
The Black Sheep and The Rotten Apple by K.A. Merikan

haletostilinski1's review against another edition

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4.25 stars rounded down

After the high that was [b:The Man Who Loved Cole Flores|56766249|The Man Who Loved Cole Flores (Dig Two Graves #1)|K.A. Merikan||88722290] & [b:The Man Who Hated Ned O'Leary|56995440|The Man Who Hated Ned O'Leary (Dig Two Graves #2)|K.A. Merikan||89161891], I was jonesing for some more of these two, and this one pulled me in.

I wasn't expecting to love this as much as that duology, or the guns 'n boys series, but that doesn't mean it still wasn't fun and entertaining and gripping as well.

Now, this took my awhile to read, which doesn't usually happen with books by these two, but I just felt it was a pretty slow beginning, with not a ton happening (I know, crazy to say when this starts off immediately with some highwayman shenanigans), and so it took me awhile to read a good portion of this, and to really get into Julian and Evan, our main couple.

Especially when it was more of a "capter/captive" situation, even though it was Julian's idea more than Evan's, and it took a long time for Julian to come to terms with his attraction for a man, specifically Evan. Also the first time they had sex was more dubious-consent...maybe even non-con, then I would have liked. I mean, they did the same, basically with the first few times Dom and Seth had sex, so I'm not totally surprised, AND this took place in the late 1700's when this stuff was more murky (even though yes, it shouldn't have been), but it still makes me uncomfortable.

Julian was into it, but didn't want to be. Evan thought Julian was attracted - which he was, but Julian never explicitly said he was or even knew it himself - so he made an assumption. Doesn't matter how much Julian enjoyed it or how gentle Evan was, the waters were still very murky, to say the least.

But! These ladies always have a way of making two men who supposedly hate each other fall completely in love. I always love, if the two main MC's don't like each other/don't realize attraction etc, how these two make them go from that far point all the way to the far B point of being head over heels for each other.

The journey these two went on was so worth the wait. And as a result of Julian needing to figure out things in himself, there wasn't as much as sex as these two usually have in their books, but what was there was still fire. Especially the last sex scene of the book...oh man, I so wanted more of these two together like that!

So, despite the slow beginning and having to warm up to these two as a couple - and Julian as a character. Sorry but he was kinda bratty and spoiled at first, and it was hard to like him all that much. But he definitely grew and changed and I came to love him as much as I loved Evan - eventually they got there and I was all in with this couple and this story.

Just like the couple, the story took awhile to heat up, but once it did it was off to the races. The second half wowed me, especially the end which had me on the edge of my feet. This story went from like...some craziness here or there, some events happening, to full on "holy shitballs this is crazy and wild and how are they gonna get out of this!" as these two are known to do.

I also would have absolutely loved an epilogue. It would have tied this off so nicely, to see these two settled and happy in their HEA. The ending felt a tad abrupt for that reason, so more off for that. But still, the edge-of-your-seat ending was wonderful enough for me not to mind too much.

So, this has a slow start, in my opinion, but the payoff is well worth getting through some slow parts and really getting to where these two are so in love and the climax which is crazy and exciting and I absolutely loved it.

Definitely recommend. I enjoyed this so so much. Two thumbs up from me!❤️

anya_doesntmatter's review

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Let's get right to it.
I've put off writing this review because K.A. Merikan has penned some of the sickest ( as in awesome) MM books I have ever read. Merikan has provided me with hours of reading enjoyment that I treasure. So... what happened? is this a fluke? Why am I constantly pulled out of the storyline? Why am I having a hard time buying Julian and Evan's romance? I'll get back to this in a minute, I promise.

The first time I attempted reading this book I was intrigued… I felt my excitement for the story slowly dwindle when I started reading Julian’s inner monolog questioning his forbidden desires. Julian frequents a whore house. He drinks, he gambles and socializes with his friends. He also beds the women there every once in awhile. He finds sex enjoyable but it’s not something he seeks out with a woman. as a matter of fact, he doesn't get what the big deal is.
Julian has dreams of becoming a writer. He wants to visit the Mediterranean and craft stories of his grand adventures there. Julian doesn’t want to marry but his father is fed up with his spendthrift ways and of Julian wasting away his life. The Ultimatum finally came down: marry or else. While I can understand Julian’s reluctance to marry I struggled to make sense of his inner conflicts after being kidnapped by a Highway man who eventually seduces him.

Sir Recluse aka The Ghost of Tredele aka Evan Penhart, is gay. he’s known this about himself all his life. His sex life/ experiences are very limited given the fact that sodomy is a hanging offense. It’s understandable why he’s cautious of approaching men. His reasoning I completely buy but Julian is a whole other kettle of fish.

