
Black Bullet by L.D. Rose

rhianneyanne's review

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Black Bullet is the second book after Releasing the Demons which I reviewed a few weeks ago. I'm not a fan of this books cover, but the eyes on the model are super creepy! However, that blurb though! Gimme the book now, please!

The second book focuses on the same group of characters as the first, along with some new individuals. This could be read as a standalone but having the worldbuilding of the first book sets the scene a little better.

This book is full of action from the get-go, and it's really hard to put down. I love that the writing pulls you in super easily and you're fully immersed in the book. There's a lot of fighting, and shooting and more everything. I loved that every scene had something that gripped you to your seat and forced your heart to pump.

The chemistry is still on point in this book and definitely hyped up. Which is a nice addition, well, I liked it. I honestly don't think I could love a fictional couple more. While the romance was a bit slower than I like, I really enjoyed the development.

Overall this series is becoming one where I can't wait to get my hands on the next! Definitely, recommend and I'm super excited for book three.

hyperashley's review

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I had to read this book as soon as I finished Releasing the Demon. I had high hopes for this book because I liked RTD so much and I was not disappointed. This book was fast paced and very intense, maybe even more so than the first. Once again I felt like I was right in the story thanks to the author's world building.

I still love the different take on vampires with these hybrids. Jon may not have been too thrilled to be a vampire but I was happy enough for the both of us. I liked his character, maybe not as much as I liked Blaze in book one but I still liked him. He was so serious and would be scary to meet in a dark alley if you were a vampire. Lawan was a very interesting character and her intro to the story was great. She was needed in this book and I loved it.

I did have a 'what the hell' moment or two in this book. Mostly when it was dealing with Lawan. It was definitely a twist that I did not see coming. I just thought Jon was crazy at first. All in all, this was another great book in this series and I really hope there are more to come. I really don't want to be finished with this world.

kylieeason's review

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I'm generally anti-vamps... but I LOVED these books. So fab!

jen_baroness_mom's review

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Black Bullet by L.D. Rose is a dark story that shows how much love can change a life for the good or for the bad.
This is the second in the Order of the Senary books. It was all that I hoped it would be. I really like the Ms. Rose shows us both sides of love and how great it can be when it is with the right person.

Jon is a great character. I saw glimpses of him in the previous book, Releasing the Demons. But this is his story and we learn how a vampire was able to keep his sole. Jon is also a marine and federal agent, but that doesn’t really define him. Jon is so much more and Ms. Rose has made him jump off the pages and right into my heart. Jon has extreme patience, integrity and a huge heart.

Lawan is alone in the world (well, except for her little cat Oscar) and for the most part she wants it to stay that way. She has special powers but has been running for a long time and the last time she trusted someone, let’s just say that it literally left her scarred for life, emotionally and physically. She doesn’t want to trust, love or have anything to do with anyone. She has a plan and that is all that matters to her. She has a strength that is wonderfully tender and yet she doesn’t always feel strong. She tries to hide herself from the world.

Jon and Lawan are great for each other and the Ms. Rose does an awesome job showing us why and how much they need each other. It is really beautiful. The characters grow nicely within the story.

The Gemini Vampires, Regin and Taylon Ramsden are the worst vampires around. They had Lawan for a while but then Taylon released her to upset his brother. These two are wicked. Seriously, wicked. Then with Taylon’s connection to Jon, and Jon’s to Lawan, things got complicated really fast. I am so glad that everyone got what they deserved.

My rating is 4 stars. I truly like this series, and I am really glad that Jon figured it out. He and Lawan are really great for each other. Oh, and there was a nice little surprise for Kasen and Veronica.

This is a Guest Review for Baroness' Book Trove. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book for your site. ~Jen

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This book was given to the Baroness Book Trove for an honest review.

becsa's review

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Two years Jonathan Kerr was unwillingly turned into a vampire and now he is battling to keep others safe from those that turned him. He, alongside his group will do what they can to protect people. But something resides inside Jon that has it's own opinion.

Lowan Knight is a hybrid with a mysterious past that involves being tortured. She is out to kill all vampires, including the group that Jon belongs to. When Jon befriends Lawan she must decide if she can trust him and allow him to help protect her.

But someone wants both Jon and Lawan and will do whatever it takes to get them. There is nothing they won't do, including killing those they are closest to. Will they be able to defeat those against them or will one have to do the ultimate sacrifice?

I enjoyed this book and hopefully there will be more to come as there was quite a few intriguing characters that I would like to learn more about.

