
Mean Little People by Paige Dearth

lynwarner's review against another edition

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Good story

This book has several marks of a good novel—interesting storyline, good pacing and sympathetic characters. The too frequent use of alternate spelling to show the regional accent was a bit annoying and could probably have been conveyed in a more subtle manner. Two important characters, Donata and Ruth, just disappear towards the end of the story with no explanation for their absence. I’m not sure I would read another novel by this author. As I said the story is good but the writing could use improvement.

shai3d's review against another edition

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I don't know about being a BORN MOBSTER but life has certainly forced Tony down that path. From a young child, Tony faced bullying at school and abuse at home. Even so, he was still a child that could experience love. It wasn't until he went to Juvie to save a friend that he experienced the true depravity that adults can drop too.

Even after reading this story, I can't say whether or not I enjoyed it. It kept me reading but it is far from a comfortable story. Tony is a strong individual and I wish that I could say that his experiences were unusual but they really weren't. Life can be hell for some children and it amazes me that we don't have more BORN MOBSTERs among us.

I wasn't really happy about the ending as it pretty much concludes Tony's story and then tells the reader that another book about Tony is coming out. I do think that my readers who enjoy reading biography style books might enjoy Tony's story.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

werthers's review

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I received a free copy of 'Mean Little People' in exchange for an honest review.

What a dark book. We meet Tony Bruno at age 7. An outcast, bullied and abused by his peers and his own father, the poor kid hasn't got a lot going for him right from the start. He eventually learns to stand up for himself and finds friends, but then also finds himself taking the rap for one of them and landing himself in juvie - which results in a huge downwards spiral for him. It's pretty hard hitting, as although worlds and worlds away from my life, unfortunately, it feels like a lot of the topics covered in the book are very real for a very large number of people.

As I said before, this is a dark book. It's pretty graphic and disturbing - quite a full on read if I'm being honest - but I could not put it down. I read it in one sitting. Despite some of the horrendous stuff that Tony and his friends get up to, I found most of the characters quite likeable, which I think was intentional on the authors behalf, and proves that she has done a great job. This book definitely would not be for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and will be adding Paige Dearth to my authors list!

readinggrrl's review

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This is a dark book. Tony is bullied at school, bullied at home by his father, winds up in Juvie where horrible things happen to him, lives on the streets and pretty much raises himself. Just when you think things are in an upswing you get the rug pulled out from under you. It is an emotional roller coaster of a book.

As a Philly girl I loved the setting and Dearth really brings South Philly to life, North Philadelphia has changed a bit from the time this book is set but I remember when it was the gang ridden hell hole she describes.

Its been a few days since I finished this book and its still sitting with me. Tony is one of those characters who will stay with me for a long time.

nikkiethereader's review

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All Tony has wanted was to be loved and accepted by people. From the time he was born, he has been rejected by everybody but his mother. He's bullied constantly until the third grade where he finally takes matters into his own hands since he sees that nobody will help him. His life remains rough and he falls on more and more bad luck every time he turns around, but he somehow manages to overcome it all.

Before I say how I feel about this book, I want to state very clearly that this is a very heavy book. People who don't like to read about a lot of violence and other aspects should not read this book. It definitely covers a lot of things that some people find very hard to swallow.

That being said, I really did enjoy this book. My heart went out to poor Tony every step of the way. I love how the whole story took place through his growing up. I felt like I was literally watching this poor kid grow up and all I wanted to do was step into the pages and comfort and protect him and watch the man he grew up to be. It was emotionally wrenching, but worth every page turn.

There are some issues in this book that I had a huge problem swallowing, but in order to air them out, I'd have to throw in big spoilers. I don't believe in throwing spoilers in reviews, so I'm going to leave it alone. It's nothing against the book itself. I didn't really find many (if any) issues with it. I may have to do a blog later about the social situations that I found I couldn't wrap my head around.