So... what happened? is this a fluke? Why am I constantly pulled out of the storyline? Why am I having a hard time buying Julian and Evan's romance?

Although Julian has had sex several times with women he doesn’t find the act all that pleasurable. It is implied that Julian is therefore, gay… yet he’s completely oblivious to it. I’m having a hard time buying this. I don’t believe in magical vaginas. I also don’t believe in magical peen. Julian never once thought of men as attractive? Never felt physically drawn to one. He hit puberty and discerned for himself that breasts did nothing for him yet never had an inkling or leaning towards men? Again, my musings were triggered because he’s presented as becoming aware sexually, that he’s gay ( not pan, bi, asexual etc.). Biology in this instance given the circumstance should have caused some stirring.

The running dialogue in his head became such a distraction that I put the book down. I was about to abandon the book until I saw all these wonderful rave reviews. I began to doubt myself and decided it must be me and so I gave the book another go… another 100 pages in and yup, still disappointed.

Don’t get me wrong. Julian and Evan are an adorable couple. The steam between these two is palpable and I thought their romance to be sweet…. I just couldn’t get through Julian’s jumbled thoughts and there were so many of them that I finally pulled the plug. again.

This may just be a case of me being picky or overthinking, maybe Julian, will have a revelation and find a moment in his past when he experienced desire for another man but honestly, I am wary. I have no interest at the moment in finding out if he eventually has an epiphany!

I love K.A. Merikan’s stories, unfortunately, this one is a miss for me. If you’re not as picky (or whiny and impatient) as I am read it! They say third time’s the charm. maybe I’ll revisit this story in a couple months and if my feelings change I’ll make sure to update this review.


reedkaye's review

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I’m reviewing the audio edition. I follow these authors. Everything they write seems to step into something different than their last stories. This is no different. I’ve had this on my tbr list it seems forever and I don’t normally do historical stories but I was in the mood for different. This is it. There are so many twists and turns that I had to ignore things around me and listen to it. James Reilly’s narration brought it to life. The time period made for some interesting issues. Trying to maintain status, such as Evan did. Hiding who you really are…as both did. Julian’s being so out of the norm for his family and his time. Together they didn’t seem to fit. This is almost an opposites attraction. They are both so likable that I had to hope for both. There are more than a couple times I had to ask myself if the author’s were really going to do the main characters in. Again, this is a win for these authors.

chels_ebooks's review

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adventurous dark emotional funny tense
Julian is the bratty son of a merchant and Evan is a bankrupt baronet. Driven to desperate measures, Evan becomes a highwayman and tries to rob Julian. Unfortunately for him, Julian doesn't have ready access to his father's (fat) pockets, and in an act of self-preservation, Julian proposes a plan: A fake kidnapping of Julian, but a real ransom note.

This goes wrong in 1,000 different ways, including the very messy feelings they have for each other. Evan is attracted to Julian and it's mutual, but Julian hasn't come to terms with the fact that he's gay. In a moment of frustration and anger, Evan violently accosts Julian.

Julian needed tenderness, coaxing, and time, but Evan didn't allow him that. But Evan isn't a cartoon villain: he's a lonely man who is used to hardship, and it's easier for him to take up the mantle of villain than it is to be honest with himself about why he fears Julian's rejection.

This sounds heavy, and at parts it absolutely is, but it's also very funny and sweet.

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liza5326's review

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This was an entrancing read that brought me back to my love of bodice rippers in high school. The rogueish highwayman who kidnaps the son of a Lord to ransom him back, only to find themselves falling for one another... But when it comes to KA Merikan, the story is never that simple! It's a rough ride that includes plenty of action and sexiness, along with surprising romantic moments. Another delight from these wonderful authors!

the_novel_approach's review

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Everything and more you can expect in a K.A. Merikan book! This book covers a whole spectrum of emotions within its pages—from start to finish we are taken on a ride of passion between two desperate men, men desperate in circumstance and with their love for each other. We hit initial attraction, dubious consent, acquiescence, lust, friendship and finally love. The writing duo of K.A. Merikan knows how to produce an edgier story, and this one does not disappoint.

Sir Evan Penhart is a Baron. A broke and penniless Baron. He’s a man reduced to living in one room of his ancestral estate because he cannot afford the upkeep on the property. But he’s proud—Tredele has been in his family for three hundred years, and he still has a few loyal servants he is responsible for. Resorting to highway robbery was supposed to be a one-time thing to help save his home and his legacy. He is a man driven to extreme desperation. Always considered the black sheep of his family because of his inclinations, Evan has learned life’s lessons the hard and brutal way. He is a morally dubious hero shaped by his experiences. But all that passion comes out in lots of glorious ways with the people he cares about and the way he fights against a life that wants to swallow him whole. He is a bit of a rogue, his moral compass is somewhat skewed, and he is the bad boy you fall in love with.