Jon has such a battle going on inside and he is such a great guy who really cares about Lawan and the people around him. Yet he hates to rely on others and let them know his weaknesses. He is definitely determined and would sacrifice anything to keep those around him safe.

Lawan has had such a difficult beginning and it was so disheartening to read the things that she has gone through in the past. She has every right to be leery of others and I loved her cat! She was tough yet weak at the same time. Such a great character!

Looking forward to more from this author!!

bobosbookbank's review

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This is the second book in the Order of the Senary series and I gotta say, the series gets better and better! Black Bullet is a standalone but I recommend reading Releasing the Demons first. Not only is it a great book but it gives more background on the Senary and the characters involved. L.D. Rose built an intense, dark and gritty world set in New York but with a twist in history that brought vampires to life. Her words were so imaginative and fantastical that I was easily pulled into Jon and Lawan's story. Their romance is slow burning, it takes a lot for Lawan to learn to trust in Jon and the Knights because of her horrific past. But when Jon and Law finally come together, the chemistry between them is sultry and passionate! I loved Lawan, she was so tough and strong, a real heroine. Jon was of course a tough guy too but he was also incredibly sweet and tender with Law. The story has so much to offer, it's full of intriguing twists, some dark turns, exotic characters, a bit of sexiness and even a sprinkle of laughter. I'm adding this series to my READ AGAIN E-SHELF and I can't wait for the next book! Told from dual POVs with a happy ending for Jon and Law (but hopefully not the end for the Senary yet!)

claire_ingram1987's review

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Another great story in a brilliant series. Once again it is tense, occasionally steamy and a little dark. I'll be honest when I first heard it was Jons story I wasn't overly psyched because well it's not Blaze and comparatively Jon just seemed lame but I'll admit I was wrong. Jon is a sweetheart and I loved super badass Lawan.
Lawan is a female hybrid who has had it bad in life and now spends her time between kicking vampire butt and drinking her problems away with only the company of her pet cat Oscar (who is just the cutest little fierce protector).
Jon is vampire struggling to deal with what he is and working with the hybrids to try to stop Regin, a viscous ruthless vampire. They both learn that sometimes the hardest monsters to fight are those inside of you.
Jon is not your typical male protagonist and is filled with self doubt and loathing. Lawan is reckless and filled with hate. Are they both too broken or are they just what the other needs to help them heal?
The story again is expertly told the plot is full of depth and excitement. I love the return of the other characters and getting more backstory on other characters. The book had me smiling and at the edge of my seat screaming at it (like it could help haha)
Another great addition to a brilliant series and I can't wait to read more

arthistorygirl's review

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Black Bullet by L.D. Rose is the second book in The Order of the Senary series. This book focuses on Jonathan Kerr. He is now a vampire but was a Marine and FBI agent in his former life. Lawan Knight is a hybrid and she has come to trust no one. The two end up working together and learning to trust one another. This book has supernatural, suspense, action, and romance all in one. The story and writing are well done. The pace of the story kept me reading and not wanting to put it down. I enjoyed the characters and story and look forward to more from this series. It reminded me of some current action films but had a better story and characters. I have enjoyed this book and will be reading more from L.D. Rose.

carabellacullen's review

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Black Bullet (The Order of the Senary) By L.D. Rose
4 Stars!!!!

I love finding new authors. I also like finding new series. This book is the second in the series and I am very excited to see what more the author has to offer. I was totally hooked from page one. As well as my total habit of reading out of order!!

I found that I was quite drawn to Jon as well as Lawan. I really found the book quite refreshing and unique. The way that the author didn't straight away bring them together and how the added drama unfolds really kept me fixed on this book. I like how they have a common goal but Lawan really tries to fight her feelings. I found Lawan's character to be more relatable and also I like that the book isn't predictable. I will definitely be reading more from this author and this series in the future.

katie_83's review

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Black Bullet (Order of the Senary #2)
By L.D. Rose
4 stars

Black Bullet is the second book in the Order of the Senary series and another book that I absolutely loved reading! I loved the dark, edgy side to this paranormal read; it makes it really different to read. The author built on the first book incredibly well with this story as we got to find out more about the characters. I really liked the story about Jon and Lawan; they both had their own issues so it was interesting to see them work through those.
The authors writing was excellent, she had my attention from the very beginning. I usually like paranormal romance stories so this series is a little different for me but I am still enjoying it and I would highly recommend it!
I am definitely looking forward to reading more from this author again in the future and to see what is next to come in this series!