
Blood Warrior by H.D. Gordon

uniquenessiskey's review

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This book had me from the very beginning. The storyline and characters are soooo dynamic. Just enough twists and turns to keep me completely engaged. And while this book is meant to target a younger audience, it does not come off as being the least bit immature. There's so much eye candy! I cannot wait to read the next book.
SpoilerI hope things between Alexa and Kayden really heat up.

its_tara's review

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Firstly, I should probably say that this didn’t feel at all like a debut novel. The writing style was good, clear and consistent, and the typing and/or spelling errors which often appear in debut’s were not present in this novel. The story moves along at a good, if sometimes a little fast, rate, and the characters are mostly regular and enjoyable. I was impressed.

The story centers around Alexa Montgomery and her younger sister, Nelly. The girls begin by having a fairly normal life, even if their Mother does require some seemingly strange things from them – such as regular runs to school and back and ‘practice’. Of course, the reasons for these things quickly become clear, when they are attacked by Lamia, which are, in this world, evil vampires.

Of course, it quickly becomes clear that Alexa and Nelly aren’t the normal high school girls they (or at least, Alexa) thought they were. Whilst this is a fairly familiar premise, this book still felt fresh and interesting, and the fact that the story is told from exclusively Alexa’s point of view made it enjoyable to me.

Alexa and Nelly make their way to Two Rivers, a community/academy where being weird is the norm – i.e., it’s basically a city for vampires and the ‘wolf-born’. From here, it becomes obvious that even in a world of the unusual, Alexa is especially unusual.

Of course, there are love interests along the way – one being Alexa’s only friend from home – Jackson, a wolf-born who joins them in their journey, as well as Tommy, a Brocken (fighting) vampire, and the mysterious Kayden, an older, Scottish, blonde-and-rugged Brocken vampire.

I have to admit, this part of the story was particularly well written, and whilst I ended up being team Kayden (I’m a sucker for the older man), I found myself drawn to Jackson too, in the same way that Alexa was.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, and I’ll be looking forward to the next one in the series . This is recommended to anyone who enjoys YA, or paranormal romance. It won’t disappoint!

mrose21's review

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This book... Thiis boook... It isn't bad, I did like it or love it when I finished but since sitting and writing this review it isn't 4 stars love. There is def potential for this series to completely sweep me off my feet and I'd love it too.

I actually like the female lead, she seemed a bit abused at first and I had wondered if the mother was going to go that way but thankfully she wasn't it was all about protection. Alexa isn't that bad of a character but I didn't get the hostility between Victoria and herself.

It was out of the blue and to me made no sense, it was as if there was a need for a female wolf that was completely bitchy to come and hate on Alexa as she is in love with Alexa's friend or at least that is what I took from it. However I didn't hate Victoria, I hate Jackson a lot, like I mean A LOT, I came close to not reading the book sometimes because he just creeped me out.

He constantly calls her 'babe', 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful' and the author justifies this by making out like this makes Alexa happy and she needs to hear this... Why? Can I please have a female lead that doesn't need justification about her damn looks? I mean she is a damn warrior, she kicks butt! Does she really need some weirdo wolf boy telling her shes pretty constantly, because I feel no. It takes from the book and it was just so damn annoying to read. I mean god sake if I read 'darling' coming from his damn mouth one more time, I was going to lose it. Pretty much like I have in this review.

So aside from that, why exactly did she just decide that they should date? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? She sees another guy falls for him or at least that is how I felt she was portrayed during her meeting of Kayden!!!! Okay so really Jackson has ruined this book because of his prescense, hopefully he dies, or at least shows his evilness like I know he does. If I go onto the next books and he is the same, and he ends up the love of her life. I will break my rule for this year and not finish the book. Promise

Why is Alexa so off and on with Kayden? He is always nice to her and she just acts so weird, its off putting. I didn't like her very much when she was being rude or mean to him because it wasn't like it fit? If he had been some arrogant meat head that needed taking down a peg or five I would have gotten the point but he was always caring about her and worrying about her.

The good part about what this author did which helps me with my annoyance between Alexa and Jackson and Alexa and Kayden was set the scene. I was always feeling a sense of 'this isn't right' and I was glad that it was done on purpose because it was driving me mad. Alexa is treated like she is jesus coming to save us all and I must admit it doesn't feel like it gets cleared up, or at least properly. I mean her knowing that everything isn't hunkey-dorey and doing something (ish) about it helps a little but things are never cleared up it is always left a little bit hanging like we should know because she is so special...

