
Stolen Nights by Rebecca Maizel

ebc_readsmut's review

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It's amazing how much a book can make you emotional, pulling at your heart and even your own inner most fears. Even though you know the story isn't real and the characters don't exhaust you can't help but laugh and cry and mourn for them. In my opinion a book that does not evoke some sort of emotion does not serve its purpose. I am so glad I picked up this book and continued to read it after reading the first book, Infinite Time. The writing was beautiful and I found myself wanting to reach out to all of the characters to console them and help them. I also kept jumping back and forth between the two main loves in Lenah's life, Rhode and Justin, debating which one I wanted to be with her in the end. Throughout the book I experienced hope, pain, anxiety, love, longing, grief, and sadness. I cried a few times through the book. Only to find myself a mascara streaked sobbing mess towards the end. Sometimes reading a book you can guess the end before it comes but knowing how the character gets to the end is more important. This book definitely threw me through a loop, several actually, every time I thought I figured it out. It was a bittersweet ending. I will be anxiously awaiting the third book of this series!
One thing that I just can't stop thinking about is Lenah's longing to just be forgiven for all the pain and suffering she has brought upon people. Her courage and braveness to set all her loved ones free from pain that she or others have caused was truly inspiring. She would rather them be free to live their life how they choose even if it meant not existing in their lives anymore, leaving her one true soulmate behind. All the while being stuck with the memories of her past life, remembering all of their faces, even though they would not remember anything. If that doesn't make you feel alive and emotional then I don't know what would.

erinarkin20's review

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Overall rating would be a 2.5 on this one. I had been waiting for this one for a while and was super excited to see it on netgalley. I'm hoping that if there is a book 3 (and it feels like there will be) I don't have to wait 2+ years for it.

From what I can remember of the first book, I really enjoyed it. I struggled with this one only because I couldn't remember any of it and I think that put me at a disadvantage. Mainly because this book jumped right into the story without a lead in and with the amount of time (and books that I have read in between) I either should have gone back to re-read book one or I would have benefited by a lead in.

I found myself annoyed with Lenah most of the time. She was either angsty about the fact that she couldn't be with Rhode and then was using Justin. I loved Vicken but again, felt like I shouldn't have due to what happened in book one.

Overall the story focuses on Lenah, Vicken, and Rhode trying to figure out what to do about Odette (another vampire that was created by Lenah over 100 years ago). Odette came to Lovers Bay because of the power she felt when the the group performed the magic needed to turn them human. She is now attacking/killing people around Lenah in the hopes it will get her to give her the information on the ritual.

There is a lot of fighting and death in this book. Eventually Lenah realizes what needs to be done to resolve the problems she has brought upon the school as well as fix the wrongs she committed over the last 500+ years....including Vicken and Rhode. I did enjoy the relationship/friendship that Lenah had with Vicken in this book - he was very protective of her and it created an interesting dynamic.

The epilogue does open up the door for a third book and I would be curious to see how it plays out with Rhode and his search for "her".

linkwithlinda's review

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This was a great sequel. Like the first book, the ending is devastating and can stand as its own close. Also like the first book, however, the epilogue introduces a new and compelling storyline. The writing was much cleaner than the first (Maizel's debut), but there were still some inconsistencies in details and the dialogue wasn't always clear as to who was speaking or what their underlying assumptions were. Looking forward to reading the third book--too bad it was never published in the U.S.

books_plan_create's review

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Full review can be found here

Even though two years had passed since the initial reading of Infinite Days, I was able to fall right back into the story and not lose too much of the story. Lenah, newly human is still adjusting to her life as a human when she is summoned by a group (gonna leave out the spoiler name) who gives her a choice-either remain human or go back to the 15th century and never become a vampire. If Lenah goes back, she will never again be able to see her lover Rhode. Is this a choice she is able to make?

