
Unscrupulous by Avery Aster

mrsbsbooks's review against another edition

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**Provided by Netgalley and Ellora's Cave for an honest review**

The first thing that I have to mention is that although I loved this book, I think it should have come pout before Undressed for a better continuity in the series.

Taddy is a brilliant Publicist and, she has built her company up from scratch and has the best group of friends around her from her boarding school days. She probably counts Lex as her best friend. Lex is the main character from the first book in the series.

Warner is a self made billionaire who lost his first love and wife to cancer many years ago after being married for ten years, yet he is only in his early thirties. Warner meets Taddy in St Barths when she stays at his hotel and is immediately captured by her hair and her personality.

The banter between the two kicks off and he takes her to his house, however his former fiancé is there and causes trouble. Taddy, walks off leaving him behind and without her real name.

Both think about the other during a long period without thinking that they would see each other, even though Warner has not given up hope of finding her however, after a disastrous trip to Cannes for her assistant, both Taddy and Warner meet up again when she has to bail her assistant out from jail.

There is no BDSM but there is definitely a hot alpha male intent on getting his own way, and he wants more of Taddy. He is determined to break down the barriers she hold up and to have a more permanent relationship with her. He just has to prove it to her.

A heart warming tale with a lot of sizzle.

dontgrumble's review against another edition

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Fun, Flirty and Naughty.

Taddy Brill owns her own very successful company, has fabulous friends and isn't afraid to go after what she wants. However she doesn't have a man in her life, she craves control and just can't be vunerable, she does not have good experience of being loved.

Warner Truman is one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. After an engagement gone sour he has sworn off women until he can find one who is powerful in her own right and he can then be certain she loves him for him and not his wealth and power.

This is a very entertaining and naughty story about the fabulous lives of the New York Elite. It is nice to see a strong female lead who knows what she wants and isn't afraid of going after it and i absolutely loved Taddy and her friends, each with a very distinctive personality. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

javalenciaph's review

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Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

"Unscrupulous" is the second in "The Manhattanites" series by Avery Aster and can be read as a stand-alone but I do suggest that you read the first book as well if you're interested in learning what happens to Lex and, to a much lesser degree, Taddy and the others. This is a prequel set about three years before the events in "Undressed" but it also includes a flashback to when Taddy Brill and Lex Easton were still teens.

I enjoyed "Unscrupulous" and found it to be more engaging than "Undressed". Taddy is truly a character and a memorable one at that. She obviously did not receive the kind of love and care due her when she was growing up and it seems to have somewhat affected her when it comes to her relationships with others. While Taddy appears to be a strong, independent woman, she appears to have thing for being maltreated while having sex
Spoiler(asking to be choked, slapped, etc.)
but then she also appears to like doing the same thing to her partner
Spoiler(slapping in the face)
so I was a tad confused when it came to how she shifted from one thing to another.

There's quite a gap from the beginning of the story up to when Taddy (aka Red) and Warner (aka Big Daddy) cross paths. I was beginning to wonder when these two would finally meet but after they did, the pacing of the story seemed steadier and the story played it quite well.

There were funny moments in the book as well as emotional ones, though nothing overly dramatic. I have my suspicion as to who Taddy's biological father is but will wait and see if it's confirmed in the future installments to the series. Hehe.

"Unscrupulous" gets a solid four stars out of five. It was fun and quite endearing. ^.^ Will definitely keep an eye out for the third book!

amandawooden's review

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*Review done for Swoon Worthy Books, ARC provided by Netgalley!*

Unscrupulous is the 2nd book in The Manhattanites series. The events in this book actually occur before "Undressed" but it can be read as a stand alone. Unscrupulous is a fast paced, laugh out loud, melt your panties HEA!

In the 2nd book of The Manhattanites series we get to know Taddy Brill. She is a strong woman who takes care of the people she loves. "The love you give to others and deserve, but never expect in return." Taddy had a rough childhood and worked hard to start her own company and be the powerful and successful PR woman she is today! There has never been a time in her life where she has depended on a man and she doesn't plan to start now … but she is completely unprepared when she meets Warner.

Warner Truman is one of the richest men on the planet. He is SO SEXY AND OMG very large in ALL areas!!!
"'Anaconda' wouldn't do this supersize of beef justice." From the moment they meet chemistry flies and they are drawn to each other, even though they have no idea who the other person truly is.

