
Whore by Willow Aster

anne_mercier's review

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This book put me through the emotional ringer. No lie. It is SO much more than you think it is! As I read each word, I wanted to know more--so much so I very nearly cheated and looked ahead. BUT I DIDN'T! I couldn't. I needed to experience it all just as Willow Aster intended and I'm so glad I did. I enjoyed every second of Whore and it is absolutely one of the Best Books of 2017!

simplyxkate's review

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Well this book was a ride. I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t the female MC being held captive and raped by an ex-lover/mob boss for the majority of the book.

This was my first book by Willow Aster and I enjoyed her writing but I wish there was more to this story. Lili and Soti seemed to fall in love in a matter of days. While we know that Lili was a high-end prostitute, we don’t know much about Soti. How does he have connections with the New Orleans police department? Why is there so much security at the community center where he lives and volunteers? How did he manage to keep track of Lili after their first encounter six years prior to when they meet again? There was definitely more to his story and I wish we would have been let in on it.

ladywestfall's review

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I like this book! I did not expect it to be what it is. I was expecting more of a typical NA sexy book and did not expect it to have a lot of angst and suspense. And MOBS. I love Lili and Soti fine. Soti's character is a bit too good to be true, tbh. But hey, who doesn't like an over all good guy? I sometimes cringe with the cheesy lines. This book has a lot of cheese and fluff in it.

Overall, I enjoyed this book! FIRST READ OF THE YEAR!!

sim_96's review against another edition

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This book started off slow, very slow in my opinion. I don't know what it was but the monotony of everything just got boring quickly. That was until we met the Greek God that would become the stuff of wet dreams. But that was the only real saving grace for this story, the rest of it was boring, over-used romance material. She leaves, gets into trouble and in the end everything is fine and they all live happily ever after. Now, I love a good HEA but this book spent way too much time on things that could have been left out and a lot less time on the things that mattered.
Nico, Lilith's first love shows up again unannounced, ready to take her back. Soti, the hot guy she can't seem to escape is in the right place at the right time. He's hot, he's single and he seems to want to save her from everything.
Now, the whole premise of the story, without going into too much detail, is hard to follow. Why is all of this happening? We never get an explanation as to why what happens to Lilith happens. We get a nicely tied bow at the end with a HEA but there are frayed edges and I do not like frayed edges.
The story telling was boring, the lack of description of anyone outside of the three main characters annoyed me and the predictability of the story was too much for me.

shellysbookcorner's review

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So you know when you see a book and think it will be about one thing and you’re wrong? This is that type of book. This book is way more than the title gives it credit for. Lilith is a “whore” but she is so much more. She isn’t like the others and you can see it in the way she conducts herself. I loved how Soti, opened up her eyes so she could see her worth. Soti was the ultimate book boyfriend and I loved the way he fought and protected her until the very end of the book.

I’ve never read this author before but the cover and blurb caught my attention. So I decided to take a chance and I enjoyed the story. Love finding new authors! I like the author's style of writing and the story did hold my attention. Some parts were a little slow for my liking but when things picked up I couldn’t put this book down. I love finding new authors and Willow Aster did not disappoint.

3.5 Book Corner Stars

*NetGalley review*

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the_sassy_bookworm's review

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descriptionThe first 50% of this book was solid 5-Star material. Then halfway through a character pulled the biggest shit for brains move that overshadowed the entire second half. I was left going...seriously? You believe that of her knowing all you know about her life up until that point?? The threats made against her?? I also felt the second half of the book was rushed with too many jumps in time and a lot of over the top events.

That said, I still found myself pulled into the story. This is the first book I have read from this author but it won't be my last. She has a very captivating way of writing. I loved the setting of New Orleans. The pace was good for the first 50%. Like I mentioned above I found the second half to be rushed and I am not particularly a fan of time jumps in my books and the second half used this technique a lot. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. It was full of feels and heartbreak but also hope and redemption. There were a few sex scenes but I wouldn't say it was overly spicey. There was a nice selection of secondary characters as well.