Well, needless to say, she chooses present day life and all hell breaks loose. She has a vicious vampire after her. One who is hell bent on destroying Lenah's life and acquiring all of Lenah's power and thus becoming the new Vampire Queen. But is she strong enough to defeat Lenah who still has a few tricks up her sleeve? Through it all, twists and turns abound. But the end will leave you breathless and wanting more.

Okay. So while not quite as good as the first, I was still hooked. I actually forgot to eat lunch today because I just had to finish the book! And wow. Let's just say this was one of those rare times where the ending blew me away. I did not see it coming. And I was so happy and relieved because of it! I like surprises :)
And to see that the strange pieces in the novel all matched up in the end was even better. Everything was connected and nothing was left hanging. Which okay, maybe not always does not appear that there will be a follow up. Unless....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That is totally a spoiler :P Just didn't want to give anything away, but I want to sooooo bad.

Okay, other than squeeing more over my love of this book, I think I will end this for now. But I do want to add that Stolen Nights is still up there in my favorite vamp series ever!

What's your favorite vampire series? And if you've read this book, Vicken? Rhode? Justin?

tynga's review

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Lenah Beaudonte did the ultimate sacrifice to save her beloved friend Vicken, she forfeited her life to give him back his humanity, or so she thought. But she survived the ritual, and so did Rhode when he performed it for her last year. Where has he been all of this time though? Also, how will human Lenah, Vicken & Rhode fight back the power-hungry vampires the ritual attracted?

It`s been a very long 2,5 years since the release of Infinite Days – a small eternity, really – and I have been highly excited and anxious for this sequel and I`m afraid I was disappointed. Maybe my expectations were to high? It`s a risk when you wait so long for a sequel. Or maybe my taste evolved? I find I`m not so fond of high school based set-up anymore. Or it might be because once the originality of a vampire wanting to be human fades away the plot lost its shine? Either way, Stolen Nights was a decent read, but not what I expected.

Rhode really made a strong impression on me in Infinite Days, even though he was present for such a short period of time, and when I started Stolen Nights I was thrilled to finally meet him. Yet this excitement quickly faded away as he disappointed me – which broke my heart! On the other hand, Vicken proved to be a happy surprise and he turned out to be my favorite element of the novel. I appreciated that Lenah somewhat grew and learnt some lessons. She also acted a lot less selfishly than she used to - a plus side.

Plot wise, I wasn`t thrilled until about 75% of the book. Things picked up after a failed summoning spell and even though the end managed to surprise and engross me, I`m afraid it was too little too late to redeem the novel in my eyes.

All that being said, the end of Infinite Days was a killer and I`m sure you`ll want to pick up Stolen Nights if only to satisfy your curiosity. Hopefully you`ll enjoy this novel more than I did. It`s not bad but it just didn't meet me expectations. I don’t know if there will be a third book in the series, but I don’t plan on reading it unfortunately.

whatdaniellereads's review against another edition

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I just read this book for the second time. I totally forgot what it was about.
Beautifully written, cannot wait to read the third book, Eternal Dawn (which I'm going to read right away!).


Fangirl over here! I loved it so much!

areagle1112's review

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2.5 Stars - The main problem I had with this sequel is that it read more like a novella book, something to connect the first to the last in the series. It wasn't really bad but it lacked a lot of normal plot and tried to make up with a lot of extra people and new things to explain. Nothing happened in the end so I was left with a big "??" at the end, wondering why all this had to be 300 pages.

jawjuhh's review

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In reading this, I honestly cannot remember why I loved the first book so much.

awexis's review

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Stolen Nights, the second book of Vampire Queen, IS AWESOME! Rebecca Maizel really did it with Stolen Nights! I really, really, really loved it! I'm so thankful to JP for introducing Infinite Days to me. :P

Remember my review in Infinite Days? I said I really wish that there'll be more kick-ass actions in the book. And heck! My wish was granted! I didn't get bored since from the start, there's 'actions'. And all my wish were there. I get to see Rhode again. Suleen. Tony (even though it's just mere seconds).

