
Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine by J.D. Frettier

way2gosmartguy's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife, is the first book in the Green Room Chronicles. It is also the first book I have read by this authors, J.D. Frettier. At first, I was really worried about the book, thinking it would be super kinky, due to the title. (Side note,it wasn't the 69 I was thinking it meant!) I don't mind a little spice, and this had the right amount. But most important, it was hilarious! This book made me laugh so much, and it was a super easy, quick read. The plot is funny, and the things that go on in the afterlife are very creative. I love the way it was written, and have already moved on to the 2nd book in the series. I highly recommend this book to anyone that needs a good entertaining story, that will make you laugh!

arthistorygirl's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife by J.D. Frettier is the first book in The Green Room series. I was not sure what to expect with this book when I saw the cover and title but was pleasantly surprised. This is a short, fun, and humorous read. Bonnie has passed away and is greeted by her friend Dee to the Green Room. She teaches her the ropes and this allows Bonnie all sorts of abilities. I really enjoyed the interactions between Bonnie and her husband. I really wanted them to find each other again.
The characters are fun and written well. The story is short but it works and doesn't over do the story by dragging it out. It was written with an open ending to allow for continuation of the story. I look forward to more from JD Frettier in the future.

carabellacullen's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine by JD Frettier
5 Stars!!!!!

When I first read the blurb about this book I wasnt quite sure what to think but upon reading it
I find that it was quite a delightful short book and that it was very well written. The whole sort
of plot line is so unique and has such a lighthearted flow to it. I was very much hooked from the
first chapter. I have to admit it wasn't what I was expecting.

To see this from Bonnie's perspective was very fascinating. I was quite intrigued by how the author
put to life the idea of the afterlife and sex. I find that this is a very unique and refreshing book.
I will most definitely be reading more from this author in the future and this series. It definitely
takes a heavy subject and puts it to light and I really enjoyed this book and the plot.

katie_83's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine
By J.D. Frettier
4 stars

Ok, so going in to this book I had absolutely no idea what I was in for, I kind of got the idea it was going to be paranormal kind of read with a twist and I was right! Paranormal with a humorous twist. I’m a bit weird about the ‘after life’ so wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it but I have to say the book was such a fun read. It was only a short read but that didn’t mean the story was lacking. The pace was fast, the writing good and I really enjoyed the characters.
I would definitely recommend this book if you are looking for something a little different to read and I am looking forward to more from this author in the future.

bwagner's review

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This is my first book by this author and I loved it from the first word until the last. It is a fun short story that is engaging. I read it in one sitting, I couldn't put it down until I found out how it ended. It shows you how true love lasts even after death. I loved the characters and the emotional roller coaster ride they took me on. I laughed and felt compassion for them. I highly recommend this book.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine is the first book in The Green Room Chronicles series by J.D Frettier. I didn’t know what to expect going into this book because I had never read any of Ms. Frettier’s stories before now, and when I researched her (ok, I admit it- I stalked her😊) to see what else she has done, this appears to be her debut novel? If that’s the case, what a brilliant introduction- as well as a superb and polished debut.
Even though this is a novella sized story, there is nothing lacking in the content. There was quite a lot to the storyline, and I never felt like I was missing information or that the story was rushed or cut short in any way like some novellas can be. It is a very quick and easy read and when the end came I wanted more, not because it was lacking, but because I enjoyed the story.
We meet Bonnie who had died after a kinky night with her beloved husband of 47 years. She is met at the “Pearly Gates” and introduced to ‘The Green Room”, by her best friend Dee- who had died 8 years earlier. The Green Room is the waiting room/checkpoint where souls are held till they are assigned to go to heaven, or hell. Bonnie has time to do some reflecting on her life- and we tag along as she remembers it all. Her soulmate Peter and how they met at Woodstock, their time at college, moving into a Hippie Commune, then the birth of their children, working, and her life up till having the fatal heart attack. She tries to come to terms with leaving her soulmate behind- and worries about things that she didn’t do- especially about whether her children will discover her stash of sex toys. As she is reminiscing, Dee shows her all the wonders The Green Room has to offer- and so her ‘adventure’ begins….
As you can probably imagine, there were quite a few laugh out loud moments to be had throughout the book. But there were also some more thought-provoking elements too. The storyline is very original, clever, and quirky. The characters are well developed and endearingly zany. I loved the ‘energy’ they gave the whole storyline. This is a character driven story, and the characters are definitely the real gems here.
A light-hearted, fun, and slightly tongue-in-cheek look at the afterlife!
I’m ready to jump into the next book ASAP!

Thank you, Ms. Frettier!

kazbo5771's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine is the first instalment in The Green Room Chronicles by J.D. Frettier. The Green Room Chronicles are a collection of novellas set in the afterlife. The Green Room is a place where you go until it’s decided if you’re going to heaven or hell.
The title of this novella can be slightly deceiving. Those of us with a dirty mind may assume what this story will be about, whereas infact the sixty-nine refers to the year 1969 when the heroine of our story Bonnie first met the love of her life Peter.
However if you are of a dirty mind and looking for something a bit racy then this story will fit the bill. While in the Green Room, Bonnie has several flash backs to sexy times with her husband and also ‘visits’ him to keep their passion alive.
While very short, at only 45 pages, there is a lot packed into this novella. I already have books 2 & 3 on my kindle waiting for me to see what J.D. Frettier has in store next for those in the afterlife. Well worth reading!

kirchersmiles's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife
(The Green Room Chronicles Book 1)

By J.D. Frettier

5 Amazingly Awesome stars

Oh my goodness, not sure where to start with this review...I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I clicked this book and I will admit that I judged it by the title and the cover..The cover is like Amazing and the size of the book had me thinking ok I have to take a chance on this...Well let me just say that I was right and I absolutely did not want it to end.

I'm not going to go into too much detail of the plot but I will say that I could picture Bonnie and in so many ways saw myself in her thoughts and her actions. Being married for well over half my own life had me feeling all the feels that went into this storyline and had me actually picturing it all in my mind...This author took just the right amount of word space to draw you in and completely understand the feelings and the happenings. My heart broke in some parts but in others I was laughing so hard at the channeling scenes...I think though that the thoughts she was having about her kids got me the most...I could seriously see me wanting to find a way to communicate things to my husband, kind of like a to do list when I'm gone for the kids...Now if you are thinking of reading this and just not sure...Take the chance...It was done in the most amazing way, still touching on the sadness, yet handling it all in a way that made it such a perfect read.

I've read a few things now by the author behind this name under other names...I'm now sitting here channeling my thoughts trying to let her know that she has a new forever fan, no matter what the book, what name she writes under she has made my automatic one click list and I can't wait to read the next, and I sincerely hope there are many more to come in the Green Room series because I will be first in line for all of them :)


jennadb's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife (The Green Room Chronicles Book 1) by JD Frettier is a pun in cheek tale of the after-life ​and is a witty and fun and ​really really ​short read​. ​The characters are well written and their antics will see you falling in love with them. Laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of it all will lift your spirits. If the Green Room really does exist then we all have something to look forward to.

rooskie87's review

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Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine: A Spicy Romantic Comedy About the Afterlife (The Green Room Chronicles Book 1) by J.D. Frettier
4 stars

Well this book started off in a way i've never experienced, but it sure is memorable.
This was a very quick read and i won't recap the synopsis either. But I did laugh and enjoy reading this book and this authors take on what happens after you pass on.
Can't wait to dive into the next book.