I had a very hard time getting into this book. Don't get me wrong the sexy perverse talking (there is quite a bit in the beginning) is HOLY HOTNESS!!! The sex itself towards the end is raw, perverse and will leave you all hot and bothered! "Sweet Jesus on a Saltine cracker, you're a freaky deaky." I also loved the conversations with Taddy's friends. Their banter back and forth was absolutely hilarious and I was dying laughing several times! The parts I had trouble with was that sometimes I felt like I couldn't connect with Taddy and that led me to not get very invested in her relationship with Warner. It felt like their romance was rushed. They were barely together and had their complicated pasts coming back to haunt them several times but it never went anywhere. It just was kind of talked about and then we moved on and they were in love. As much as I love an HEA, I just didn't connect with this story!
With that said, if you are looking for a story that is HOT & VAJAZZLED and has a strong, successful woman who falls in love with a sexy billionaire, then you should check out this book with an open mind and a change of panties!!!
"I'm a Manhattanite. What'd you expect?"


the_bookish_hooker's review

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I read the entire book in one day!! Unscrupulous was a fun, sexy, steamy read, and I had a difficult time putting the book down!! I love Taddy and Warner's love story, but I have to say my favorite character in the book was Taddy's assistant Kiki. I would love to read her story! Overall I give it 4 stars, and can't wait to read more from Avery Aster!! :)

sonja_ahrb's review

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Ok, I am actually reading this series out of order... not intentionally lol but it is giving me a better perspective. For some reason, I keep coming back to this series, no matter what. I don't know what it is about Avery's writing, but it hooks me with each book.

I love Taddy, she's a fiercely independent, ball-buster kind of woman. She made me laugh with her wit. She has a tough past and I felt for her. Her struggle and what she went through and the demons she was still fighting.

Warner... rich and sexy with his own ghosts. These two go head to head and the sparks fly! The sex was extremely hot and explosive.

They get their HEA which always makes this girl happy (winks). I can't wait to see what direction Avery takes with the rest of this series.

~ Lydia, 5 Stars

marthadreamer's review

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Review: This book felt like watching a horse race. It was very fast out the gate. I wonder if this book could keep up the high energy, fast pace that it started with?

This book did not disappoint! It kept up the high pace and energy throughout the book!

The characters, I felt were lacking some real development into the words that described them. Taddy Brill and the other characters could have their own books about their lives as much of information about these characters is lacking in this story. It is definite an ‘inside look’ of their world.

A very action packed, accelerated, engrossed story that I could not put down!

As much as I am distraught about the character development, in this book, the story line kept me fascinated with the movements of said characters.

In my correct mind, I cannot rate this book any lower than a four due to the character development is the only thing wrong with this book, in my mind.

4 Stars

I was given a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Quote: “I have days where I’m still angry that she’s gone. Then…I have days where I’m not as angry as I am sad. But I’ll see her again, one day.”
Taddy was going to cry. Here his love had gone and her parents were still here, on this earth, living in the same city as she was. She doubted she’d ever get to speak to her parents again. “Your ability to speak about your past is admirable.” She forced a smile, hoping to set him mind at ease. “Maybe someday you can teach me how to talk about mine without fire coming from my mouth.” She twisted her napkin under the table to release the frustration swelli...

peneloperea's review

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With all the high reviews I was expecting a great book. Sadly this didn't really work for me.

The good stuff - for the most part we see confident (sometimes), strong, independent women who embrace their sexuality and desire to play, both sexually and professionally, with the big boys. That I loved. That said, WTF was up with the masturbation seen while getting a pedicure. I'm a fan of exhibtionism but it was just wrong. Also, why does a women with Taddy's body and confidence need to "proposition the help", so to speak? That never worked for me.

The not so good - MC's fall in love after 3 seconds. No. Just no. They meet. There's a misunderstanding and then no contact for WAY WAY TOO long. Then they meet again and it's "I love you. I love you too" ??? Not to mention the fact that alpha male Warner has only slept with, what, 3 women at this point? Or did I miss him being a male who enjoy sex and wants it without all the seriousness.

I have great great things about this book, this series but at no point did I laugh out loud or get so turned on that I needed to change panties. It just wasn't for me.

stumpfed's review

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I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. Undressed about did me in on every level. It was a scorcher, it was hilarious and it had a great story line. I was so excited to get Taddy's book!

First, the POV and getting to know Warner "Big Daddy" Truman. This is the perfect match for Taddy and the anticipation for these two to finally collide mentally and physically builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds....still with me? That's sort of how I felt about this book. It was a wee bit of a take off from the erotica and ventured into the whole contemporary romance arena. Nothing hot about your horny Manhattanites taking a year off of sex! I get that this is a prequel and there was quite a bit of character building and plot setting with these 4 friends.

