
Peace of Evon by Dorothy Tinker

bedtimebookworm's review

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This review was originally posted on Bedtime Bookworm

Reread Thoughts

As I said in my original review of this book, my cousin is the author of this book! I reread this in anticipation of continuing the series. (Which, of course, I have yet to do. Too many books, too little time right? I hope to continue the series soon though!) The first time I read this book, I felt the pacing was on the slow side - and that didn't change. However, this time I was more invested in the characters since I was already familiar with them. Being more invested in the characters made the chapters go by more quickly. For the most part, I would consider this book to be more character focused than plot focused. I think the first time around, there were so many characters being introduced that I didn't really grasp everyone's relationships and personalities. I feel I enjoyed the story more when I reread it because I understood the characters better. The other things I enjoyed about the book originally still hold true. I love the girl-pretends-to-be-a-boy trope, especially in combination with talking magical creatures (a dragon and a horse!). I also really enjoyed seeing languages that I'm familiar with have an influence on the languages in the book.

In Summar

Overall, I enjoyed this book more the second time around. I think my increased enjoyment had a lot to do with being more familiar with the characters and the setting. I'm looking forward to continuing the series. These characters have grown on me and I want to know what happens to them!

bedtimebookworm's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Bedtime BookwormI always want to be upfront and honest here on my blog when I’m talking about my thoughts on a book - or my thoughts about anything really! That being said, I want to say that my cousin self-published this book! (I AM SO PROUD OF HER!!) She has been working really hard on this quartet, and I finally got around to reading the first book. She even designed the cover herself! Overall, I enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to reading the next one! :)

The Pacing

I think the voice of this book is a little on the younger side of what I usually read - I found it to be on the level of Rick Riordan books... maybe a little older - but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it! To be honest, I did have a little trouble with the pacing. The first half of the book dragged a little for me, but things definitely picked up after the second half - especially once the demi-gods get involved (YES THERE ARE DEMI-GODS)! And the two MCs start spending more time together and that makes the story so much more interesting!

Knowing the author personally, I happen to know a little of the backstory of this book. This quartet was originally a two-book series, however, the what was originally the first book was quite long for a YA novel. So, now the series will be a quartet! What are now the first two books of the series were originally one book. Meaning - this book I read and am reviewing was originally only half of the first book. To me, that explains some the pacing issues I felt.

The Writing

I loved the writing in this book! It was really well done and beautiful. I often have issues with the writing in YA books - especially those that are probably aimed for people a little younger than me - but I didn’t have that issue with the writing here at all. Dorothy also incorporated different languages into the story - and I LOVED IT. What can I say - I love languages (English is my native language, but I also speak Korean fluently, and some Spanish as well - and I aspire to learn more - I would love to learn Japanese!). Little phrases of Spanish and German are thrown into conversations based on the characters country of origin and their "native" language. They were all (well most) phrases I was familiar with, but there is also a glossary at the end for reference. I enjoy when fantasy books have their own languages incorporated into the story, but using languages readers may (or may not!) have some familiarity with is a great idea, in my opinion! Plus, the demi-gods add an interesting twist to the story - one that I haven't really seen before.

The Characters

I enjoyed getting to know these characters! I immediately felt a connection with the MC, Gemi. I was a tomboy growing up (although you would never guess it now, I can be very girly nowadays!). I always appreciate female characters pushing social boundaries. As mentioned briefly in the synopsis, Gemi is raised by her father as someone who will take over his dukedom, not just a daughter to marry off - I loved that! There's even a horse and a dragon involved! Who loves horses and dragons? *raises hand* I DO!! (view spoiler) You get to know the second MC, Ferez, a little more slowly but he really grew on me! I can't wait to learn more about the two and see where the story goes.

In Summary

Overall, despite the slow start, I enjoyed this book and I look forward to continuing the story. I want to know what happens to these two MCs! I recommend this book to fantasy lovers, mythology lovers, horse lovers and dragon lovers (I LOVE DRAGONS!!). Readers who enjoy Rick Riordan (mythology!) and The Inheritance Cycle books (dragons!) should check this book out! The second book of the quartet, Gift of War, is already out and the third, Lost King, is being released on March 31st.

si0bhan's review against another edition

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To begin with I would like to offer the biggest apology in history to the author. I won a copy of the book back in October yet have been away from home for the last couple of months meaning I couldn’t read and review it. I’m so sorry about this: I cannot begin to explain how disappointed I was by this fact. It was a case of counting down until I could read the book rather than counting down the days until I would be seeing people again (which probably isn’t something I should be admitting to). Nevertheless, despite the fact that it is a couple of months later than I would have preferred, I have now finished the book and I must say I am exceptionally pleased to have been given the chance to read this little gem.

