrorising New Orleans - the papers are saying he is a copycat of the original Axeman but DJ suspects that he may be the original who has stepped over from Beyond.

In the meantime, she is getting some help with Mahoud (or Charlie as we like to call DJ's Elven staff) from the stuffy Adrian of the Elders council, the Elves are very keen to speak to DJ about the staff, Evangeline's new boyfriend is super-creepy and keeps bringing food to DJ.

I continue to love these books, the characters are all so interesting and the stories are so engrossing.

slc333's review

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This hovered between 2 & 3 stars for me because while I enjoyed the story itself I was immensely disappointed by the romance element. DJ has a plethora of men in her life yet it has been clear from book 1 that her sometimes partner, Alex was the one she wanted. Sadly he is the one I like least ( well I dislike Rand more)
Spoiler imagine my joy that it these 2 that end up closest to DJ
Spoiler. In each book Alex flirts with DJ and acts interested til she responds then he blows her off. This pattern is repeated again only it is worse cause this time they have actually gotten together (rather than just toying with the idea) then he blows her off after she has
Spoiler been kidnapped and mind raped by elves. He acts angry, punches Rand for kidnapping her, talks about how what happened is basically rape then huffs off and wont pick up his phone. Way to support your partner and girlfriend through her traumatic experience asshole!!
Spoiler I honestly think Jean is MUCH better for DJ. There is lots of talk about how he always has an agenda and never does anything for nothing but he is honest with DJ and is ALWAYS there for her when she needs him. Mostly I like DJ but I was extremely annoyed by her when she
Spoiler bonds with Rand. I understand why she might make that decision in the end but she does it immediately taking Rand's word for everything even though he has been stalking her, kidnapped and took her to the elves who mind raped her and has been using her best friend. STUPID. She could have at least spent a day or too researching and thinking about it.

see_sadie_read's review

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DJ gets targeted by a preternatural murder plot, beat up a lot, should be dead but survives by the skin of her teeth and adds to her (now alarmingly large and annoyingly pointless) harem. So, basically the same plot as every other book in this series. Amusing, but not particularly deep or moving.

rubenstein's review

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Picking up nearly immediately after River Road ended, Elysian Fields plunges readers into a post-Katrina New Orleans with the added bonus of wizards and werewolves. DJ Jaco is a wizard and newly-appointed Sentinel for the city; it's her job to keep the magical community under control. Easier said than done though, right?

As if her job wasn't hard enough, she's got a sort-of-kind-of-maybe budding relationship with a shifter, her human best friend is slowly pulling away, a neighbor who's keeping a secret, and a serial killer is on the loose. All in a day's work.

I'm not the biggest Urban Fantasy reader, but I adore these books. This series is so much fun and I couldn't wait to dive into Elysian Fields! Whereas the previous two could work as standalones, River Road is definitely required reading before starting this one! There's SO. MUCH. that went on in this book, but it definitely feels like the middle of a story while the previous installments had distinct endings.

It was a joy to see where DJ and Alex's relationship went. From the early days when she took care of a dog (not realizing that was Alex's shifter form) to their first kiss, these two have grown and matured and I was nothing but flails and squeals. The happiness comes at a price however, and Alex begins to wonder if DJ's chaotic life is really what he wants.

Romance naysayers, don't fear - the novel isn't completely lovey-dovey. There are multiple Big Bads this time around, but my favorite by far was the Axeman. Initially thought of as a copycat killer taking inspiration from the 1918 Axeman murders, it's eventually determined the original Axeman is back from the Beyond and has a serious bone to pick with DJ. More than one attempt on her life and the loss of both her car and house lets DJ know this guy isn't playing around; someone wants her dead and she's going to find out why.

I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I will say the reveal was shocking! Over the course of the novel I had suspects pegged, but I was way off and completely surprised. It'll definitely be interesting to see where things go from here. Also, things are really getting serious now that the human characters (DJ's bestie and a fellow cop) have been told about the Preternatural world.

Whether you're a seasoned fan of Urban Fantasy or a complete newbie, I highly recommend this series! The Sentinels of New Orleans series is so fun - and there's a super-charming undead pirate!

mercyblue's review

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This book was amazing I can't wait to get my hands on the next one! The action was nonstop and super intense, not to mention DJ's relationship with Alex gets ratcheted up a notch (finally!). Rand get's inserted into DJ's life in an annoyingly permanent way, while Jake finally finds some peace in the form of Old Orleans. Everything about this novel I loved and I'm on pins and needles awaiting the next one to be released! Just come out already!!

evavroslin's review

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The further into the narrative the reader gets, the more irresistible and unputdownable this book will be. Eventually things come to a head with the true master of puppets coming out, but he lackey strings are incredibly tangled, which will make the inevitable books that follow this series even more addictive than this one. Things end on a more positive note although, as mentioned, there’s definitely potential for more books in the series. If you haven’t picked up this series yet and you’re a big urban fantasy fan, or even if you don’t normally read fantasy but love a good yarn involving the Crescent City (New Orleans), you should most definitely pick up the books in the Sentinels of New Orleans series, and so far, each one is better than the one that preceded it. Suzanne Johnson has become one of my absolute favourite fantasy writers–this lady knows how to spin a good yarn!

Read my full review here