Anyhow, the plot was really good. I mean, it's really unique. With Lenah wanting to be human again after being made a Vampire without having a choice, from there, I know this story was really a unique one. A friend (yes, JP, it's you) already spoiled the book to me (Yes, yes, my fault for clicking the damn spoiler button) but still I can't wait to read it 2 days ago. I usually don't read spoilers cause I get lazy to finish a book, but Stolen Nights? I finished it in less than 10 hours! 8 hours to be exact cause I did some chores first.

So even knowing what happened to them because of the spoiler button (seriously?! Why did they invent spoiler button?!) I did not expect the characters and the story to be like that. I didn't imagine it, didn't thought of it. I hated the Aeris for keeping Lenah and Rhode away from each other. And I really hate the options they gave Lenah. :(

I didn't like Justin ever since book one. And even though
Spoilerhe's been manipulated by Odette
, and had a valid reason for THAT, I still don't like him. I'm really on TEAM RHODE.

Rhode, I love Rhode. Sheesh! No I'm not rating the book because of Rhode. I like him very much because he's really a sweet guy. And the sparks between him and Lenah? WOW. I just kept grinning. Right there and then, I want him to be happy with Lenah. He already lost too much and in pain for a long time. He deserves happiness.
SpoilerI just didn't get it how Rhode could be happy without Lenah. Cause Lenah decided to go back in 15th century and let Rhode be in the 21st. That's cruel. If you guys read the Epilogue, your heart will go out for Rhode. Mine did. :( But well, I understand why Lenah did that. She wanted to have a normal life, she didn't choose to be a vampire. But I wish there'll be a way they could still be together.

And there's Vicken! Omg. I like him too. I like him now that he's Human. He's funny, supportive, protective, and a lot more. I really enjoyed reading the book because of Vicken.

Lenah's choices were understandable, what I didn't understand was why she keeps hanging with Justin. What I really like was that she's connected to Rhode. She could see what's in Rhode's mind or just flashes of it. They are soulmates. So I really wish they'll still be together. I like that Lenah is a kick-ass character! She also do her spells like when she did when she was a vamp. Most books I've read says that once a vamp, you could not touch or do magic since they were undead. They don't have a life anymore and that's what I liked in SN too, vamps could do magic.

YES, I really want a third book. And I wonder when will there be a news about it. Seriously! How long should we wait for it?! >_<


arjunthakrar's review

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Now this is what I"m talking about. This is what I have been waiting for way too long and it was exactly what I wanted. Picking up right after the dramatic events of the predecessor Stolen Nights follows Lena and Vicken as she struggles to keep Rhode within her grasp but deny their love whilst realises her true feeling for Justin.

Boy did this blow me away. This is a really deep emotional book. The plot was amazing. The amount of time and effort that was poured into this book and the plot is absolutely amazing and this was well worth the wait. The plot was so delicate yet extravagant and dramatised at the same time that it simply mesmerised, sending you into a trance, from which you could not break. It was glued to this.

The writing was amazing as ever. Maizel ha this beautiful simplicity to her writing that makes it a absolute pleasure to read. The writing just flowed so smoothly and perfectly like a river so to speak and it just sent you reeling in awe. The combination of the plot with the writing was an utter match made in heaven.

Now this goes in a complete different direction introducing Vicken, who we TBH don't particularly like from book 1 and in this book that completely changes. As he becomes a main character you get let into his head and you really warm to him. You realise what he is truly like and you get to hear his story which is extremely different to Lena's.

This book verges a lot more onto the magic side, and I really like that, because I always find that YA fiction seems to try and stay to real and I am perfectly happy with a full blown Fantasy because who doesn't love a bit of magic. This is definitely a good to read.

After waiting for this was so long I was not disappointed and I honestly can say this book was a pure and utter pleasure to sink my fangs into. (if you'll pardon the pun)