I know she is the 'last warrior' and all that but it doesn't need to be shoved down our throat all the time. We get it, she is amazing, she is strong lalala. It is too typical YA books some parts of this story. All we need is a love triangle. Oh wait...

lolasreviews's review

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I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book, it has a nice story, a good lead character and that I-want-to-keep-reading feeling. The story is about Alexa, just a normal teenager, altough we immediately notice she is not really normal. There are some strange things that don't add up and we get the feeling there's something more. The beginning is a bit confusing, but in a good sense, I know something's up but not yet what exactly and that makes the events seem a bit confusing. Until the vampires attack. I think this is one of the best parts of the book, there is action and Alexa wants to protect Nelly, her sister, and she makes some difficult descisions. After that we get some insight in who and what some people are and we are introduced to some new people.

The story flows really nicely and it kept me curious enough to keep reading. I has that feeling of wanting to continue the book. One of the few minpoints is that we still get so less knowlegde about the world, there are three types of vampires and there are werewolves. But what do these vampires do? do they need blood? how much? What do they learn and the werewolves, do they change in real wolves? what do they learn? We do get some answheres, but it is clear that only Alexa and her race are the main focus of this book. Which brings me to another minpoint
Spoiler Alexa's race. She is a warrior, the only one. I just think this makes her way to special. Everyone treath her like she is their savior, but really she is just one teenage girl. I just think I would like the book better if she wasn't the last warrior

Then the characters, well I immediately liked Alexa, she is strong, help others and will put even her live in line to protect those she loves. She also has a bit of a temper, which she has difficulties to control. Only thing I didn't like about Alexa is that she smokes, I think smoking is a disgusting habbit and it made it a bit more difficult to identify myself with Alexa. Two other characters I really liked where Akira and Soraja. Both are cute little girls who I immediately liked. Akira sadly has only a small part in this story.

Then we have some other characters and a love triangle, or square. We have three boys who are in love with Alexa. I do not like love traingles. And in this book it is obvious who Alexa will end up with and I think it is a bit unconvincing due to that. And then we have ther fact that
Spoiler she get's a relationship with Jackson, who we know almost nothing about and really all the evidence points to Kayden, he is the one Alexa should be with.
It is so obvious who Alexa should be with that I feel like the other two are more of a distraction. Also I think we don't get to know enough of them. I could't get a good idea who they where and two of them just irritated me.
Spoiler Jackson only made those comments all the time to emphasize how beautifull Alexa is, but those comments just felt empty. I don't know why he couldn't just be a good nice friend who Alexa trust. And Tommy, well we really don't know him, we don't get to know him. But he still is Alexa's friend and then make some semi-fights with Jackson.

To conclude: a really nice story with some good characters. There where some minor parts I didn't like, but overall it was just a good enjoyable story. The ending leaves us with many questions left and I really want to know what happens next.

emma_srak's review

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I have to start out by saying that I got this book from R2R and I'm very glad I signed up for it. Blood Warrior lived up to my expectations and them some. Alexa Montgomery is a great heroine, she's caring, loves her family and would do anything to protect those close to her and now even her people.

Kayden and Jackson are still a little bit of a mystery to me. I felt that even though both men really like/love her, they are still holding back from her. Like, what was Jack doing at the Council the night he gave Alexa her mother's necklace? And why didn't she ask Nelly to search his mind to see if was telling the truth? And Kayden is always "trying" to protect her without really ever explaining anything, having Alexa come up with her own conclusions which at the moment are pissing me off, lol!!

I'm really hoping Nelly comes out of the "Happy Fuzz" that everyone seems to be in at Two Rivers and realizes what's really going on instead of just sympathizing with Alexa. I'm hoping in the next book she'll be way more kick-ass with those crazy super powers she has.

I'm rambling... just read the book if you haven't. It's really good and deserves a 4.5. I'll be reading the next one for sure!

lovesfromlindsey's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! I love books with multiple types of paranormal creatures. Plus, it doesn't have your typical love story either. Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone and I can't wait to finish the rest if the series!

amrareadss's review

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Its 2:42AM, I just finished this and there's lot on my mind. I'm tired but one of the thoughts I have on my mind now is WHY HAVEN'T KAYDEN AND ALEXA KISSED? I'm very upset that there wasn't some passionate kiss that left Alexa confused and happy and Kayden angry and happy and then they have a fight and kiss again. No that didn't happen sadly but a lot of other things have happened.
We find out that Alexa's mom isn't dead. Big surprise. Not really, in all the books that I've read where something happens to the mom and the daughter has to leave her and think that her mom is dead but then finds out she isn't and then there's the end of the chapter the mom is never actually dead. She's either become the bad guy of the story and the heroine has to kill her or she's trapped somewhere and the heroine is trying to rescue her.
But overall I enjoyed reading this book so much I have deprived myself of sleep. That means a lot when I'm reading a book because I enjoy sleeping a lot, and the fact that I am writing a review at this time as well means something. The heroine is badass, cool and you start liking her because she doesn't seem to complain too much and she cracks jokes that aren't always funny and she has the weird tendency to laugh at serious moments and I can sooo connect to that. I can't connect to the whole part where I have to save my sister and leave my mom to die and then I meet this hot,sexy vampire who's too old for me but that's ok.
The characters I truly love. There's some sort of connection with every character and you don't really hate any of them because you just can't. There's Kayden ,whom I have fallen in love with, and there's Alexa ,who's like book version of me except smaller, and they are so awesome together and I still can't bring myself to believe that they haven't kissed. It's the suspense that is killing me!!!