All in all, I still recommend this book. I fully advise that this book be taken with caution if the person is sensitive to heavy subjects. If the person is okay reading a book with some very heavy and sensitive subjects, I do warn that it is very emotionally gut wrenching. They will be on the edge of their seats through the whole journey. I was so close to tears when I finished the book. I can't even describe it.

tyler_j's review against another edition

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I wanted to run away, screaming in terror from this story so many times while reading it. It is the most difficult book to get through as well as review I have ever read. Nothing could have prepared me for this story and the horrors that awaited me within it. I can't even write this review without crying.

Tony was bullied at school as well as at home by his father. At just 13 years old he paid the price for a crime he didn't commit. He went to juvenile detention, where the adults are supposed to protect and help the kids there to do better, but instead that often isn't the case at all. Adults who should know better can be the biggest monsters of all. His father threw him out on the streets at 13 and his life just keeps getting worse from there. Are there some happy moments? Sure, but don't get used to them. When you think it couldn't possibly get worse, it does. When you think it couldn't get more heart-breaking, it will.

This story is horrific...but it's entirely realistic, which just adds to the horror. Real people live with these horrors. Real people go through this crap. It's a world gone wrong. A little love and caring could have gone a long way. It's about a boy abused and neglected at every turn, just trying to survive and in order to just survive he ends up having to do horrible things. This book takes you on his journey, through all the crap life throws at him, through all his feelings and thoughts. It made me feel so much for him, to cry so many ugly tears. And even typing this they keep's been nearly a day since I finished the story before writing this up, and I can't stop crying or thinking about it. I know this story will stay with me, and I will never look at anyone the same way again. You never know what they've been through to get to where they are today.

I get why this book is written the way it is, to tear your heart to shreds. It contains a very important message on bullying and where it can lead. How it CAN stop, these horrors don't need to happen. But it won't stop unless we look these stories in the eyes and take them in. Stories like this need to be told and listened to, no matter how hard it is. Because of how hard it is. If it's this hard to read it, imagine the kids living it.

Stuff that you might worry about while reading does get challenged and tackled in the book. It tackles so many things. And stuff is obviously ment to cause horror, to not be agreed with. I can see why it was written that way, if it wasn't the impact and meaning might be lost.

Tony gets PTSD from stuff he goes through, anyone that lives the life he did would. His nightmares, the way it affects daily life things, the feelings and shame he has from it all are talked about. As someone with PTSD I related so much. I related to several things in this story actually as well seeing stuff in it that i've seen in real life. I loved the way it handled Tony's PTSD. It talked about how it affected him. Kate, who if you read you will meet in the story, helps him through it. Nothing may ever be perfect but it talks about ways to help those with PTSD in a realistic way.

Themes include everything from bullying, abuse, rape (and when do you ever see a boy getting raped talked about or cared about? In fiction or real life, it's something that needs to be mentioned), love, kindness, sexism, toxic masculinity. To not be so quick to judge others, you never know their life story. The balance between good and evil. How a little kindness and love can mean a lot and even make a world of difference.

There is so much more I want to say but don't know how to say it or don't want to spoil the story. It's something you just have to experience for yourself. Read it when you are in a good headspace and keep the tissues close.

TW: Bullying, Abuse, Neglect, Violence, Rape, Murder, Depression, PTSD, homophobia, fatphobia, fire

brandy_wine's review against another edition

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This is not as dark as some of her other stories. BUT I will say that now it makes SO much more sense the one thing that I didn't understand in her other book the connection between the guys. Now I get it. I truly enjoy reading her books and will continue to read what she puts out. They keep me on my toes and I never want to put them down.

bookmeabreak's review against another edition

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I liked this one most. There was a mixed ending. Review soon

kkecreads's review

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It was good. I found the dialogue a tad gimmicky, but I get that the author was attempting to place emphasis on the accents. It was an easy read, and overall I did enjoy the book.

kkecreads's review against another edition

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It was good. I found the dialogue a tad gimmicky, but I get that the author was attempting to place emphasis on the accents. It was an easy read, and overall I did enjoy the book.