To wait until 85% through to finally get these two together....ugh. Then it was actually awkward, hot but awkward nonetheless. I loved that! You never get that in a book. No angels singing, no perfect night...Taddy was busy fighting her feelings and slapping Big Daddy. As much as I was digging that, then the trite immediate declaration of love a few hours after bumping uglies erased all of the bliss I was feeling.

As you can tell, this was a roller coaster for me. But, not enough twists, turns and spins. Nothing that made my stomach dip. This book felt like it existed for the soul purpose of setting the tone. There are big things to come with this group and I know Aster had to provide a solid foundation to build it strong, but as a follow up to Undressed, I was expecting a bit more panty dropping quotes and would have liked to see these two get together half way through the book and really grow together, work some issues out together and spend more time explaining what Big Daddy was doing to His Red.

I'll be first in line for the next book though. Can't wait to see where these cliffhangers drop us.

thebooktrollop's review

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SO this crazy author hair-assed me on Goodreads (no not really) wanting to know if I would read her book.. And of course I said YES because I honestly can't say NO to anyone.. I'm such a book slut ;) ANNDD she was really sweet/sassy with her hair-ass-ment that I couldn't possibly say NO!!..
Anyway, I downloaded this book onto my Kindle and here is what I thought about Unscrupulous...

So I imagine that if Fifty Shades of Grey and Sex and the City had a book baby that this would be it..
It had both the sassy, sexy, couture of SATC and the kinky, I am going to fuck your ass and fuck you anywhere I want, like FSOG..

This book is part of a series but can be read as a standalone and follows the story of Taddy Brill (AkA Tabitha Adelaide Brillford) and Warner Truman. They are both rich, moguls who run their own businesses. I liked how the author made Taddy have her own money and determination in life. She wasn't looking for someone to take care of her, she just wanted someone to give her mind blowing sex whenever she desired (what woman with a working vagina wouldn't). Enter Warner, who had all the money he wanted but was looking for an equal to share it with. He didn't want to deal with the gold digging hussies and he wanted someone with their own future and goals.

"She came hard enough to start the day with a smile. No Baden Cosmetics rouge on her cheeks required"

It was like a match made in porn heaven.
While Taddy got to feel Big Daddy, Big Daddy got to fill her up. But hot chemistry and mind blowing sex does not make a relationship.
Taddy is distant and at times cold because she can't deal with her feelings. She is better at running a company not actually FEELING something for someone. Warner scared Taddy right out of her Louboutins and Warner wanted to own her mind, body, heart, and soul and of course he was used to getting what he wanted.
Taddy was resistant, she had some trust issues stemming back from her parents being ultimate assholes. But what happens when she pushes away, will Warner let her go? Can she learn to love him?

There was no lack of sexy in this book, it was there, it was ALL over it. Whether it was talking about sex, fantasizing about it, or actually doing it, the characters never really lacked orgasms
(of course not unless they were too busy being CEOs and running companies and shit).

“Please do not masturbate while I do your feet. I cannot take another moaning horny white woman this week.”

There were a couple of things that put me off of this book and then there were things that I totally loved.

Dislikes: I didn't get emotionally invested with the characters. I couldn't really relate to them, my vagina was all for them but my heart and mind were a little "ehhhh"..
Taddy's mother and father.. I still have no idea what happened there. Did her mom intentionally make her father disown Taddy? Did her dad ever talk to her? Taddy's real father was kind of obvious but did Taddy ever figure it out??

Unresolved issues are the devil Bobby!!!

Last but not least.. I will NEVER EVER read a book with the word "scrotum" and think "Oh scrotums get me hot and bothered, I love me some scrotums"... ahhhh I think I found a word I HATE worse than moist.. ;)

LIKES/LOVES: Besides using the word scrotum, the sex was freaking HOT and not just HOT but effing erotic!! I had to fan myself a few times and then take a cold shower or pretend I didn't just get totally turned on by a book and give my husband that look, like yeah we are about to do this.. look

smirk gif photo:  2i27cjc.gif

The banter back and forth between the friends was priceless and laughing your ass off funny!! I love me some good banter. I also loved Taddy's determination (almost annoyingly stubborn, it was on the line) but she was strong and not really a whiner she took shit in stride and loved the ones that proved themselves invaluable to her. I liked that, I liked that a LOT!!

Overall I give this book a 3-3.5/5