
My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling

gabicreads's review against another edition

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Original review on Gabic Reads Review copy received from Netgalley --Thanks you

Sophie is spunky. I thoroughly enjoyed her straightforwardness and sarcastic humor. She kept everything light, fun, and entertaining. Sophie is also really plucky and tries to take everything in stride. She's extremely brave and very protective of those she loves, particularly her best friends Theo and Hannah. Sophie learns that she is Persephone, but Persephone is not her. She's her own person, a human, with a different personality than Persephone the goddess had. She struggles to accept her power and identity while recovering Persephone's memories.

Theo is Prometheus. Yep, the very same Titan that gave fire to humans. He also happens to be Sophie's gay best friend. He is supportive but secretive. Theo kept a lot of things from Sophie that were important.

Hannah, oh, Hannah. She's a science geek. A science geek that looks like a Swedish model. She's the perfect best friend for Sophie. She, like Sophie, is sarcastic, but she's more logical. I loved her random comments about animals and food chains.

Kai is the son of Hades and the love of Persephone's life. Sophie and Kai don't recognize each other when they first meet, but their kiss is what unlocks some of Persephone's memories. The romance between the two doesn't feel forced or rushed. It was perfect, with both of them struggling to accept that Sophie is/isn't Persephone.

My Ex From Hell is an entertaining action/romantic comedy book. Be sure to grab a copy when it hits shelves on Monday!

Thanks to Netgalley and Te Da Media for the ARC.

maraya21's review

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3.5 Stars

This was highly entertaining in all its unexpected glory!

I'm half Greek so I take an interest - whenever it suits me - with all things Greek. Especially Greek Mythology, cause let us face it, who wouldn't love insanely OTT bundles of bloody whatthefuckery?

So, this one is about Persephone but it gets of the well known myth into a spin off, which I did like. Not sure if the blutant inaccuracy was planned or not but somehow it works for this if you don't go neatpicking that is.

Points I liked:
• I did like Sophie/Persephone. "Murder is me" kind of girl and after my own heart.
• #friendship_goals with Sophie and her BFF Hannah.
• Also #friendship_goals with Sophie and her other BFF Theo.
• Theo & Hannah were great side characters. They had snark and brains.
• No insta-love that melts your brain. I mean there was attraction but thank Goddess nothing of the normal insta variety.
• Kai actually acting like a God, meaning being a little douche (albeit a likeable one), instead of saying he's one and acting like a hormonal teenage boy 25/7.

Interested in seeing where this will end up going. Onwards, I go.

Auxiliary Challenge Winner for January 2018 (Theme: MYTHOLOGY / GODS)

van_anna_'s review against another edition

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halynah's review against another edition

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Sweet, funny and entertaining!

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

My Ex From Hell is a fun romp through Greek mythology. First and foremost, his book will make you laugh. The synopsis explains the plot pretty well, so I'll just jump right into my review.

The negatives:

I wasn't totally on board with Kai and Sophie.
I really wanted to love Kai (and to want Sophie to love Kai), but I just wasn't totally there. He was a typical bad boy - the guy who sleeps around and acts all cool and mysterious - but I just didn't get much more from him. I like my bad boys with a side of "heart of gold" and I didn't get that from Kai. I'm still hopeful that we'll get to know him more in the next book, though, so I can get a proper swoon on.

What I loved:

Snarky humor.
Sophie is one of the snarkiest characters I've read in a long time, and I loved her! The humor in this book reminded me a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - fun and relevant and sarcastic. Sophie gets in a lot of trouble, but she didn't come across as unlikable (at least not to me). Instead, I totally wanted to be her friend!

Speaking of being Sophie's friend, I loved the friendships in this book! Sophie's best friend Hannah is perfect - both brainy and good looking (a combination that isn't often found, especially in the "friend" character). She's great fun and takes getting pulled into the world of Greek gods and goddesses remarkably well. I loved that it was Sophie and Hannah's friendship that pulls Sophie through some difficult situations (rather than her strange relationship with Kai, which could have been the only focus). Theo is another great character - and is also an amazing friend, who obviously sacrificed a lot for Sophie (or for Persephone, depending on how you look at it). Sophie has a great support system helping her through her crazy life!

The mythology.
Okay, you're not going to get hard-core accurate mythology from this book (Persephone's story itself is changed up a bit - at least it seems to be thus far, but we haven't gotten the full story yet!), but you will definitely recognize your favorite tales - with a twist! I really loved the mythology in this book and thought that it was incorporated in a fun and unique way.