Excited to read the book, I jumped right in once I had the time to do so. As I started reading it I will admit to becoming somewhat tentative: at first the story seemed almost childish, something below what I would usually read. However, after a short while it turned into so much more than a mere child’s story – turning into a book which kept me gripped from start to end. In fact, the further through the book you get the more elaborate and beautiful the story becomes, weaving in much more than I expected. I thought it to be a mere story of one character fighting for peace in the war-torn world, yet before I knew what was happening other elements – supernatural beings beyond those common in the mythical world – came into play and made things even more beautiful.

The characters are great. The world is wonderfully created. The story is brilliant.

Honestly, upon finishing the book I was questioning why I felt as I did when I started reading it. Really, what had caused me to feel such a way about the book? It was great and my original view of it probably shouldn’t have been quite so negative. Nonetheless, as the four stars show it wasn’t quite as perfect as my end state would have me believe. Whilst the writing wasn’t bad within itself it did not scream out to me in the way that certain writing styles do. Do not get me wrong, this is not a reason to avoid the book – in no way is it badly written – I merely believe that a world so beautifully crafted should come with an equally beautiful writing style. This view, however, could just be that certain books I have read in the past have shifted me into expecting such a thing more often (which, trust me, leaves me disappointed more over than it should).

Nevertheless, it is a wonderful read and I am truly grateful that the author and Goodreads allowed me the chance to read this little gem. In fact, was it not for this fact I’m fairly certain I would never have got my hands on the book. With that, I would like to point out that I am certainly looking forward to continuing the series. My only problem – which really isn’t a problem at all, or will be considered as such by most – being that I need to know where to get my hands on this book in the UK. Specifically, my OCD requires me to have a copy sent over from America, as this one was, due to the fact that the book is published in a different manner due to it coming from overseas.

Why, oh why, must the world trouble me in such a way? Is it too hard for books to be the same size no matter where they are published? As in my experience those coming from America always seem to be larger than those I’m used to. Of course, now I am just getting away with myself and running completely off topic.

As I deal with my little dilemma I very much suggest you jump on this book – as my sister plans to in the near future after I expressed my love for the book – and enter the wonderful world that the author has created. You will not regret it!

crystalmethany's review against another edition

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What's wrong with being kindhearted?
When the kindness is directed towards the wrong kind of creature. Some things don't appreciate kindness.
Three stars doesn't quite seem enough to give this - if it were possible, I would say three and a half - but I'm sticking by the Goodreads system. I liked it, but I can't quite say that I really liked it.

Starting off, this book felt easy to read, albeit perhaps with a slight feeling of childishness at the beginning, however, as the book progressed, it more or less lost this. The writing style was by no means 'bad', but there was nothing about it that made it stand out or could bring me to find the plot particularly gripping. Personally, I found the storyline to drag a little, and in spite of various scenes which would in reality be dramatic and exciting - battles, escapes, ambushes - the lack of a special spark in the writing meant that these scenes weren't presented in a way that made them particularly exciting to read about. Towards the end of the book I was just beginning to tire of the writing, and needed something different. As I said though, I do not mean this to discredit the writer whatsoever.

The author has created a very interesting world, and unlike in some books, through the writing I believe I can feel that the author has crafted this world of hers to perfection, and that she understand all of its aspects and is confident in how it works. Similarly, the characters are interesting and develop nicely, but I still feel that I want to know more about them, particularly the second main character, Ferez. Of course, this is only the first book of a series, so there may well be plenty more of that to come! It very much concludes with matters clearly leading in the way of a sequel, with

Speaking of characters, I absolutely loved the variety of character names, plus the use of other languages in how side characters slip into their native tongues at random points was a very nice touch, and few were difficult to understand, even for somebody like myself who barely knows any German or Spanish. There was a glossary at the back too, so I wasn't left wondering when it came to the phrases I couldn't figure out.

Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable but not outstanding novel, and I am interested in seeing how the story progresses in the sequel, which I would read at some point in the future.