Both of the main characters were likable (mostly). For the first half of the book I ADORED Soti. He was sweet. He treated Lilith like gold. He wore his heart on his sleeve. Then the halfway point came and I have to say Soti lost some of his luster for me. He was too quick to think the worst of Lilith considering he knew about her previous life. The threats made against her, etc. I mean for heavens’ sake did he forget the damn car chase?? How do you claim to love someone from the ends of earth and back, but a SINGLE letter convinces you that it was all a lie??!! He seemed to be a somewhat intelligent man, so how could he not put two and two together? He gave up on her SO easily...sigh. Lilith I loved from beginning to the end. She was a strong heroine. She had to be with all the shit that kept getting thrown at her. Last, it was all wrapped up in a sweet ending that again was rushed for me. I would have liked more page space given to Soti and Lilith
Spoilerlearning to be a couple again.
All in all though I enjoyed it quite a lot, so yours truly is giving this one two thumbs up.description 




mirandao78's review

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Loved, loved, loved this book! Very happy to have made this my first book of the New Year. Despite all of the ugliness surrounding Soti & Lili, their love story is one of the sweetest I’ve ever read. And Soti may now have a permanent place amongst some of my favorite ever book boyfriends.

ac223's review

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“Happiness is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on you,”
"Trust is a necessary medication: hard to give and hard to take."
"Nothing highlights unworthiness more than kindness."
"Dignity cannot be stolen; it can only be given away."

Why, why, why did I wait so long to read this? I have been in such a reading funk lately and I just haven't felt the usual desire to read. All you really need to get out of that bad juju is a good book. Willow Aster is my absolute favorite author, and she never fails to disappoint. Everything she writes is gold, and I love her for it.

Lilith is a whore, she was born and raised knowing exactly what her life would be. It's not as if anyone gave her a choice, and she's doing what she was born to do. That is until she meets Soti Christos, the very best kind of man. He wants Lili to have the kind of life she didn't even know she was allowed to hope for, a life she doesn't think someone like her deserves. Nico Santelli is used to having what he wants, and what he wants is Lilith. Not because he loves her, but because she is a means to an end, and the end is all he cares about. He's brutal, evil, and relentless and though he needs Lilith too, he'll make sure she knows her existence, and how she lives it is up to him. A story or redemption, and unconditional love is the perfect description for Whore.

kylieeason's review

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This was a rating I had to sit on for some of the morning, and I'm still not sure it's 4 star worthy.

The book as it stands is pretty good. If it was just placed as a fictional novel I'd probably recommend it, because Lilith is an amazing woman.
However, this is in the genre of romantic suspense, and I felt like both aspects were lacking. Very few times throughout the book did I get excited and ready to follow Lilith into the depths of whatever was about to happen, I wasn't kept on edge and I wasn't biting my nails waiting for the other shoe to drop.

When you think romance you think big gestures, swoon worthy moments, and (unfortunately) a lot of sex. None of that really was present here either.

Outside of those missing elements, this book is a great girl power read. Lilith is a whore at her most central level. It's all she's known, and all she's ever thought she'd be. But as the story progresses you see little changes in her, leading up to the grand finale (end of the story). I love her. I respect her, and I aspire to have even 1/4 of the strength she portrayed and carried. I would definitely be interested in a follow up story with her as the center.

sbauer16's review

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I never know what I'm going to get with a Willow Aster except a beautifully written story with an EPIC romance.

Whore was so much more than what I thought it would be. SO MUCH MORE.

Soti was the PERFECT male specimen.

Exhibit A) "Not everyone sees you as a business transaction, Lili."

Exhibit B) "I think my whole life has been leading me to you."

Exhibit C-Z) "I wish I was artistic, so I could capture you in this exact moment. Perfection."

What'd I tell you?! I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the words to come out of his mouth that would make me swoon.

I would've loved, LOVED it if Whore never ended or I'd take it if it was even longer. I was FILLED with disappointment when I turned the last page to find the story over.

I know the new year JUST started and this was my second book, but I'm claiming Whore to be one of my FAVORITE reads of the year!!!