Julian Reece is a bad apple. Just ask his father. When Julian gets kidnapped by a highwayman in a robbery gone wrong, his father throws his hands up in the air and jumps for joy. Pay a ransom for him?! No way. Good riddance to the lout. Julian is a poet, a writer, a wastrel sure—but just until someone takes his dreams seriously for once. He has no wish to marry the girl his father has picked out for him, so when he is kidnapped on the way to marry her, he throws his hands up in the air and jumps for joy. That is, until he meets the dark and brooding man who has become his jailer. This is a man of dark passions, and what does it say about Julian that he begins to discover how much those dark passions appeal to him?

The kidnapping doesn’t solve the issues Evan has, with Julian’s father refusing to pay a ransom. So, what to do with the man now? He knows what he wants to do to the man now, but will Julian let him? From here in the book, the relationship between the two men develops rather organically and slow. Julian has to come to terms with what he wants from Evan, and both men have to decide if their love is worth dying for. The main antagonist in the story is a man named Pascoe who is determined to bring Evan down any way he can. Evan and Pascoe share a past that is devastating in its raw brutality. Pascoe has made it his life’s mission to see Evan hang. How these two authors work these men and their circumstances around to a HEA is as convoluted as it is endearing, and I couldn’t put it down. It does lag in the middle, so beware, but it is for character and story building, so I didn’t mind the change of pace. I am a huge fan of historically accurate stories and yeah, gritty and edgy novels, and, like I said before, this one doesn’t disappoint on either front.

"Evan’s fingers inched all the way to Julian’s hip, and he moved closer, making Julian dizzy when the scent of wine mixed with Evan’s own. “I am not a monster. Nor am I a ghost. I am made of flesh and bone.” He moved his other hand over Julian’s, and pressed it harder to his own chest. “Can you feel that? I’d build you a castle in the sky if you could only want me the same way I want you.”

I highly recommend this book. I actually thought it could have been a little darker, a little edgier; there were definitely boundaries that could have been explored more; however, the attention to detail in this is spot on and the writing is well done. If you like your stories a touch on the dark side and are in the mood for a “different” kind of historical, then this book is for you. I loved it!

Reviewed by Carrie for The Novel Approach Reviews

haletostilinski1's review

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4.25 stars rounded down

After the high that was [b:The Man Who Loved Cole Flores|56766249|The Man Who Loved Cole Flores (Dig Two Graves #1)|K.A. Merikan||88722290] & [b:The Man Who Hated Ned O'Leary|56995440|The Man Who Hated Ned O'Leary (Dig Two Graves #2)|K.A. Merikan||89161891], I was jonesing for some more of these two, and this one pulled me in.

I wasn't expecting to love this as much as that duology, or the guns 'n boys series, but that doesn't mean it still wasn't fun and entertaining and gripping as well.

Now, this took my awhile to read, which doesn't usually happen with books by these two, but I just felt it was a pretty slow beginning, with not a ton happening (I know, crazy to say when this starts off immediately with some highwayman shenanigans), and so it took me awhile to read a good portion of this, and to really get into Julian and Evan, our main couple.

Especially when it was more of a "capter/captive" situation, even though it was Julian's idea more than Evan's, and it took a long time for Julian to come to terms with his attraction for a man, specifically Evan. Also the first time they had sex was more dubious-consent...maybe even non-con, then I would have liked. I mean, they did the same, basically with the first few times Dom and Seth had sex, so I'm not totally surprised, AND this took place in the late 1700's when this stuff was more murky (even though yes, it shouldn't have been), but it still makes me uncomfortable.

Julian was into it, but didn't want to be. Evan thought Julian was attracted - which he was, but Julian never explicitly said he was or even knew it himself - so he made an assumption. Doesn't matter how much Julian enjoyed it or how gentle Evan was, the waters were still very murky, to say the least.

But! These ladies always have a way of making two men who supposedly hate each other fall completely in love. I always love, if the two main MC's don't like each other/don't realize attraction etc, how these two make them go from that far point all the way to the far B point of being head over heels for each other.

The journey these two went on was so worth the wait. And as a result of Julian needing to figure out things in himself, there wasn't as much as sex as these two usually have in their books, but what was there was still fire. Especially the last sex scene of the book...oh man, I so wanted more of these two together like that!

