svreads's review against another edition

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If you have ever taken medication for anxiety or depression, if you're currently taking them, or if you're considering taking them, I strongly urge you to read this book. I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for about 18 months now, and it is one of the most physically and mentally painful and debilitating things a person can experience. But I am here to tell you, and so is Dr. Kelly Brogan, that anti-depressants are not always the answer. Despite what pharmaceutical companies would have you believe, we don't actually know how the brain works and the effects anti-depressants have on it. These are essentially chemicals that we think help, despite the fact that many people who are on anti-depressants never actually "get better." If these medications are supposed to work, then why are more and more people taking them but not becoming happier people? The answer is most likely this: chemicals aren't the answer, because overall health and wellness is. Essentially, avoiding toxins and chemicals heals us. A balanced diet and exercise are essential. We are created to eat natural foods that nourish our bodies. How can we expect our minds and bodies to function efficiently if what we are feeding it is so processed it's essentially no longer even food. Please, friends, do yourself a favor and find out what you can do to give yourself a chance to defeat anxiety and depression without buying into the idea that you have a disease that can be cured with chemicals.

sunbreak's review against another edition

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I started off the book thinking "yes, girl, shout that louder" about the paucity of research regarding psychotropic meds. A lot of what she says is clear and valid and then... oh wow.. suddenly the rest of the book discredited all her good points in the beginning. She's anti vax and anti mask and that was enough for me.

anawalt's review against another edition

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Kelly Brogan starts off with logic and sound assertions. Things that make sense, things that are tangible, like the mind-gut connection.

She then uses this trust she builds to assert far more dangerous claims based in nothing more than you now trust her. You’re down her rabbit hole where science, logic, and reason no longer exist. This is where the anti-vaxx mentality feeds from.

Don’t waste your time beyond the first 1-2 chapters. Maybe save your money for a more credible and trustworthy source altogether.

Did not finish.

dotreadsbooks's review against another edition

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The best part of this book was learning about the lymphatic system of the brain. It makes perfect sense and backs up my strongly held belief that the right food is a humans most effective medicine. As a vegan, I can’t agree with her nutritional instruction. I have been eating a plant-based diet for 8 years and feel great and have hard evidence that my body is healthier now than ever. I’m also a bit skeptic of the author’s anti psych drug soap box. I think some psych drugs can be helpful in the short term. This book is especially great for people who deal with depression and want a natural perspective.

the_herbal_carnivore's review against another edition

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3.8 stars
I appreciate Dr. Brogan's story, where we she came from and how she got to where she is today. She offers so many studies to back-up what she shares and the anecdotal evidence is there as well. The only part I don't agree with Brogan in is the new age side of things; as a whole Bible believer I cannot agree with the practice of yoga as YHVH says in His Word to stay away from such practices.

histoticbookrunner's review against another edition

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Everyone needs to read this book, we are so complacent with our pretty little pills that solve all of our problems.... but what are they really doing to us?

It is easier to fool someone than convince someone they are being fooled- Mark Twain

hooklm15's review against another edition

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oof this book. i didn’t want to right a review without finishing the book because that felt inappropriate but now i feel like i just made myself suffer unnecessarily.

i want to start by saying i think our author is coming from a good place - i hope so, at least. do primary care physicians default to medication 9 times out of 10 without considering the full scope of someone’s health? of course. just think about how pervasive fat phobia is in the medical field. HOWEVER - the author’s blatant disregard for the reality of those suffering from severe mental disorder was incredibly toxic and problematic for me.

as someone who has a psychiatrist and therapist who focus on holistic medicine - it is medication AND sleep, medication AND diet, medication AND routine. natural methods are a gift but they cannot solve everything. i recognize im speaking from a place of privilege by having multiple medical professionals to guide my journey, BUT i would argue the author’s target audience are those who have the means to and can support a costly path to numerous supplements and entirely unprocessed foods because they have unlimited time and resources.

i suppose i would advise readers to make their own opinions on this book and its content - i just want to make it known that if you become uncomfortable reading it, you’re not alone, and you are not broken.

misspudding's review against another edition

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Good info, even with the woo

I knew a lot of this info from my own struggle with depression. Thankful I resisted antidepressants in the past because of how Dr. Brogan indicates their efficacy isn't better than placebo (and there's no way to determine if that's all they are). I did find some of the diet and lifestyle tips to be helpful, but I'm not about to try coffee enemas. Sorry. LOL

rscuderi's review against another edition

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Some day all of these reviewers who are slamming the author for being "out there" are going to wake up from their fog of ignorant popular medicine and realize they should have listened.
Lots of fabulous information, highly trained psychiatrist who is questioning the classic, yet highly ineffective pill popping culture of depression treatment. There have been numerous, well documented studies showing that meds don't work better than placebos! We need to start looking at underlying causes rather than throwing pills at the problem...

mrsgrievous's review against another edition

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Part 1 felt like a lot of fear mongering about never taking any medication ever. Part 2 was where the actual lifestyle suggestion changes were, with a lot of information about how the body systems work. Honestly it was a lot of common sense (with medical info on WHY it works)... eat cleaner, get more rest, exercise, practice mindfulness, etc.