You're not really supposed to take My Ex From Hell all that seriously. Is it cutting-edge fiction? Not really. But is it great fun? Definitely!. I give it 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions are my own***

talya_'s review against another edition

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This book is all over the place which makes it extremely hard to follow. I zoned out a few hundred times and skimmed over a lot of this. The characters are annoying and I couldn't connect with any of them, nor did I care for them at all.

postitsandpens's review

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3.5/5 stars.

A really fun twist on the Hades and Persephone myth, complete with a very sassy, sarcastic and fun MC. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

To read my review, please visit my blog here.


To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!

kira648's review against another edition

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3.85 rating

heather4994's review

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Who should not read this? Anyone looking for in depth characters, deep storylines, serious plots, tighty constructed stories. You won't find it here. But if you want some fun, you've come to the right book! Who should read this? Anyone looking for fluff, snark, and a whole lot of fun. From the very beginning, Sophie is hilarious. She is witty, snarky, and doesn't sit around doing nothing. Not her, she goes after the mean girl locking her in a bathroom and stealing her hookup. Only the plan backfires on her and her world changes forever when it happens. I love, love, love when the Greek Gods like to stick their noses in the human world and try to destroy it. Sophie is Earth's only hope for salvation. Too bad she hasn't got a clue.

This novel isn't really anything new when it comes to the Greek Gods mixing their fingers in human affairs. There is a boarding school involved with portals to the world of the Gods. The school is warded heavily so no one with the intention of harming Sophie can enter. Creatures we've seen before, teachers turning into dangerous monsters. All things borrowing maybe a little too heavily from Rick Riordan but not so much that it hurts the story. The romance is heavy and what really sets it apart is the snarky wit and dialogue.

As I read this book, and it is laugh out loud funny, I knew there were some plot problems, but it is so much fun you can't help loving it. Sophie has a less than stellar adoptive mother who is a socialite that sent her to Hope Park Prep school from first grade. Hannah is her best friend from first grade, Theo from second grade and they know each other inside and out. So when Sophie suddenly discovers she's the human reincarnation of Persephone things get really weird. She doesn't remember her ex boyfriend or most of her life as Persephone. Sophie goes from one dangerous situation to an awkward one to another dangerous one and so on throughout the book, kind of making it up as she goes on.

The greatest thing is that every character, Sophie, Theo, Hannah, and Kai are all snarky and the quips just keep on going. Good thing you don't have to keep count. They keep the story moving forward and the action is quick, the story never lags with the brilliant conversation. I got bogged down just a little with the Persephone story line, whether Sophie is a goddess and immortal or not, what powers she has and what it means for her and Kai. But I didn't let it trouble me too much. I'll definitely be reading the next in the series. This is a great Spring Break or Summer read! So for a fun time read My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling!!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher for review. This in no way influenced my review. I was not compensated for my review.

fictionalkate's review

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In the past year I’ve read a few retellings of the Persephone myth but I think My Ex From Hell would have to be my favourite.

Snarky, sneaky and oh-so sarcastic Sophie Bloom has enough drama trying to keep herself out of trouble without adding a gorgeous greek god ex without adding a past life and magical powers in to the picture. But when a prank on a mean girl goes wrong, Sophie finds herself thrown into a world she’d never believed existed.

I love Tellulah Darling’s style. She manages to write characters that I’m interested in, fabulously snarly dialogue, a plot that intrigues with many twist and turns and throws in hundreds of pop-culture references at the same time.

“Our story starts back on Mt. Olympus sixteen years ago,” he began.
“Nice try,” Hannah interrupted. “I may only know Mythology 101 but those gods predated New Kids On The Block.”

Greek Gods, magical powers and a NKOTB reference? Seriously.. I’m in love.

Sophie is one of those character that I think you’ll either hate her and her egocentric teen attitude or you’ll love her cantankerous nature. I thought she was a good character to have leading the drama and action in this book. She’s not fearless nor is she super self-sacrificing like many heroines I read about. But she’s got an element of real to her that I found endearing and enjoyable to read.

The supporting characters are an interesting bunch. Interesting in terms of I’m not quite sure what to think. Ky – the Ex that the title refers to – is a bit of a cad and his motives are murky from the start. BFFs Theo and Hannah, the chocolate to Sophie’s peanut butter, are the kind of sidekicks that every teen goddess wishes she could have. Loyal, intelligent and desperate to help Sophie’s cause – these are two that I really enjoyed reading about. And what novel set at a boarding school would be complete without the Queen B who is just as dangerous as any lord of the Underworld. I would have loved to have seen more of the mythological gods but considering the length of this book – there’s a lot going on and any more characters would probably be a little too much.

This is just the start of Sophie Bloom’s journey into goddess-hood and there is still so many unanswered questions and mysteries. I’m hooked on Tallulah’s books and will definitely be reading the second book in the series, My Date From Hell, when it comes out next year.