Sorry if this review isn't very informative about the book, but I am sleep deprived and should have done this in the morning but maybe it like gives you the gist of book?

alexandriatp's review

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I really liked this book. A lot!

In the beginning, things were a uncomfortable for me. I honestly thought I was going to get a mentally & emotionally damaged character because there seemed to be some abuse happening. Luckily, that was not the case. The main character is Alexa and I was just as mad as she was in the beginning because we had no idea what was going on. Throughout the story you learn things just as she does and since she's been kept in the dark about everything, it was frustrating to watch her do things and not understand why. It keeps you interested though!

Alexa is a strong character, very strong, and sometimes her head gets in the way. I just wanted to shake her at some parts! Alexa is dealing wiith finding out who she is (the last sun warrior ever!), the death of her mother, and all the boy attention she is receiving! Luckily, for Alexa, she has her sister, Nelly, and Kayden to ease some of that fire.

Oh, KAYDEN! Kayden is a tough cookie, and he's pretty BA, but he's also not at the same time. He's a great combo of a good guy and a bad guy if you ask me (AKA = PERFECT!).

The suspense is great because most of the time we don't know what's going on and when we finally get the hang of things, new things keep popping up! For me Alexa took some things a little too easily - like going to school. It surprised me how easily she adapted to her completely different life. Nelly did too, but I think I kept picturing Nelly as so much younger, even though she was only a year younger. Maybe it was just because her personality wasn't very strong yet.

As soon as Alexa and her crew where taken into the city, Two Rivers, I was transfixed just as Alexa was. A whole new world for them and us! A place where two warriors duke it out just for show? A society where they don't even value their warriors lives, they just want them for protection and entertainment? Ya, different and enticing!

I do have to mention that I thought the book resembled to Vampire Academy a lot. I've only read three of their books but the similarities seemed to be hitting me in the face as I read this (I just read them recently too so that could be why). I won't get into how, but I do want to say that this didn't take from the story for me! This book had a lot of it's own originality. Things characters can do in this series, you wouldn't see in VA. There are more different races/species in this series than the other. I also have to point out that I like Kaydem more than I like Dimitri!! So if you liked Dimitri. Just wait for Kayden!!

I also have to let Jackson have his piece. Jackson is Alexa's best friend, a werewolf, and he likes her. You can tell right from the beginning he does. And I liked him too! He's actually allowed to go to school within the same city as the warriors and searchers (both are vamps). If something happened to Kayden I would be perfectly OK if Alexa ended up with Jackson.

This book was good. Really good. I will definitely be reading the next in the series. I thought it was already out so I was so angry yesterday when I found out it wasn't. Please get here soon!

I'd also like to thank Nicole Marie for suggesting this book to me! Great pick :D

ezichinny's review

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★★★½. I like it but it needs to be polished more.

Alexa Montgomery has been getting trained all her life by her mom for some unknown event. She is constantly told to "protect her sister Nelly" and to trust no one else.

One day, Alexa's home is attacked by blood sucking creatures, and the world as Alexa knew is changed. Alexa learns that there are supernatural beings, and she is one of them. Then her best friend Jackson is a Wolf Son (shifter) and Nellie is a vampire. Alexa knows she must figure out who is targeting her family before they get killed.

Alexa, Nellie and Jackson run to a safe place their mom told them about and they meet other supernaturals like themselves. Alexa meets Kayden, whose energy seems to balance the rage she feels all the time. They finally feel safe, but everything isn't a safe and perfect as it appears. Alexa and Nellie as still in danger and Alexa has to figure out who is targeting her family and why?

I liked it but there was a lot going on in this book. first of all, this quadrangle love thing is silly. Second, I just don't see how Alexa was that clueless about so many things. Third, why did her mother not prepare her mentally and emotionally for the battle? Why didn't Nellie?

I am hoping that I will get more information in the sequel so I will try it next month.

woolfardis's review

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I feel like there may be a half-decent story hidden underneath layers of typos and badly edited ~Twilight~ fanfiction, but it has been swept away by Mary-sue, overly emotional American teenagers with raging hormones and author-projected characteristics.