So, despite the slow beginning and having to warm up to these two as a couple - and Julian as a character. Sorry but he was kinda bratty and spoiled at first, and it was hard to like him all that much. But he definitely grew and changed and I came to love him as much as I loved Evan - eventually they got there and I was all in with this couple and this story.

Just like the couple, the story took awhile to heat up, but once it did it was off to the races. The second half wowed me, especially the end which had me on the edge of my feet. This story went from like...some craziness here or there, some events happening, to full on "holy shitballs this is crazy and wild and how are they gonna get out of this!" as these two are known to do.

I also would have absolutely loved an epilogue. It would have tied this off so nicely, to see these two settled and happy in their HEA. The ending felt a tad abrupt for that reason, so more off for that. But still, the edge-of-your-seat ending was wonderful enough for me not to mind too much.

So, this has a slow start, in my opinion, but the payoff is well worth getting through some slow parts and really getting to where these two are so in love and the climax which is crazy and exciting and I absolutely loved it.

Definitely recommend. I enjoyed this so so much. Two thumbs up from me!❤️

rebecca_3's review

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This book was amazing. The best K.A. Merikan I have read in a long time. And I would say that Evan and Julian can compete with my favourite K.A. Merikan couple, Dom and Seth. Usually I read their books as soon as they are released, but I delayed reading this one for awhile because I find the title and the cover unappealing, but it is so much better than it looks.

It is a darker story, with crime and violence and dub-con. And D/s undertones. But if you love K.A. Merikan you are probably ok with all that. But the best part of the whole book is Evan and Julian. Their love is so intense. The book is fairly long and it gives time for their relationship to develop from hate to unstoppable love. They are just so perfect together and I could feel it happening from fairly early on. Like the scene in the observatory. That gave me the first taste of what I was in for and I was not disappointed!

riverreads's review

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5 canary stars.

This book was such a roller-coaster of emotions. The story started with 2 characters that we really needed to get to know before judging them because at first they seemed like assholes but the journey to the end of the story was amazing.

Julian was an entitled boy with big dreams. He wanted to be a writer and enjoy his family's riches but not work for anything, his bubble was burst when his father arranged a marriage for him, he was not ready and he was going to do whatever it took to stop it.

"I'd build you a castle in the sky if you could only want me the same way I want you" -Evan

Evan was a very private man, he was the last living member of his family, after his brother gambled most the family's money and died Evan was left with debts and no way to repair the mansion were he lived or pay the employees so he decides to do something stupid and that's how he meets Julian.

"Now my eyes are clear, and I finally see that my place is in the eye of the storm" -Julian

They made a deal, pretend evil men kidnapped Julian and demand his father for rescue and after they would share the ransom money.
They just didn't count with Julian's father reaction or how Julian and Evan would feel about each other.

Julian is a brat in the beginning, he sees the world, his world, a certain way and he speaks without thinking but I never thought he was a mean person. When his feelings for Evan start to change he actually makes a move and fights for his man. His character development was beautiful to see, at the beginning of the book I wanted to take off my imaginary glove and slap him across the face with it. By the end I was like a proud mama, his actions were brave and full of love.

Evan was such a great character, he was in no way perfect, he made some mistakes, his first sexual encounter with Julian was wrong (even if it was hot) but with time he proved he wasn't a bad man, he helped Julian when he needed it and he gave him space and friendship, which in the end payed off.

"It might be forbidden, or even sinful, but I've never known passion like this before. It that makes me a bad seed, so be it." -Julian

The romance was beautiful, the devotion and love both had for each other made me tear up a few times and I was at the edge of my seat in the last few chapters waiting for that HEA.

I do not like historical romance, I never did so when I started this book I was curious about how the story was going to work, I was not disappointed, Kat and Agnes did an amazing job not only with the story and the characters but they took my mind to that time.

A life without his precious canary would have been an empty cage -Evan

** ARC provided by authors in exchange for an honest review **

karentje's review

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I was utterly blown away by this historical romance! K.A. Merikan did such an amazing job with this story. The setting of the book, the historical details, the suspense, to say nothing of characters themselves… it was everything I could have hoped for.
Evan is the perfect brooding, volatile, dangerous hero, haunted by his past and seemingly condemned to a life of lonely unhappiness because of his inheritance and the harsh laws of the times. Nothing could have prepared him for Julian, seemingly gentle and well-spoken, but with his own set of skewed morals, and a whole lot left to learn about his own nature and desires. I loved the push and pull between Evan and Julian, their near-violent passion as well as the alluring sweetness when they come together.
This book is not for the faint of heart, with danger coming at Evan and Julian at an unrelenting pace. The suspense and action scenes were fast-paced and incredibly well-written, thrilling but oh so bad for my blood pressure.